Saturday, August 31, 2019
Gender stereotypes
Gender stereotypes refer to the characterisation of groups based on their basic gender attribute as male or female. The gender-based stereotypes are the simplified evaluations of male and female groups that are shared by the community, a culture, a society. The evaluations usually encompass the attributes of physical capability, psychological state, personality, interests and behaviour. (Hogg & Vaughan, 2008) These attributions could be based on fact that such as the differences in the physiological and hormonal characteristics of males and females. However, the evaluations may be overstated. The other attribute evaluations may not be supported by evidence. (Myers, 2008) The nature and source of stereotypes lead to two implications. One implication is on the positive or negative impact of gender stereotypes. Women as emotional and men as rational could be positive when considered as strengths but these stereotypes could also be negative when used to discriminate or exclude in the workplace and in other situations. The other implications is the non-predictive value of these stereotypes over the individual attributes of members of the group. While women are stereotyped as emotional and men are stereotyped as rational, these are not necessarily the core attributes of all females or males. Nevertheless, gender stereotypes are pervasive in different cultures and form part of day-to-day lives. As such, gender stereotypes form during the growing up years (Hogg & Vaughan, 2008). Acquired gender stereotypes develop alongside gender roles, influence gender roles and are reinforced by gender roles. Understanding the factors that foster the development of gender stereotypes and gender roles provide the key areas in influencing the development or in changing the stereotypes and gender roles developed during childhood. Children going through the developmental stages are exposed to different factors that influence their development of gender stereotypes and gender roles. Two of the most pervasive influences on the development of gender stereotypes and gender roles in children are parental influence and media influence. The earliest exposure of children to the meaning of gender and gender differences is from parents. During the development stage, children look up to their parents in developing perceptions, beliefs and attitudes towards various aspects including gender characteristics and roles. (Erkes & Trautner, 2000) Gender socialisation is one concept that explains parental influence on the development of gender stereotypes and gender roles in children. Gender socialisation is the process that facilitates interactive learning of certain behaviours considered as acceptable for males and females based on social-cultural beliefs and values (Hogg & Vaughan, 2008; Myers, 2008). The different expectations for males and females build stereotypes that are reinforced by how these are exacted from children by their parents, The attitudes of parents towards their children, in terms of the encouragement of gendered activities and interests, influence the development of gender stereotypes and roles (Eckes & Trautner, 2000). One manifestation of parental attitudes towards gender is differentiation through colours and patterns (Cunningham, 2001). As early as the pregnancy, the baby’s room is designed and furnished according to the expected gender of the baby. When babies are born, parents buy things such as clothes and other items depending on the gender of their child. Typically, pink is the colour for female babies and blue for male babies. Floral and other similar patterns are bought for girls while cars and truck prints are designated for boys. Dolls are typically for girls and cars or trains for boys. These attitudes and behaviours of parents communicate differences between males and females together with expectations on the concurrent attitudes and behaviour of their male or female children. Another manifestation of parental influence is the chores assumed by parents and assigned to their children (Cunningham, 2001). Usually, girls have more chores inside the household. Mothers usually obtain help from daughters. Sons are also assigned chores but these commonly pertain to work such as lifting or other manual work. These gendered attitudes and behaviours of parents exert influence during socialisation with their children who are receptive to the explicit and implicit messages communicated to them (Eckes & Trautner, 2000) As they become aware of gender differences, they also develop male and female stereotypes. Concurrently, they also start to assume gender roles. Parental influence during the development stages is the key to the development of gender identity. Gender stereotypes and roles acquired during childhood are likely to be retained in the long-term. Parental identification is another concept that explains parental influence as a factor contributing to the development of gender stereotypes and gender roles in children. Parental identification is the process of internalising he attributes of parents and the unconscious repetition of the perceptions, attitudes and behaviour of parents by children (Hogg & Vaughan, 2008). Male children internalise the observed characteristics of their fathers and female children internalise the attributes of their mothers. The gender stereotypes shared and exhibited by parents and the gender roles assumed by the parents constitute signals of the attributes of males and females. Socio-economic background influence the extent of gendered attributes of par ents. Apart from an expected higher educational level for families with higher incomes, gender stereotypes and gender roles is linked to economic status. In developing countries with high poverty rates, gender stereotyping and gender roles are strong. Male preference is tied to expectations of bigger income. Manual work, which is the predominant work, is delegated to males. Domestic chores are assigned to females. In developed countries, female children tend to have lesser restrictions in terms of expected roles. Nevertheless, other factors such as educational attainment of parents determine the gendered attributes observed from parents. Parental influence contributes to the development of gender stereotypes and gender roles in children through the processes of gender socialisation and parental identification with children becoming aware of gender differences through the attitudes and behaviours of parents. The media refers to a wide range of venues including television, gaming consoles, mobile phones, and the Internet. Exposure of children to media has increased over the past five years. A recent survey showed that half of the children under the ages of 5-7 have televisions inside their rooms that they can use anytime without parental supervision. Households with a gaming console have also risen from 67 to 85 percent. Children in this age group also increasingly own personal mobile phones. Every one in five children between 5-7 years old can access the Internet in their homes without supervision from their parents. These support the strong influence of media on children during the development years. There are benefits and downsides to the exposure of children to media. The benefits include reinforcement and support for academic learning. The Internet has become a virtual encyclopaedia for children. Another benefit is social learning. However, the benefits are not absolute and largely depend on the type of media content exposure (Villani, 2001). The downside is the adverse influences on perceptions, attitudes, personality and behaviour from the media content and lack of parental supervision to medicate media influence. Media has an influence on the development needs of young children depending on the media content and the internalisation of this content. Gender stereotyping and gender roles are developmental areas strongly affected by media. Gender socialisation also occurs through media influence. Gender socialisation through media refers to the interaction between children and media content presented in various venues (Hogg & Vaughan, 2008; Myers, 2008). The nature of interaction involves the expression of messages pertaining to gender by media content and mode of delivery. Children internalise these messages to influence their development of ideas on gender, which together with their experiences, affect the development of gender stereotypes and gender roles. Movies and television shows comprise a media more popularly accessible to children. When media portray gendered messages aligns with their actual experiences, then media becomes a reinforcement of their awareness of gendered meanings. If media portrayal differs from their experiences, then other influences such as peers and the school become mediating factors in the development of perceptions about gender. The role of parental supervision is the key to how children internalise gendered messages from movies and television shows. Games are mostly role playing games with players selecting their characters, In the case of games designed for children, gender distinctions emerge from the creation of characters with physical attributes reflecting beauty for girl characters and strength for boy characters (Villani, 2001). The characters usually have clear-cut gender delineations with male characters with muscled physique and female characters with curvaceous physique. The characters in games influence gender stereotypes by providing models of expected physical and psychological attributes of boys and girls. These influence the development of identity and assumption of roles of children. Advertisements express gender categorisation. In a study of advertisements targeting children in the United States and Australia, there is a common trend towards gender stereotyping. The portrayal of boys or the message of advertisements for products intended for boys express aggressiveness, mental dominance, active lifestyle and keenness in operating instruments. The advertisement targeting girls express physical attributes and embellishments. (Browne, 1998) Exposure to gendered advertisements also influences the awareness of children of gender differences and expectations. Gender role identification and categorisation also explain how media contributes to the development of gender stereotyping and gender roles in children. Gender role identification pertains to the association with a gender by an individual. Gender categorisation refers to the classification of attributes for males and females. Hogg & Vaughan, 2008;Myers, 2008) During the development years, children internalise media influences in categorising attributes. Their awareness of gender then leads them to identify with the attributes and role expectations of their gender. The extent of influence of media on the development of gender stereotypes and gender roles depends on the extent of exposure of children and the mediating role of parental supervision or intervention together wit h other influences. Parental influence and media influence are two factors that contribute to the development of gender stereotyping and gender roles in children. Gender socialisation and identification explain the influence on children. As strong influences, it is also through these factors that negative gender stereotypes and gender roles can be changed. Parents exercise authority and moral ascendancy over their children and children look up towards their parents for guidance or models during the development years. Parents should recognise their role in guiding the perspectives, attitudes and behaviour of children towards gender and gender identity development. There is need for parents to become conscious of destructive gender stereotypes and gender roles and proactively make changes, The interaction between various forms of media and children is increasing in frequency. While there are more gender sensitive and androgynous media content, children need parental supervision in internalising media content, especially since children are exposed not only to media intended for them but also to media intended for adults.
Friday, August 30, 2019
How to Be a Good Student Essay
Some people never learn effective study habits in high school. Thus, they may struggle through their first semester of college. A student should figure out how he studies the best. Many people cannot create a quality essay at four in the morning with the music playing and the television on. Although poor study habits may cause the student to struggle, which results in unhappiness, he can become connected by joining clubs, music groups, or sports that will help a person make more friends while balancing his life, thus making him a happier student. So, students should get involved! School does not have to be just about schoolwork. One should find an activity that his school offers, and he should join if his schedule allows. Yet, some people have a harder time adjusting to school than other people and may feel that success is impossible. However, a student can be successful in many ways, such as by being on time for class, managing his time and â€Å"study buddy†. For a student who wants to be successful, he must begin by getting to class on time. To do this, he should make next morning preparations on the night before, such as ironing his garments on the night before class. This will save him at least five to ten minutes in the morning, and he may use that time to read the newspaper or take out the garbage. He also should put gasoline in his vehicle after he runs his final errand for the day. This simple task will prevent him from having to wait for an available pump at the gas station in the morning when other people have decided to wait until the last minute to buy gas for their vehicles in their rush to work or school. Then, one should purchase an alarm clock and batteries if he does not already own one. After completing the buying process, he must set this clock two hours before his first class is scheduled to begin. He should set his alarm to wake him with the annoying â€Å"beep, beep, beep†sound rather than the sound of soothing music. He must also resist the urge to hit the snooze button, which could cause him to be late for class if he hits it too many times. By following these simple steps, he will have thirty minutes to prepare and eat a wholesome breakfast, which will benefit him by allowing him to be more focused during class instead of being distracted by the growling of his stomach. He will then have fifteen minutes to take a revitalizing shower, which will awaken his senses, fifteen minutes to groom, ten minutes to brush his teeth, twenty minutes to get dressed, five minutes to start the car and heat or cool the inside, fifteen minutes to drive to school, and ten minutes to get to his seat and settle in. By doing these daily activities in the allotted amount of time, the student will stay on schedule and be on time for class each day. The student must manage his time effectively. To achieve this goal, the student should designate specific hours to study and not take phone calls or accept visits because studying is more effective when the student has no distractions. The student remembers what he studies better at test time than he would if he were to stop periodically to talk on the telephone or visit with his friends. People should think of college as a full-time job by putting in an eight-hour day, including class and study time. This dedication will be evidenced in the student’s grades. One should keep in mind that planning ahead is not as bad as it sounds. For example, if a student’s first class begins at 9:00 a. m. and his last class ends at 1:00 p. m. , he could be done studying by 5:00 p. m. and have plenty of time for visiting with friends and watching television, which make the demands of being a full-time student less stressful. Therefore, students should find a way to make studying beneficial. Some students could really benefit from having a â€Å"study buddy†(someone to study with). The two could schedule a few hours in their assignment notebook for studying, and in the meantime, the two of them should take good notes during each class session. Students should be encouraged to take their own notes instead of borrowing someone else’s. Therefore, the student does not spend unnecessary time trying to make sense of the borrowed notes. Each student can create a quiz using the notes that he took in class. Since most people would not create the exact same materials, this technique should help the student to become prepared for tests, thus ensuring coverage of material from the notes each â€Å"study buddy†has taken during class. The quiz method will help guide the student in determining what study techniques he should use. Being punctual shows that the person respects rules and possesses knowledge of academic policies, managing one’s time and â€Å"study buddy†are all necessities for becoming a successful student. A person must also have certain desirable traits to remain successful. He should have a positive attitude to be assertive. He must have a sense of his goal to know why he gets up each morning at 7:00 a. m. because he could easily get a dead-end job and work the evening shift. He needs to be independent by doing so, he will know that he cannot and should not expect someone else to force him to do well in school. Most importantly, he should make the most of his education adventure. Most people generally get only one opportunity to succeed, so they should not let anything or anyone stand in the way of whatever they are trying to accomplish.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
History of the Olympic Games Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
History of the Olympic Games - Essay Example Olympic Games have advanced through various developments from the time they started. This paper will analyze the history of the Olympic Games. Specifically, the paper will look into the developments that have occurred since the Olympic Games started up to the present day. The Olympic Games can be traced back to 776 B.C. when the first Olympic Games were held in Greece. The purpose of these games was to honor Olympian gods, and they used to take place on the plains of Olympia, hence the name Olympics. A son of Zeus by the name Heracles is credited to be the father of Olympic Games. During the first Olympic Games in 776 B.C., an athlete run naked for about 192 meters and successfully completed the race, emerging as the sole winner in the event. The athlete’s name was Coroebus, a cook who hailed from Elis. Following the victory in the first Olympic Games, Coroebus became the first Olympic Champion (Guttmann 7-50). Among the Greeks, Olympic Games had significant religious, political as well as social influences. The Greeks believed that the Olympic flame used for the first time during the games was lit from the sun rays. Olympic Games were of such immense importance that the Greeks calculated time with regard to the cycle of Olympics, which ran for a period of four years. The Greeks treated winners of the Olympic Games with a lot of respect; they would immortalize the images of the winners in Olympia by erecting statues. Those who won the Olympics could receive many benefits from the society, unlike those who never won the games or did not participate in them. For example, if a prisoner won during the Olympic Games, he or she would be released and treated with a lot of respect in society. On the other hand, those who lost during the Olympic Games would be regarded as a disgrace to their respective societies (Young 102-155). The Olympic Games held during the ancient times
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
AMID fears about climate change, the world's future looks gloomy. Yet Essay
AMID fears about climate change, the world's future looks gloomy. Yet there is another worry - our booming population - Essay Example this respect, he notes that currently, the world has more than seven billion people, and that every year, about 80 million individuals are added to the statistic. Attenborourgh (2009) notes that the world has a carrying capacity beyond which it cannot sustain a growing human population. Taking note of this factor, he believes that the way to go in respect of ensuring that the world remains sustainable is taking responsibility for our growth in populations such as by using contraceptives. This paper analyses Attenborourgh’s views in light of past studies and professional views. Real Climate (2014) notes that there are several indications that human activities have contributed to the high levels of carbon dioxide in the environment. In this respect, he notes that over the last 15 decades, the concentrations of carbon dioxide on earth haves grown from about 280 to 380 ppm (parts per million). This state of affairs has come in place as a function of such activities as clearing and burning of forested land and burning fossil fuels which are commonplace events ever since the industrial revolution. The Royal Society (2014) concurs with Real Climate in regard to human contribution to climate change. The Society states that the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increased by more than 40% since the industrial revolution began, most of this rise having occurred since 1970. These levels are higher than have been seen in the last 650,000 years according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) (BBC 2007). Some of the evidences that show that climate change is a reality today include the decline in Arctic sea ice and the increase in the average temperature of the earth (global warming). Worth noting is that the average temperature of the earth’s surface has increased by roughly 0.8 Â °C since 1900 (The Royal Society 2014). Although this figure seems small, experts are quick to warn on its significance on human life, flora and fauna.
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Research Paper (discussion and conclusion)_1 Essay
Research Paper (discussion and conclusion)_1 - Essay Example Almost all the studies both from past literature and from present concur in terms of findings. However, no study has ever dug deep into the challenges this corporation is facing, as hinted in the literature review section. Most studies have always just concentrated on the challenges in general without a specific focus on a particular problem. Furthermore, the past studies viewed Kuehne+Nagel a company always on the upward trend (Johnson, 2010). Unfortunately, none tried to find out the tribulations behind Kuehne+Nagel’s constant and incessant improvements. However, contrary to what most past investigations have found out, the findings of this research are different. Kuehne+Nagel has faced and is still facing a broad range of challenges as it grows, especially the cost positioning. Achieving the company goal of being the key globe player in the Aerospace logistics sector has undergone through numerous problems pertaining to market structure, which according to Easterby (2012), almost rubbished its achievements. A scrutiny of the findings reveals that none of the past literature failed to observe the struggle Kuehne+Nagel has had with cost positioning, and market structure at large. Rousseau (2015) in his findings, found out that at one point, the company had to lower its prices significantly, a fact that caused a reduction in the company benefits that year. It was necessitated by the sudden shake in the aerospace logistics’ prices during that time, and partly contributed to by the rigid business model the company had. Needless to say, a business model is the determining factor in a company’s success. On that note, it is expected that a particular model applied by a company should always be flexible and able to accommodate sudden market changes wi thout affecting the company’s operations. Fortunately, the Kuehne+Nagel Corporation is not just operating
Monday, August 26, 2019
Mid-Term Reflection on Anthropology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3
Mid-Term Reflection on Anthropology - Essay Example The Maya has had advanced in mathematics and astronomy. The story says that God created people from maize after several attempts. The idea of a God who creates people from maize is reasonable for the people of South America because they depended on maize. Maize cultivation provided them with enough calories to settle in cities and invest time in pursuit of mathematics and other intellectual pursuits (Morgan 23). The story is almost similar to biblical story because the Heart of the sky creates from nothing. Other than Heart of the sky, another deity of the Mayas was the feathered serpent. This god was part of pantheon of deity believed to have created the cosmos from scratch. This deity is equivalent to Greek gods. In ancient American religions, shamans were people who could achieve altered consciousness and communicate with the spirit world. They played the role of leading in religious rituals and in practicing divination. Based on the story about Mayas, tribal people, their creation, the gods, and the role of shamans in society, it is clear that humanity and civilization goes through the same steps. The first step towards civilization is settlement. Without settled living, it is hard for people to live a civilized life. In South America, the discovery of maize changed the course of the history of Mayas. Maize allowed the Mayas to lead a settled life. Even today, millions of people rely on maize to provide their daily calorie requirement. Maize is a highly productive grain and a single cob produce considerable calories. Once the people have enough to eat through farming, they start engaging in intellectual activities. This explains why the Mayas had made huge advances in mathematics and astronomy. Presence of enough food allowed them the luxury of pursuing these intellectual activities. Another aspect of intellectual pursuit is religious. Tribal people
Sunday, August 25, 2019
The Morality of Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The Morality of Law - Essay Example erstood that possessing and consuming drugs is an offence if caught and being a police officer, it becomes a responsibility of promote law and regulations. In this case professional discretion should be applied as possessing and consuming drugs is an offence affecting the society in a wrong and bad manner and up to some extent questioning conscience of an individual responsible to the society. Being a responsible citizen and friend, it becomes important to stop illegal activities along with making people understand on its consequences. Moral realism does not allow to being a spectator for activities affecting individuals and later, the society. In that position, it is important to communicate with the actual friend along with asking him to pull a break on these activities. It would have been followed by a warning as illegal and immoral activities need to be stopped. Anyone offering a gift with a good intention is usually well accepted in the society irrespective of personal and professional spheres but offering something not in front of others raises questions over the intention and behavior of the giver raising moral issue. In this case, it cannot be considered as a mere gift. In this case professional discretion is required as the officers are not supposed to accept gifts and kinds from the society. It becomes important to appreciate the kindness along with stating the inappropriate manner of giving the gift. The police officers are civil servants responsible for promoting law and order rather than manipulating it for personal benefits and interests. If the gift would have been offered in front of everyone with a personal touch, it would have been considered as a gift but behind the back of others, it can be considered as a bribe, an intention to highlight one’s personal kindness. Being a homosexual is not a crime and immoral behaviour. The moral issue is not with police department but with the officer Davis, whose behavior and conscience is not allowing
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Intermediate Accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Intermediate Accounting - Essay Example MHS inventory system indicates a retail method but it does not explain the entire process of the retail method. This method associates with purchases and sales or any other returns or disbursement accounts. In its application, this method requires that the company should keep all records associate with these accounts for internal purposes and control. For example, sales revenue, beginning inventory valued at both cost and retail, purchases during the period, which is also valued at cost, and retail, adjustment for markups and markdown, cancellation or discounts, and data related to damaged goods, returns, transfer, breakage, or because of other reasons. The objective of using the retail inventory method is â€Å"to find the ending inventory value at cost†(Ibid). For MHS to use bar code with the products are recorded and classified by the cost value makes the physical count time consuming and difficult. This type of unit cost inventory method is unsatisfactory. Goods on stock or inventory are related to accounts payable and affect sales. If they are not properly recorded, they can cause ending inventory to be overestimated and pretax income to be overestimated by the same amount. Similarly, ending inventory can be underestimated and pretax income be underestimated by the same amount. This method also makes it difficult for the company management to evaluate which items cause problem in stock out or over stock.
INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - Essay Example Further Guseh & Oritsejafor (2007), corruption flourishes in Nigeria because of absence of desire and capacity from the corrupt leaders to modify country’s ethical tenor; tolerance or acceptance of corruption by civil society; and the dominance of the administration on economic globe. For Arik Airline, differentiation from corruption and mismanagement practices that cause discrimination and racism will result to anticorruption compliance rules and regulations. With the presence of corruption, Nigerian political and economic programs diminish efforts to develop viable airline institutions, and weaken the forecast of establishing a powerful institution in Nigeria. Anticorruption compliance rules wills result to viability and of the firm through establishment of citizen trust and confidence hence boosting profitability. Nwachukwu (2011) reveals that Arik Air was marred with corruption and mismanagement and in effort to become an international carrier, corruption, and mismanagemen t should be eliminated. Mismanagement has resulted into huge debts and loss of Airbus jet for failure to repay loans. Further, management results into bleaching of Nigerian labour laws resulting to hiring of foreign expatriates even for positions that local Nigerians would suit. With corruption, it is clear that it would be hard to hire Nigerians into Arik Air because the firm is in favour of hiring foreign based expatriates even as ground staff and the fact that no qualifications or expertise is checked to hire expatriates in some positions (Nwachukwu, 2011). Further, the firm has long ignored the Nigerian labour law requirement that for each expatriate, there has to be a Nigerian staff tp learn from the foreigner and implement eventually replace them within 12 months. Conversely, Arik Air hires expatriates to understudy the other expatriates while Nigerians remain under the same conditions
Friday, August 23, 2019
Single parents in the military Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Single parents in the military - Article Example The discussion in this paper is mainly about single parents, but not in the general population, the main focus would be the single parents in the military. The United States Army consists of combat, and aviation and water transport service forces (Lawrence, 2002). It is well-ordered, trained and well-equipped in order to be capable of combating on land. It has two major responsibilities and they are (1) to prepare the land forces for war, and (2) expand the peacetime components needed by the army to fulfill the war’s needs. In the early 1990s, the number or single parents in the military increased (Zellman, Johansen, Meredith, & Selvin, 1992). Civilian single parents already encounter huge problems with their children that leads to work disruptions, thus, these problems is also likely to occur to single parents in the military as they work with longer and unforeseen hours. In 1992, single custodial parents in the military reached a number or 66,000 and this caused a slight problem as not all of them were able to leave for the Persian Gulf War (Sagawa & Campbell, 1992). The Presidential Commission on the Assignment of Women in the Armed Forces, then, asked the Pentagon to review their policies regarding deployment of military personnel. The single parents in the military are not only the ones having the said dilemmas; there were also the dual military families or those whose parents are both in the military. In the early 1990s, 2.9% of the active duty personnel are dual military families (Zellman et al. , 1992). Along with single parents, they composed 7% of the active duty armed forces and were also hindered to be deployed for the Persian Gulf War due to their incapability of leaving their family behind. The Commission proposed not to allow single parents and dual military families to be deployed for the sake of their children (Sagawa & Campbell, 1992). This paper would focus on answering the problem of how
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Tragedy and Realism Essay Example for Free
Tragedy and Realism Essay John also portrays the tragic hero in The Crucible. His hanging shows the audience incredible strength and is incredibly admirable. The role of a tragic hero is filled by this character because John has not upheld morals as well previously in his life, shown by his affair with Abigail, but makes the right decision at the end of the play, and acts as a martyr to his cause, and dies merely due to an error of judgement, such as Mary Warrens confession and his believing in Elizabeths truthfulness. The play is written to be viewed as a slice of life or using the audience as the fourth wall where the action taking place does not involve the audience at all, with no asides directed towards them and as if the audience was not involved and was looking through a window at the lives of the characters. The appearance of reality draws on several different ideas to make it effective and believable. Unity of Time and Place is not one that The Crucible uses well. However, it is said that to effectively use this technique, the action should take place in real time. A play that takes place over three hours should take three hours to view. Millers piece does not do this as it takes place over three and a half months. Despite this; in relation to tragedy, the piece works well with the unity of time, action and place. The play uses place well as it does not take the action outside of an internal space another rule of The Appearance Of Reality; using only Paris house, Proctors house, the side room to the court and the prison cell as sets. Each of these are separated by acts, with each act taking place in a different set, minimising the amount of scene changes; this allows the audience to still feel involved with the play as a piece of realism because they are areas which almost belong to one or more of the characters. An example of this is Act 2 in Proctors house belonging to Proctor, so this does not break the spell of reality for the audience. Also, Reality beyond the stage space is used to create an air of realism, but again The Crucible does not completely apply to this rule as it not only makes mention of what has just happened, such as John planting the fields, but also of the past, such as Proctors and Abigails affair. Although, despite the reference to previous events, the only mentions of them are incredibly beneficial to the plot, therefore, working in conjunction with the tragic plot line. For example, the first communication between Abigail and Paris, discuss the happenings the night before in the woods, a particularly important part to the play as it outlines the entire reasoning for the witch trials initiating. Realistic Dialogue is greatly used in order to create a sense of a different time period. Miller uses dialogue from court records of the time, taking phrases and terms to make the time period come to life. This means that the characters use 17th century terms and dialogue, making the audience quickly adapt to, and accept the time in which the play is set. Examples of terms include Goody Proctor instead of Mrs Proctor or Miss Proctor and Aye rather than Yes. This also incorporates the idea of Realistic Characters, because the characters on the stage behave and, in a sense, show that they think the same way as real people in the 1600s would. For example, it was still the natural way of life for men to go out and work the fields while the women stayed at home and bore and raised the children. The play was also set within the time period when the slave trade was still around; allowing Titubas character to be looked down upon and spoken to in the way we see Paris doing in the scene with Hale where they are accusing Tituba of witchcraft. You will confess yourself, or I will take you outside and whip you outside and whip you to your death, Tituba. This shows the extent of the slavery at the time because this phrase is not reprimanded by any of the other characters present at the time. The use of accurate language and the building of these ideas, which an audience in modern day would know are historically accurate, allows the sense of the era to come alive, challenging the audiences morals because we know that this sort of treatment is wrong, but as you become more submerged in the play, you feel as if you are there and can understand the priests actions and feelings. The sub-text of the piece is what really involves the audience and makes them feel as if they are there. For example, although it is not outline clearly in the text, we can see Elizabeths struggle with her emotions for John. Her closed presentation of her character would allow us to see that she is almost a woman scorned, angry at his betrayal, but her willingness to try and help him do the right thing shows us that she is truly hurt by his actions and truly does love him as she has stayed with him and supported him. The aspect of Elizabeth and Johns conversation that deals with Johns affair with Abigail never directly mentions the affair, it is a sub-text, left to the audiences imagination to picture what happened, as they merely talk about the way Elizabeth has acted since and how John has earned the treatment. This also builds tension between the characters in a greater sense than it would had they been open and stated the facts about the affair. This sub-text is also explored at the beginning of Act 1 when Paris asks Abigail if her name is good in the village. The whole aspect of realism is deeply written in with the involvement of tragedy, allowing some aspects of a typical realistic piece to be diminished to allow for the tragedy to be involved. 1 Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Arthur Miller section.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Nature And Development Of Special Interest Tourism Tourism Essay
Nature And Development Of Special Interest Tourism Tourism Essay SIT- special interest tourism is a part of existing tourism industry today. Nowadays, people are more confident about travelling abroad and looking for something different rather than for sun and sand holidays. Special interest tourism is a type of holiday, replacing the traditional mass market travel packages and allows tourists to choose holidays appealing to their individual and personal needs. According to the World Tourism Industry or WTO, special interest tourism can be defined as the specialized tourism that involved individual or group tours by those people who wishes to develop their given interests or visit sites and places that has a relation or connection with their specific interest or subject. The aim of SIT is to satisfy specific needs or interests of individuals or groups. The structure of SIT is similar to that of the overall tourism industry. There are many sub-sectors serving individual and personalized needs of tourists, such as: Travel intermediaries Travel facilitators Attraction and entertainment Activity and events providers Accommodation providers Transportation Travel intermediaries provide information about destinations packages, travel options also making bookings for the customers. They can be represented in the form of tour operators or travel agencies. The main aim of travel agencies is: to sell holidays and associated products such as insurance, cars hire. Travel agents act as the link between the customer and travel producers. They are usually well trained and can help clients with the advice or provide them with brochures, leaflets or any additional information. They have access online to GDS system, which gives worldwide schedule of all transport. Tour operators sell combined holidays packages via travel agents or direct to the consumers. There are two types of tour operator: the wholesaler operators, who operate only through travel agency, and the direct sell operators, who market their products direct to the public. They purchase separate elements of accommodation (hotels, guesthouses, and self catering apartments), transport (road, sea, air) and travel services to make a tour package. Many tour operators are making special packages around a particular event, e.g., Olympic Games. There are many web sites specialize in certain products, like that specialize in discounted accommodation. Travel facilitators are all the range of services offered to the consumers. It can be: tourist information centre, tour guides, medical providers, currency exchange bureau. Transport providers are those operating any major form of transport. These would include airlines, water based transport and land based, such as roads and rails. Land based transport covers all forms vehicles such as bus, taxi, private car, and bicycle. Rail travel has become very popular since opening of the Channel tunnel. Rail companies provide a scheduled service within a home country and customers can reserved the seats by themselves. The airlines can be divided into scheduled, which operate with regular published schedule, e.g., British Airways, and charter airlines, which fly to certain destinations under charter to a tour operator. Many countries have their national airline, like British Airways in UK. Water based transport is represented by ferries and cruise ships. Ferries operators provide vital links between islands, rivers, seas. Cruising can be river cruises, sea/oceans cruises, e.g. Mediterranean, Atlantic oceans, and can be considered as a special interest when there is something additional from cruise, like education or special hobby. Tourist choice of transport will depend on price, destination, time, accessibility of the destination. Accommodation can be reserved individually or can be purchased by tour operator. Guest facilities will vary according to the type of the place. Accommodation can be divided into two categories: serviced accommodation (where all meals are provided), and self-catering accommodation (where occupants provide their own food). A 5 star hotel can provide a full range of services, such as restaurants, plasma TV, function rooms, mini bars in the rooms, room service available 24/7. In the caravan park you can only find fast food shops and vending machines. Providers of attractions need to undertake the market research in order to meet all the needs of tourists. Typical attractions can be man-made (theme parks, zoos), natural (mountains), cultural (Louvre Gallery in Paris). A lot of destinations are promoted via special events (World Cup, Olympic Games) or various activities (diving, winter skiing resorts) In addition to attractions, a lot of destinations are promoted via special events or activities, which include World Cup, Olympic Games. The development of special interest tourism. Special interest tourism can date back to earliest forms of tourism. The first tourists travelled for specific reasons, e.g., religious, cultural or for trading purposes. Around the same period, the Greeks travelled to religious festivals, leading to construction of sea ports and accommodation. In Medieval Times the pilgrims and missionaries became the most active travelers. Pilgrims travelled to the sacred places such as Santiago de Compostella, Jerusalem, driven by their religious convictions. Tourism grew over the centuries and spread to all over the world. The new part of tourism, known as Grand Tour, was developed in the early 17th century under the reign of Elizabeth 1.The young men from wealthy families were travelling across Europe to complete their education. London, Paris, Venice, Rome were visited by the young aristocrats to improve their knowledge in the arts and literature. The tours lasted as long as 3 years. In 1841 Thomas Cook put together the first package tour in history. Thomas Cooks organized tour consisted of: accommodation, travel tickets, timetables, attractions, travel guides and tours, currency exchange. The first tours were for specific needs and catered more to the mass market with the growth of the company. Thomas Cook started offering tours within UK and soon moved to Europe. The development of tourism in the 19th century increased due to advent of the railway. It became cheaper, easier and safer to travel, so not only the privileged classes were allowed to travel. The industrial revolution brought leisure travel to Europe. The middle class had more time and money to travel thanks to the efficient machinery. In the post war period the development of wide-bodied and faster aircrafts contributed to the growth of the mass tourism. Increase in disposable income has made tourism accessible for a large majority of population. People could afford to take more than one holiday per year. Another factor that contributed to the growth of mass tourism was increase in global wealth leaving people enough disposable income to spend on holidays. The political liberation of the colonized countries built a lot of new tourist destinations, reducing the cost of holidays. Nowadays, it becomes more popular self-drive holidays to Europe, cruising holidays, Middle East destinations such as Dubai, Egypt, etc. Travelling on the cruise liner gives you opportunity to enjoy your time, there are a lot of activities on the board and the social life is very active, which makes you enjoy holidays even more, staying on the board of enormous liner. Low cost airlines leading to mass tourism travel around the world, e.g. Easy jet airlines. The social factor which contributed to the growth of tourism is linked with the new attitude to world travel and leisure. People are searching for new destinations, trying to find something unusual and unexplored. Development of leisure centers along with the increased independence of women has also contributed to the tourism. Changing demographics, such as aging population, grown up children have made a big impact on the SIT market. Sustainable tourism is one of the growing industries, which seeks to protect tourism destinations and reduce an impact of the environment and local culture. With the advent of internet, tourists can attend the locations using web-based interface programmers at the same time reducing the traditional impacts such as travel, accommodation, food wastage. TASK 2 Understand how special interest tourism matches customers, products and services. 2.1. Discuss the range and classification of tourism products and services available to travellers. There are many kinds of special tourism interest; it can be educational tourism, sports tourism, sex tourism, health and beauty tourism, arts and entertainment tourism and a lot more. Products can also be divided into various categories, such as rural, urban, over or under water, in the air and others. The classification of special interest tourism products: Educational Cultural Adventure pursuits Historical attractions Religious events Health and wellness Sporting and entertainment events Educational Tourism There is no doubt that educational industry has already become one of the most popular types of special interest tourism. The Grand Tours of the 17th century were organized for youth with the purpose of education. Nowadays, many people are travelling to broaden the education, to learn a foreign language and to take a special course. As an example, the short term language courses are designed for students to improve their second language. Cultural tourism People who take cultural holidays are likely to visit museums, galleries and exhibitions, or going to opera or theatre. Heritage tourism is focused on historical attractions and resources. Cultural tourism gives visitors the opportunity to understand and appreciate the essential character of a place and its culture as a whole, including: -history and archaeology -people and their lifestyle -cultural diversity Many cities have had capital of culture status, including London, Dublin and Prague. Religious events tourism Religious holidays focus on visiting places with religious significance, like Lourdes in south of France or Holy Land Tour. The Holy Land is a land filled with history, passion and with presence of Jesus. The tourists can uncover the world in which Jesus lived and also enjoy the activities, such as scuba dive, hike, and camel ride or just have fun on the sun. There are specialist tour operators which organize such tours, like The Pilgrimage Trust, a charity, which organizes tour to Lourdes for children with disabilities. Sporting tourism People can take holidays to watch the sport or participate in special events. There are specialist operators offering packages for World Cup, Olympic Games. For instance, Club La Santa provides luxury Spain holidays, sports holidays and fitness activity holidays. The resort features over 25 different sports and different entertainment is available. Health and wellness tourism Health and wellness tourism is now available for consumers seeking to enhance their well being through their travel experiences. The aim of tourists is to look and feel better, to lose weight, to slow the effects of aging, to relieve pain or discomfort, or to manage stress. This market has become very popular as people are becoming more health conscious. There are two main types of health and wellness tourism: spa resorts and medical tourism. There are many spa hotels offering fitness classes, beauty treatments and different types of massage. Holy Island is one of the best spas in UK, located off the west coast of Scotland. The founder and vision holder of the Holy Isle Project is Lama Yeshe Rinpoche, a Tibetan Buddhist meditation master in the Kagyu tradition. There are many retreat and course programmes taking place in the Centre for World Peace and Health. The island has several areas reserved for birds, animals and tree planting programme. ( SIT can be classified according to the type of environment: Land Air Water based Rural/urban Nature/wilderness Trekking, cycling and hiking are examples of land based special interest tourism. The two main modes of travel are road and rail. Some luxurious trains appeal consumers special needs and allow passengers to see spectacular sights from the train. The Blue Train is a magnificent moving five-star hotel. The routes of The Blue Train both scheduled and chartered take guests through some of the most admirable places of the countryside. The train has luxurious suites with baths and double beds .The guests can enjoy exquisite meals freshly prepared on board by top chefs. Water based tourism can be presented in form of underwater activities, like diving, and above water, like swimming, cruising and surfing. The Great Barrier Reef is well known for its diving activities, situated on the north-east coast of Australia. It the worlds most extensive stretch of coral reef and is probably the richest area in terms of faunal diversity in the world. Nature and wilderness tourism focuses on observation of wild animals and birds in their usual environment. As an example it can be tours to Africa Safari or tours to botanical gardens. Wilderness tourism experiences with undeveloped natural environment, which can include isolation and challenging conditions. 2.2. Diversity and classification of tourist types. The key to success in SIT is to ensure various tourist types are well matched to the tourist products. Demand for tourism can be influenced by 3 basic factors: -purpose for travel (educational, cultural, for health, for sporting events) -ability to travel (sufficient disposable income, time, freedom of movement) -travel choices (knowledge about destinations, environmental factors, ability to travel) Various typologies have been made to classify tourists according their preferences. The best known are by Cohen and Plog. Eric Cohen classified tourists according to the nature of the environment they prefer. He places tourists into four following groups: Organized mass tourist-typically they buy pre-organised packages from tour operators; prefer safe and secure environment and are likely to return to familiar places. Individual mass tourist- compare to organised mass tourist show more flexibility and have a lot more personal choice. The explorer- looking for unexplored destinations. The drifter- generally likes adventurous travelling, e.g. camping in the wilderness area. Stanley Plog describes three types of tourists: Allocentric- confident travelers, who enjoy the travel and exploration Midcentric- tend to adopt the destinations after they have been discovered by allocentric Psychocentric- are less confident and prefer secure environment Market segmentation is a process of dividing the market into different groups with common needs and wants. The most common types are: Geographic location Demographic Socio-economic segmentation Psychographic segmentation Geographic location is based upon people live and can be subdivided by country, region, city size, and climate. Where people live in the city can also reflect their income level and ability to buy. Demographic segmentation is the most common in market segmentation. It can be divided by: Age (snowbirds, empty nesters, young budget travellers) Gender (women trying to escape from the usual environment and go for holidays, ex. spa breaks; men prefer to travel to more adventurous places) Religion (retreats, pilgrimages) Psychographic segmentation determines tourists behaviour, their lifestyles, activities and attitudes. Socio-economic segmentation considers aspects such as occupation, status, social class, income level. Task 3 Understand the appeal and motivation of special interest tourism for customers. 3.1. Analyse the appeal to customers of special interest tourism features and benefits. Appeal can be characterised as a kind of tourism products that will enable customers needs to be satisfied. The motivation is closely linked to the appeal and seeks to identify peoples needs and wants. The appeal of the location can be influenced by different factors, like cost, time availability, facilities. If you are planning a family holidays to sea and sun destinations, there are a lot of countries to choose from. The specific location has to appeal to numerous needs and wants of the family, e.g. child-minding facilities, special kids menu, available playground, etc. Appeal can be influenced by features of the destination, like beaches, attractions, number of facilities within the resort. There are a number of other factors that can contribute to the appeal: Uniqueness of the destination (Great Wall of China is one of the most appealing attractions all around the world owing to its architectural grandeur and historical significance). Level of comfort (the tourist seeking luxury accommodation may find the appeal in 5 stars hotels). Authenticity of the location (the authentic cuisine or traditions appeal to many tourists visiting particular country). Political factors ( the political instability in Egypt led to a reduction in the flow of tourists) Environmental factors (tourists tend to avoid places affected by natural disasters, e.g. earthquakes) 3.2. Identify and explain how the motivations of tourists are met by special interest tourism locations and features. Motivation can be defined as internal and external factors that stimulate desire and energy in people to be continually interested in and committed to a job, role, or subject, and to exert persistent effort in attaining a goal.( Abraham Maslow outlined a motivational hierarchy consisting of five categories of human needs arranged in ascending order: physiological- basic needs satisfied by such stimulus as food and sleep; security- need for a safe environment free from immediate threat; social-love needs and desire for social acceptance; esteem-need for enhancement and acceptance of self; and self-actualization-striving for full realization of unique characteristics and potentials. The key notion in the model is that as a need category lower in the hierarchy becomes satisfied, its determination of behaviour diminishes and the next higher need category becomes proponent (Adler, S., 1999, p 7). Maslows hierarchy of needs assumes that we all have similar needs and wants to be satisfied. Therefore, it is important to apply motivations in relation to different tourist types. Motivations for SIT can be divided into two groups: Intrinsic motivation Extrinsic motivation Intrinsic motivation includes internal desires to perform a particular task, do certain activities because it gives you pleasure, such as challenge, skill improvement or relaxation. The skill improvement relates to educational tourism and gives people opportunity to increase their knowledge in particular field (foreign languages courses, cookery schools in France). One of the main motivations for holidays can be a need to rest, to escape from everydays routine. Extrinsic motivation is the factors external to the individual and unrelated to the task they are performing. Examples include money, status, rewards, and sustainability. Motivation can also be influenced by demographic factors: Education (tourists with high level of education are likely to participate in education based activities) Age ( old couples are seeking comfort and opportunity for sightseeing, while young people are looking more for fun and relaxation) Family life cycle ( parents with children are motivated by places with numerous kids facilities) TASK 4 Understand management needs and issues of special interest tourism. 4.1. Evaluate the organizational and support logistics involved in the management of special interest tourism trips. Profitability- is the main goal of all the businesses. Meeting the tourist expectations and providing safe and secure travel arrangements will lead to profitable growth for travel companies. The main thing is to make products profitable attractive for customers by putting correct prices and making them attractive for the market. Market research is an essential tool for any businesses. It helps to identify potential customers, their needs and expectations. Target marketing is a group of customers to be aimed. Potential customers with similar needs and characteristics are identified and divided by market segments based on age, income level, etc. Each travel product is made up of several segments, e.g. hotel, transport, accommodation facilities and for the tourists is all have to be organized and put together well. There is a range of challenges coming with travel products, e.g. Tour packages, where the travel agents are responsible for every aspect of the trip. Examples of operational challenges may include: Travel permits: visas requirements Infrastructure: essential shops, medical facilities Language: difficulties in understanding the foreign language Transport: availability of transfer coaches or taxis. Logistics is the management of business operations, such as the acquisition, storage, transportation and delivery of goods along the supply chain. ( An SIT sporting event package tour will include a number of logistical issues to take care of, including: Transportation Accommodation providers Tour guides Equipment suppliers Access to the destination Apart from all the operational and logistical challenges, the SIT providers have a number of administrative requirements to deal with. Travel insurance provides the financial protection in the case of unexpected loss of luggage or cancellation of the trip. It is important to read and understand all the policies before making a purchase. Visas issues may vary according to the country tourists going to. For example, members of the family of the EU citizens do not need visa to travel to the EU countries. Vaccination against diseases is an important requirement for tourists travelling to remote destinations, e.g. some parts of Africa. All the tour operators and travel agents should be aware of the laws concerning travel and tourism and pass the relevant information to the tourists. One of the main points to be considered for all the businesses is to have satisfied customers. It will results in more profitability, less marketing cost and a good reputation for the company. 4.2. Discuss the ways operators resolve issues that affect special interest tourism. There are many issues that can affect special interest tourism, some of them are known in advance and others are unexpected. It is always better to identify the potential problem and create the awareness of possible outcome. The main categories of the possible issues in SIT are: Risk management Socio-cultural issues Environmental issues Economic issues (recession, oversupply) Quality assurance Risk management is an important part of planning for businesses. The process of risk management is designed to reduce or eliminate the risk of certain kinds of events happening or having an impact on the business. ( There are many different types of risk that can be classified as follows: Health- unexpected accidents, food poisoning Travel- delays of the flight, flight cancellation due to natural disaster Theft- loss of personal documents, etc. Furthermore, risk can be classified as known risks (tourists are travelling to politically unstable areas) and unexpected risks (loss of documents, illness). The main goal of risk management is to protect the customers from unacceptable levels of risk and also build the reputation for travel organisations, avoiding financial losses. According to Sadgrove (2005), the process of risk management is as follows: Identify and assess risks Set policies Implement policies; manage risks Monitor risks Tourism providers should always advise customers on risks by giving advice how to behave in unfamiliar situations or providing the current information about the risks that might be present in the resort. Socio-cultural issues can result in social breakdown of the destination, increase in crime and loss of local culture. The ecotourism is becoming very popular nowadays. Tour operators and travel agents have to be aware of the environmental issues relating to products they offer. Some of the issues are: ecotourism and sustainable tourism. Sustainable tourism provides information how to respect local cultures and the natural environment and protect the diverse wildlife of the destination. The need to provide the best quality and to keep the standards high is one of the main issues of SIT providers. The best quality could be achieved by: Providing the full training for the staff Good knowledge about the products being sold Right people on the right job Requesting feedback from customers Conclusion            There is no doubt that tourism had been the most important industry of any country that is why most of them are doing their best in order to maintain and preserve all of their resources that can attract the attention of their target tourist.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Sources of Population Data
Sources of Population Data Presented by: Shahroz Ullah Badrana 14-10426 Population is described as the entire collection of the people living in our town, state, region or in a country and the respective characteristics such as age, sex, marital status and gender. Population is an entire group regarding whom we are interested in drawing the conclusions. Basically the population data tell us about the number of people that are living or planned to be living in an area and it is also about the all the number of people belonging to different religions and races living in a specified area. Sources of Population data The most important problem that the social scientists are facing now days is the collection of the accurate, reliable and relevant data. Basically, the subject matter of the population geography is so vast so that’s why the population geographers require large variety and amount of data which pertains to all the attributes of the population. Although, the particular data which is being requires by the population geographers is also dependent upon the issue he is working upon. At the micro level the population geographers collect the primary data whereas on the macro level it is far more beyond the level of any individual to collect the data on all the attributes of the population. So is should say that it is very difficult for an individual to collect data for large area that’s why a population geographer always prefer to look for other official sources for the collection of the data. The primary sources of the population data on the population size, characteristics and demographic structure are the census, projections, the registrations, migration reports and the surveys. Whereas, some of the statistics regarding the population can be produced in the form of secondary sources such as statistical abstracts indeed. In the regard of secondary sources for the collection of population data the United Nation Organization itself is the biggest producer of the Population data. Population Census The population census which is regarded as the most important source of basic data for the population data and it is conducted either decennially or quinquenially. A census count offers us a spectrum of the population at a specific point in time covering a vast range of the economic demographic and social attributes of the very population. Ones we have the process of census in our country then it became a continuous process and repeated in the country after every 5 to 10 years. In modern terms the census is defined as a process of collecting, compiling and publishing the economic, social and demographic data pertaining to all the individuals living in a country at any specific point in time. The first ever complete census of population of data has been conducted in 1881 on a uniform basis throughout the India. So that’s why the census of 1881 has provided complete population data and demographic record for any comparable population. Even now days the modern census also faced a series of limitations according to population geographer Zelinsky countries that have low level of technological achievement faced the problems such as ignorance, suspicion and dishonesty have made the task of census very difficult to perform. Even though, these countries also faced the administrative problem of getting funds for conducting the census. Another most important limitation to the census is the frequent boundary modification both at the international as well as at the regional level. As we all know that the censuses always have a specific reference point in time so if we introduce any boundary modifications then it will strict the utility of census data. In those states where the census take place after every 10 year so in that gap of Ten years a remarkable change occurred in the population. So it is suggested that a sample surveys should be conducted in such countries in order to fill the gaps between the two censuses. The Surveys It is very difficult to distinguish between a census and the survey as there is no clear cut differentiation between both of them. Census is described as the complete national canvass of the whole population of the country whereas the canvass of the selected households with an idea of collecting information regarding demographic attributes and socio economic conditions is regarded as survey indeed. In fact, surveys are conducted for supplementing the census data. In the recent tears the surveys has been conducted in order to collect the information regarding the fertility, mortality, mobility, morbidity, under employment, welfare, health, education and unemployment. Such kind of surveys often include attitudinal question regarding the problems of the population. So we could say that the role of surveys is just to provide explanatory information to the population analysis. Both the private organizations and governments are very much engaged in conducting the surveys. The National Samp le Surveys are conducted in the form of rounds and the each round covers several subjects but the emphasis is made on only one of the subject during a specific period. The Registration The practice of the population registration has been very common even before the emergence of the process of regular census. The Far East has a great demographic tradition of the population registration and its major function is to control the population. In this registration process the family is considered as the basic social unit for keeping record of the population. However, such a record keeping phenomena should have yielded a continuous population register but in reality the compilation has been never made or if made then in inaccessible secret archives. Presently, in the modern world many countries have adopted the registration systems in order to keep the record of deaths, births, marriages, adoptions, divorces etc. In some states it is known as population registers for record keeping. Administrative Records: Basically, these are the statistics that are acquired from the different administrative process. These administrative records not only include the vital events that have been recorded in the civil registration system but it also includes the data on employment, deaths, births, education and health etc. well, the reliability of the data obtained from administrative records is dependent upon the completeness with the classifications and concepts that have been used in the census in order to collect population data. Theses administrative records are regarded as the by-products of the administrative records. The administrative data is collected due to the day to day operations of the organizations and there administrative files can be used as a substitute for census and surveys. [1] Miscellaneous Sources: Other then the sources mentioned above the population geographers also make use of migration reports, projections, estimates and linguistic reports. It has been observed that the United Nations is fulfilling the responsibility of collecting vital population data from the member countries. The Estimates are produces in a variety of ways means the estimates are produced from the continuous population registers under the systems of registration. Secondly, these estimates can also be gathered with the help of the sample surveys. Thirdly, we can also compute the estimates by carrying population from the previously made population census. Projections are basically related to the estimates of the population for the future. These projections can be made for the total population of the country or they can be made with respect to marital status, sex and age. Basically, the compilation of the projections at the international level is not as common as we have the compilation of the estimates. I should say that the estimates can also be calculated by taking the population from the previous census by the mathematical extrapolation of the past trends. Basically, the quality of the estimates is dependent on the type of the method used such as the estimates are mostly published in the national reports such as in the national statistical yearbooks. While, the population projections are related to the estimates of the population for the future.[2] Errors in Population Data: Actually, we are dealt with two common types of errors in the statistical data the Non Sampling and the Sampling error. It is very important for a researcher to be fully aware of these errors mentioned earlier most importantly the non sampling errors so these errors can be minimized or even eliminated from the population data collected. Basically, the non sampling errors are the errors that arose while the collection of the data. These kinds of errors exist in both censuses as well as in the sample surveys and they are very difficult to measure. These non sampling errors arose due to the defects in the sampling frame, the failure in identifying the target population the responses given by the respondents and data processing and reporting. If we talk about the defects in the sampling error which means that coverage error has been occurred. Although, there are two very common types of errors that is found in the census are coverage and content errors. These converge errors occur when t here is wrong addition of the units in the sampling frame. These errors are mainly caused by the reasons such as inaccuracy, duplication and old or out of date sampling frames. Then, the failure to identify the target population occurs when the target population is not defined clearly because of the use of the vague concepts. Response may occur from the data that have been recorded, requested and collected in an incorrect way. That data is the result of the inefficiencies in the questioners, the surveys, the respondent and the survey process itself. Now if we talk about the non responsive results in that case the data is not collected from the respondents. The proportion of these non respondents in the very sample is called the non response rate and it can be total or partial indeed. Processing occurs at different stages of the data processing such as the editing, capturing and cleaning of the data. Another error is Time period bias and this error is occurred when the survey or cens us in order to get the population data is performed at inappropriate time so that’s why the correct and appropriate timing of survey is very important. We can minimize these non sampling errors if We tend to use the accurate and up to date sampling frame By selecting an appropriate time for conducting the survey Proper planning for follow up of the non respondents The questioner should be carefully designed Most importantly we need to device such good systems In order to capture the errors that occur during the collection of the population data and that system is regarded as data quality assurance systems. Whereas, on the other hand the Sampling error is about the difference arose between the estimate which has been derived from the sample survey and the original true value that would come as a result of the census of the whole population. These sampling errors arose because the data that have been collected if from some part of it not from the whole population and these sampling errors are only restricted up to the sample surveys. These sampling errors can be measured from the sample data in the form of the probability sampling. The factors that affect most sampling errors are sample size, sampling fraction and the sample design. Biasness is also one of the reasons of the sampling error and such kinds of errors are considered as the systematic errors. We can minimize by applying the sampling techniques within the constraints of the available resources.[3] Most of the time the demographers use the population data in order to analyze and describe the evolution and the structure of the population. Basically, there is two type of data which is most used by the geographers. Basically, the population data comes in many forms and shapes but we classify it two main groups Type of data that provide information on stocks Type of data that provide information on the flows The population data on the on the stocks give us a count of individual members of the population at a specific point in time. Basically, it stocks provide us with snapshot of the population size and its composition. The composition of the population includes age, gender and race. The data available on flows provide us with information on the exits and entries of population between the two specific points in time and such kind of information comes from the vital registration system which is one of the most important sources of the population data. Bibliography BOOKS: DR Chandra, R.C. Geography of population 2009. 8th edition. Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi India. Bergman, Edward. F, Renwick, William. H. Introduction to Geography: People, Places and Environment. 3rd Edition. India. Pearson education, India ISBN 0131445456 Prof Qazi, S.A, Navid Shabir Qazi. Population Geography. APH Publishers. New Delhi India. Weeks, John R. an introduction to concepts and Issues. Ninth edition. Wadsworth publishers. United States ISBN O-534-62779-X URLS Data collection and Sampling. Assessed on 29 April, 2014.> Qualtrics. 5 common errors in the research process. Published on June 21, 2012. Assessed on 29 April, 2014.> Statistic Canada. Sampling error. Data modified on 23 July, 2013. Data assessed on 30 April, 2014.> Suharto, Sam. Complementary sources of demographic and social statistics. Published on 10 August, 2001. Department of Economics and Social affairs United Nations secretariat. Assessed on 30 April, 2014.> [1] Suharto, Sam. Complementary sources of demographic and social statistics. [2] DR Chandra, R.C. Geography of population 2009. 8th edition. Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi India. [3] Weeks, John R. an introduction to concepts and Issues. Ninth edition. Wadsworth publishers. United States ISBN O-534-62779-X
Monday, August 19, 2019
Laguna San Ignacio :: Trade Trading Japan Whaling Essays
Laguna San Ignacio Japan’s leading trading company, the Mitsubishi Corporation, has proposed an expansion to its large salt-mining company that is located at Laguna Guerrero Negro. Mitsubishi wishes to expand south to an area surrounding Laguna San Ignacio, occupying 21,000 acres of protected land surrounding the lagoon. Laguna San Ignacio is the second largest breeding and calving area off the western coast of Baja California where Gray Whales visit during the winter months. Mitsubishi’s 7 million ton per year facility at Laguna Guerrero Negro has grown to capacity and the cost of loading and shipping salt has become too expensive because the salt at the facility has to be shipped to Cedros Island. Then the salt has to be transferred onto cargo ships for international export, leading to the "double-handling" of salt. In moving south to Laguna San Ignacio the corporation will lower cost by increasing the amount of salt exported and eliminate the "double-handling" of salt, by creating a mi le long pier that can carry the salt out to cargo ships. The irony is that this project would never of been considered if the Gray Whales were not removed from the Endangered Species list, yet, only a month after the Gray Whale was removed from the Endangered Species list the salt project proposal was submitted, possibly endangering this species once again. THE GRAY WHALE The Gray whale (Eschrichtius Robustus) is believed by scientists to play an intricate part in the web of life that is not fully understood. Yet, people chose to exploit whales for their resources, not taking into consideration the long-term effects it may have. Humans have twice driven the Gray Whales to near extinction for the convenience of oil or other superficial needs. Fortunately, with the help of the moratorium on commercial whaling and groups such as Grupo de los Cien, Natural Resources Defense Council, World Wildlife Fund, Pro Esteros and others, the Gray Whale numbers are at pre-exploitation, somewhere around 21,000. This salt expansion project could once again cause damage to the Gray Whale population along with the rich biodiversity that inhabits Laguna San Ignacio. The Laguna San Ignacio is the last undeveloped lagoon that Gray Whales can still visit without the interference of man’s progress. THE POLITICS Mitsubishi and the Mexican governments’ industrial salt company, Exportadora de Sal (ESSA-which Mitsubishi owns 49%), have set up a web site that describes the impact that they have had on the Laguna Guerrero Negro, the coastal environment and the biodiversity.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Celtic vs. Rangers: Catholicism vs. Protestantism :: Essays Papers
Celtic vs. Rangers: Catholicism vs. Protestantism Most European cities can boast of a professional football (soccer) club and a competitive rivalry with a neighboring team. However, Glasgow, Scotland is the home of one of the oldest and most heated rivalries in the world. Two of the most prestigious football clubs in Europe, Celtic and Rangers, both call Glasgow their home. The cross-town rivals first met on the pitch on February 28, 1888. At that point, "none of the 2,000 spectators at the game could have guessed that they were present at a historic occasion, for that evening marked the first of what was to become the most famous, long-lasting – and bitter – sporting rivalry in the history of football" (Murray 4). Almost a hundred years after the inaugural match, the conflict between fans came to fruition when Celtic and Rangers met in the 1980 Scottish Cup Final. Immediately following an entertaining and relatively problem free match, built up tension exploded into violent riots before anyone had even le! ft the stad ium. Celtic supporters, excited after the victory, rushed the field to celebrate with their beloved players. Angered by the loss and the expression of joy shown by their nemesis, Rangers fans also rushed the field. However, †¦There was no question of celebration in the minds of the fans who invaded from the West end of the ground. They had violence in mind and no sooner was it offered than it was returned with enthusiasm. The brutal and disgusting scenes which followed as bottles flew and drunken supporters charged and counter-charged from one end of the field to that other, brought disgrace upon the two clubs concerned, upon Scottish football generally, and were an affront to Scotland as a nation (Murray 196). The riots after the 1980 Scottish Cup Final acted as a springboard for the conflict between Celtic and Rangers. Before that game, the extent of the tension between the two groups had gone unrealized. However, the truth behind the violence on the field that day continues to plague the rivalry today. Despite the age-old on field rivalry, the tension between Celtic and Ranger supporters runs much deeper than what takes place on the soccer field. The conflict between the fans has erupted into violence on many occasions, with games between the two clubs ending in some of the worst riots and greatest tragedies in sporting history. Despite the tension created through competition, the origin of hatred between clubs and fans is not just the result of bad tackles and endless taunting.
Light Essays -- Literary Analysis, Alcott
Louisa May Alcott was said to be â€Å"the pioneer in the delineation of sprightly young-girl life, brim full of animal spirits, yet overflowing with a desire to be true and brave and helpful†(Delamar 150). As a classic, inspiring author, Alcott is best known for her novels concerning poverty, family struggles to overcome obstacles, and female independence. Alcott incorporated these ideas through her works in Eight Cousins and Little Women. Even though Rose in Louisa May Alcott’s Eight Cousins and the March sisters in Little Women are brought up in different types of socioeconomic environments, they share common traits and themes, such as moral lessons, feminist ideas, and coming of age. The character Rose in Eight Cousins and Laurie in Little Women are similar in terms of socioeconomic societies, unlike the March sisters in Little Women who struggle to support themselves during the Civil War. After becoming a recent orphan, Rose was put into the care of several unknown family members, wealthy Scottish descents from Boston, engaged in the China trade. As an heiress, she was expected by her six aunts to attend â€Å"a fashionable finishing school†(Alcott 43) and learn the proper etiquette of a young elite lady. Although Rose is only thirteen, she is treated like an adult who drinks coffee daily and dresses in womanly fashions such as corsets, high heels, veils, and bustles. These high expectations cause Rose a great deal of stress which leads to long-term illness. Unlike Rose, the March family struggles financially. At one point, the March’s were wealthy, until Mr. March lost his job and joined the war in order to provide for his family. This monetary loss caused a major set back to the family and negatively impacts the four daughters, ... ...en, she marries John Brooke, conforming to society’s expectation of women. While her aunts persuade her to marry into wealth, Meg independently makes the decision that love is more important than money, from experiences with high society. Through this experience, Meg becomes more independent and accepts herself as who she truly is and values what she has. Similarly, Amy succumbs to peer-pressure among her classmates. Trying to be like the other girls and popular, she goes against her morals and boldly endures the negative consequences of her action of encompassing pickled limes. Once quitting school, Amy discovers the power women have and becomes a feminist. She travels to Europe to accomplish her desire to be an artist, considered rare for women during the nineteenth century. Amy follows her dreams and becomes a more assertive and independent â€Å"little women†.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Career Building Competencies Essay
After completing my career interests’ profiler and competencies assessments, it helped me gain a better understanding of my competencies and how I apply them to a business setting. With the career interests’ profiler, it pretty much already told me what I already knew but more of a deeper understanding. What I do appreciate after taking completing the career interests’ profiler is providing me with a list of the different careers that would be best suited for me. By completing the competencies assessment, it has helped me analyze my results such as, adapting to change, delivering results or innovating and how I can apply them to critical thinking. By understanding my personal competencies, what I can do to improve my skills can be using my results to help look outside the box. One result I found very intriguing was innovating. â€Å"To innovate†means to show something as if it was the first time or to alter something and I found that intriguing as one of my results. Applying innovation to critical thinking would mean to think outside the box, change my perception on how I see the problem so that the solution may present itself. Another way in applying my results can be in how I evaluate arguments. For example, adapting to change or coping with pressure are great competencies in which can help me evaluating arguments. With adapting to change, it can help me view the argument from a different point of view. It can open my eyes in seeing other possible solutions and coming to an agreement. Also with coping with pressure, it can help me by keeping me calm when in an argumentative position. Not only can it keep me calm but by staying calm, it can help me stay confident in what is argued. After taking this assessment, it has helped me understand my competencies when being applied to critical thinking and evaluating argument.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Estrangement: Political Philosophy and Good Life Essay
Chapter two of Glenn Tinder’s, â€Å"Political Thinking: The Perennial Questions†on estrangement and unity asks us whether we as humans are estranged in essence. This question really sets the tone for the rest of the book, because if humans are estranged then we would not be living together in societies, therefore not needing political science to answer such questions that deal with societies. As Tinder describes it, †politics is the art of reconcilliation, and that the need for this art always arises from some kind of estrangement†(23). Tinder’s point does not answer the question of whether or not we are truly estranged in essence, that would be to easy! It merely suggests that with humans living in societies estrangement arises, not that we are estranged in essence. By deffinition estrangement signifies alienation: a separation from hostility. And it is derrived from the latin word extraneare: to treat as a stranger. So do humans by nature treat others as strangers, are they alienated from one another at there core? Tinder attempts to show us two such philosophers who would show us the two sides of this argument so that we may gain clarity and decide the essence of humans with the knowledge of great thinkers as our foundation. Those two great thinkers are Aristotle who believes that humans are not estranged, and Thomas Hobbes who subscribes to the idea that humans are estranged in essence. So with these two thinkers as the backbone of this debate we can get to the bottom of the question at hand. The seminal philosopher in the argument that humans are not estranged is Aristotle. In Politea, Aristotle states that: .. by nature man is a political animal. Hence man have a desire for life together, even when they have no need to seek each other’s help. Nevertheless, common interest too is a factor in bringing them together, in so far as it contributes to the good life of each. The good life is indeed their chief end, both communally and individually; but they form and continue to maintain a political association for the sake of life itself. Perhaps we may say that there is an element of good even in mere living, provided that life is not excessively beset with troubles. Certainly most men, in their desire to keep alive, are prepared to face a great deal of suffering, as if finding in life itself a certain well-being and a natural sweetness. (Aristotle, Politics Book II) If man indeed is a political animal, and our commmon interest does bring us together in the hopes of having â€Å"the good life†or eudeamonia then it seems somewhat impossible be estranged in essence. For, by the deffinition aforementioned of being estranged man would not and certainly could not live together, and certainly not for institutions to keep those bonds strong. Afterall who in their right mind would enjoy or choose living in a state of hostility. Aristotle would almost certainly dissapprove of this version of nature. Living in a state of hostility for him would be almost a tyrannical form of life with fear as the tyrant itself. Since Aristotle ultimately approves of a Monarchy aiming at the common interest he admits that humans do suffer from feelings of estrangement but that a single outstanding man (or small group) can, through reason, render useless feelings of estrangement in a society by way of distributive justice. Meanwhile, Thomas Hobbes asserting his viewpoint of pre-political man as a war, â€Å"of every man against every man†(Leviathan) he has little faith that man is not estranged. Hobbes alleges that the life of a man in his pre-political condition is, â€Å"solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short†(Leviathan) which certainly indicates a level of hostility that would prevent, even condemn, man to be able to live together in a society. In Hobbes’ world evrery man would be in constant fear of other men taking from them their freedom to do whatever they please and their liberty to live. Hobbes basically implies that man in the state of nature is in such a horrible condition that we actually seek peace through coming together under a social contract. Hobbes suggests that to get out of the state of nature that men must build a leviathan (government) that can sustain a social contract. Since Hobbes has such little faith in us to rule ourselves democratically, he suggests that an absolute elected monarchy would best suit us. This is an interesting choice because, he implys that we need a single man who can rule absolutely to battle forms of estrangement. In other words if we were left to our own devices with out the control of an absolute monarch we would kill ourselves. Fear has a lot to do with estrangement because people who are estranged live in fear of hostility from strangers. Hobbes is quoted as saying †fear and I were born twins†. Since fear is spawned from estrangement it is easy to see how Hobbes would not trust human nature in any sense of the word.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Of Mice and Men: My Impression of Curley’s Wife Essay
Curley’s wife is just a young woman seeking attention, feeling the only way she can receive it is if she throws herself at the men around the ranch. In all honesty, Curley should give her more attention than she could ever wish for, however, in the 1930s things were a lot different to how they are now for women. Curley’s wife gives off the impression that she is a floozy and an extremely flirtatious woman throughout the whole novel. For example, when she leans her body against the pole â€Å"So her body was thrown forward.†This suggests that she is aiming to make all the males in the bunk house admire her female beauty, since her husband won’t. Also she talks very playfully towards the men around the ranch, which illustrates that she seeks some fun and enjoyment, which she is clearly not receiving from Curley. This is why she wonders elsewhere. An example of this playfulness is when she says â€Å"If he ain’t, I guess I better go look some place else,†You may think that she is talking about looking for Curley, but in fact, this symbolises her looking for other sexual pleasures, with the other men. The character of Curley’s wife shows an awful mean streak with her racism towards Crook’s in one of the chapters. Crook’s makes it clear that he does not have the desire to talk to her, resulting in a very serious threat towards him â€Å"Well you can keep your trap shut then, Nigger. I could get you strung up on a tree so easy it ain’t even funny†are the exact words she uses in the novel. This not only demonstrates that she is infuriated by the fact that nobody wants to talk to her, but it also shows the horrific racism that went on in the 1930’s, both Curley’s wife and Crook’s know that him having dark skin means the first sight of trouble and he will be abandoned or worse, killed. People with dark skin were treated like dirt in those days, Crook’s was nothing more than a tool, an animal, a disgrace! Curley’s wife desperately wants somebody to share conversation with and she feels very lonely and isolated, howev er, this is no excuse to be so prejudice against Crooks in my opinion. Personally, I am not a big fan of the character of Curley’s wife. I feel some of her actions are very unnecessary and she should keep herself to herself, as appose to trying to flirt with all the males and going behind her husband’s back.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Project Plan Event Essay
Green Project plan draft 05-10-2010 Project proposal 1st version Monday 13 Sept Project proposal final version Monday 20 Sept Project plan – 1 version Tuesday 28 Sept Presentation in week 39 Project plan – final version Tuesday 5 Oct Production programme – 1 version Monday 11 Oct Production programme – final version Monday 18 Oct st st Number of time event will be held Date and place of event Number of visitors/participants Costs per person 1 22 and 23 of July 2011 Westergasfabriek, Amsterdam 2000 Friday Saturday â‚ ¬ 10,00 â‚ ¬ 15,00 nd rd Client Annelies de Bruine RIVM 0615279834 Deborah Hofste Project leader 0612120246 Juan Caceres Creative manager 065120404090 Rick Sam Production manager 0613265586 Anna Oosterling Financial manager 0612199242 Cathleen Verbond Marketing manager 0641145280 Project team 1 Table of content 1. 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.6 Introduction Faya festivals Client Background Client‟s objective „‟GREEN Festival‟‟ Project plan Deviations 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2. 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.4 Project contents Structure plan Detailed plan Ambience Atmospheric Impression Production method 4 4 6 12 13 14 3. 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 Marketing and Communication Targets group Marketing plan Media SWOT-analysis Communication plan Fundraising plan 15 15 16 17 17 18 19 4. 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 Control aspects (QOFTIM) Quality Organization Facilities Time Information Money 20 20 21 22 24 26 28 Appendix 2 1. Introduction 1.1 Faya Events Faya Events is an upcoming festival management company currently working with 5 employees, each in their own field of expertise. We are all young adults, and we have a fresh outlook on your festival. Taking care of your festival from A to Z and to for fill your every need is our profession. Every phase at Faya Events contains a so called go, no go moment so we can keep you up to date and no steps are taken without your approval. 1.2 Client The client of the festival is the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, also known as RIVM. The RIVM has expertise about health, nutrition, nature and the environment. They investigate all those matters and want to share their knowledge with the rest of the world. The RIVM works mainly for the Dutch government. They especially work for 3 ministries: Health, Welfare and Sport; Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment, and Agriculture, Nature Management and Food Quality. For this project Annelies de Bruine was asked by the RIVM to come up with a project to raise awareness for environmental problems. She had to find a way to endorse youngsters to live a more environmental friendly life. 1.3 Background The RIVM started in 1984. The Dutch government decided to combine 2 departments, the National Institute for Drinking Water Supply (RID) and the Institute for Waste Research (IVA). They took care of vaccinates, researched the Q-fever, advised the National Coordinator for Counterterrorism about how to react on a nuclear, chemical and biologic attack and monitors the current state of our environment. Nowadays, many youngsters don‟t know what the RIVM is and does. Annelies set up a short research on this target group (young adults between the age of 18 and 25) and used the advices of the communication advice company. The research showed that a popular place this target group meets is at festivals. The communication advice company then suggested organizing such a festival. Annelies has no experience with producing music festivals. She set up an assignment to come up and present a concept for a 2-day music festival. 1.4 Client’s objective The RIVM wants to activate youngsters to be good for the environment. Annelies de Bruine works for the RIVM. Their goal is to reach out to young people between the age of 18 and 25, in a way they can relate to. This is necessary to raise awareness for the consequences of global warming and pollution for them and their children so they will be endorsed to live more environmentally friendly. Young people need to know that they can have fun in a green way! The RIVM needs young people to stand up for their environment and take appropriate action. They have the future of our world in their hands. 1.5 â€Å"GREEN Festival†Faya events made a concept of a Festival which the RIVM totally relates to. The festival is going to present the values RIVM stands for. With use of all biodegradable and ecological products, workshops and performing artists, this festival is going to reach a lot of young adults, make them active and successfully fulfill the goal of the RIVM. 1.6 Project Plan This document is the project plan draft. It provides the client with an exact picture of the event. The project plan is a detailed version of the approved project proposal. It contains an extensive marketing plan, fundraising plan and communication plan. The project plan draft is the first document of the preparation phase. The preparation is the phase of that focuses on the planning or development of a design. After approving the final version of the project plan, the event will step into the production phase. The comments of the project proposal will be adjusted in the project plan. The wishes/changes of the RIVM are improved in the project plan. 1.7 Deviations Unlike the project proposal, the project plan contains more information about workshops and how to interact with the visitor. The finances are extended in the Project Plan. 3 2. 2.1 Project contents Structure plan Concept The concept is to reach out to young adults between the age of 18 and 25 in a way they can relate to being environmentally friendly. By reaching out and raising awareness of the consequences of global warming and pollution the target group will be endorsed to live more environmentally friendly. This concept brings environment friendly companies, artists and music lovers in one place where the thought is being green while having fun and listening to music. Image and Theme To persuade youngsters to live more environmentally friendly the image and theme of the festival will be: Green (environmentally friendly) o Will reflect the meaning of being environmentally friendly and the reason the whole event is based on. Fun o Will reflect the party and enjoyment of the visitors of the festival. – With prolonged exposure to a green and fun environment, the visitors of the festival will be more open to be environmentally friendly. By trying to change the thought of being green is silly and expensive, youngsters may develop a comprehensive understanding of being environmentally friendly and will see the positive factors of this festival. Message The message is live more environmentally friendly in this world. Holland is informed, but does not really do something to improve the environment they live in. The message brings people back to a few hundred years ago when people lived with a lot of green surrounding them. This is a good thing because then they will appreciate what they have in their surroundings. As a result, young adults will become more aware and endorsing to see things in a positive way and make them being greener. Objectives Our objectives are: – Create awareness of the environment before, during and after the festival – Obtain a 2% growth of energy sa ving products by the festival before the end of 2011 – To grow 15% in the upcoming 5 years as a festival. By having a bigger location, more artist and more visitors Wecycle, Workshops and GREEN test Wecycle is a way of recycling your old electronic products. This sort of recycling will be done during the festival. For every one or two electronic products the visitors bring to the festival they will receive a free consumption for drinks or food. 4 There will be two workshops one for woman and one for men. For woman it will consist on a make-up workshop and for men a shaving workshop. For this we choose Rituals to do the workshop and supply their products, because their products are environmentally friendly and biological. The GREEN test will be named „‟How green are you?‟‟. The winners of the test will win some amazing prices such as bikes. Line-up Headliners Friday July 22 nd Friday will be the party night. We want to schedule two famous artist and one smaller artist. In the timetable above are the artists shown in red and the times are an indication of the programming. The blue parts are the times at which the DJ is going to play. The DJ will play party music such as dance, drum & bass and dub step, to keep an alive atmosphere in-between the performances of the artists. Boemklatsch Boemklatsch? Boem, klatsch, kick, snare. It‟s that simple. It‟s all about the beat with the Boemklatsch collective: a colorful, creative and exuberant group of friends who guarantee to tear the roof off any party, anywhere. Their reputation is growing across Europe for being ahead of the game in every form of uplifting electronic music and partying harder than the crowds they entertain. th Retrieved September 15 , 2010, from: Source: The Madd This quartet from Rotterdam (The Netherlands) knows how to keep a beat. They started out playing Beat -or rather ‘Biet’, as they say in Holland- in 2005. Sharply dressed and knowing their tongue-in-cheek humor, their sound evolved from the primitive sounding 60’s garage to well-arranged power pop songs, still influenced by a musical area that is far behind us, yet sounding modern, fresh and played with an urgency that is hard to f ind in today‟s pop music. The Madd had a top twenty hit single in Holland with rapper (!) Dio and played every major club and festival from the Lowlands festival to the Amsterdam Paradiso. th Retrieved September 15 , 2010, from: Source: Headliners Saturday July 23 rd Saturday is going to be the festival day. There will be a main stage and an outside area. At the main stage the artist performances are going to take place. We want to book three headliners for Saturday. Outside, a „ green‟ fashion show is going to take place. During the day you can shop for second hand clothes and buy food if you‟re hungry. We are going to create a lounge where people can relax on hay bales, watch movies in the atmosphere of a silent disco (the sounds of the movie will be coming out of headphones) and listen to a DJ playing music. In 3 areas, DJs are going to play. Main stage Outside Lounge Rock, Britpop, Indie Pop, top 40, mainstream R&B, Hiphop 5 C-mon & Kypski Eclectic visionaries C-Mon & Kypski proved themselves as genre-bending geniuses on their last album, Where the Wild Things Are, which Esquire Magazine fondly referred to as, â€Å"The hot shit in Europe right now.†3 years later, and with extensive European and US touring under their belts, C-Mon & Kypski are back in the studio working their magic to shatter expectations and take their music to the next level with their upcoming release titled: â€Å"We Are Square†, scheduled for October 2009. th Retrieved September 15 , 2010, from:!/cmonandkypski?v=info Cancelation The Q4 and introducing Perquisite Because of the cancelation of The Q4 we decided to book a similar artist. This became Perquisite. The Q4 was previously booked to perform on the stage of GREEN but have announced on the 1 of October 2010 that they are quitting the live shows because of the difficulty of projecting their album „‟Sound Surroundings‟‟ to a live act. Arts The Beatdoctor one of the members of The Q4 has decided to leave the band to focus on his solo career. STW en Sense the remaining two members have decided to continue as a producing Dou. This is not the end of The Q4. st Retrieved October 1 , 2010, from: Source: Perquisite is a composer/producer in Amsterdam and started to create beats at age 14. In March of 2001 he started a record label called Unexpected Records. That same year he released his first 7-track EP  ¾Ã¢â‚¬Å¸Outta Nowhere‟‟. A year later he released his second EP „‟Double Vision‟‟. These releases came before he met MC Pete Philly with whom he became Pete Philly & Perquisite. The first result of this soulful coalition was the EP „‟Mindstate‟‟, which had its release in January 2004 on Unexpected Records. . Pete & Perq continued their collaboration and in march 2005 they released their 17track debut album „‟Mindstate‟‟, which was released all over Europe & Japan. In September 2007 their second album, „‟Mystery Repeats‟‟, was released in The Netherlands through Unexpected Records / ANTI. In May 2009, Perquisite was awarded with the so called ‘Duiveltje’ for Best Producer of The Netherlands. The award is handed out once a year by the Dutch Music Society (MCN) and is voted for by Dutch musicians. End of 2009 Pete Philly & Perquisite decided to go into their separate ways. Right now Perquisite is working on the debut album by Dutch singer Urita, as well as preparing the release of th his official solo debut album which will be released October 18 2010. st Retrieved October 1 , 2010, from: Source: Go back to the zoo Go Back to the Zoo is an Amsterdam-based band. Brothers Teun (guitar) and Cas (vocals) had been playing together since they were little kids, when one day they decided they needed a drummer. They called their friend Bram and told him the good news, and so Bram became the drummer. A while later they met a nice guy while standing in the waiting line for a Strokes concert. His name was Lars, and Cas, Teun and Bram decided that Lars should be the bass player. Lars, who had never touched a bass guitar in his life, liked the idea and started practicing like crazy. And so Go Back to the Zoo was born. From that moment on they have been writing songs in a dusty old cellar (that also stored a collection of mounted animals). All across the Netherlands Go Back to the Zoo performed their songs, and all across the Netherlands the people liked it. In 2008 they recorded an EP with producer Torre Florim (De Staat), which got picked up by national radio. Their single „Beam me up‟ was used by Nike for a worldwide campaign and after that, things went quick. After their second single „Electric‟ became Megahit and entered the top ten charts on iTunes the band is ready for world domination. th Retrieved September 15 , 2010, from: Source: st 6 2.1 Detailed plan Location The location will be the Transformatorhuis at the Westergasfabriek in Amsterdam. It is situated in the west side of Amsterdam. It has a terrace and a big inside to fit the visitors of the event due to his capacity of 1500 people. Detailed information: Address : Transformatorhuis Klà ¶nneplein 2 1014 DD Amsterdam 020 – 586 07 10 700 Phone number m2 : : On the image below you can see the outside of the Transformatorhuis and map wise where it is located. 7 Transportation „ Vehicle Car Direction From the south From the north – Route Visitors can take exit S 103 on the ring West (signposted to Haarlem and Halfweg) Then follow the signs to Amsterdam Centre Then turn right into the Haarlemmerweg Then turn right at the 5th traffic-light to park their car in Parking garage Westerpark They will find the Westergasfabriek on the other side of the canal. Visitors can take exit S 104 on the Ring West (signposted to Haarlem) Then follow the signs to Amsterdam Centre Then turn right to Amsterdam Centre Then turn right into the Haarlemmerweg Then turn right again at the 4th traffic-light to park their car in Parking garage Westerpark They will find the Westergasfabriek on the other side of the canal Bus 21 to Geuzenveld Stop Van Hallstraat They will find the Westergasfabriek on the other side of the canal Tram 10 to Van Hallstraat Stop Van Limburgstirumplein or Van Hallstraat They will find the Westergasfabriek on the other side of the canal Tram 12 to Nassaukade Stop Bos en Lommerweg Change to Bus 21 direction Central Station Stop Van Hallstraat They will find the Westergasfabriek on the other side of the canal Head to the north After 1.3 km go left and go to the Planciusstraat After 90 m go to the right to Haarlemmerplein After 0.7 km the visitor will arrive to the location Head to the north After 2.1 km go left and go to the Planciusstraat After 90 m go to the right to Haarlemmerplein After 0.7 km the visitor will arrive to the location Public Transportation From Central Station – From city center From Sloterdijk Station Bicycle From Central Station From city center 8 Set up outside Doors Stage Lounge Bar Stall Crowed barrier High black fence Decoration : : : : : : : : 1 to entrance the inside of the event 5x4x1m For DJ booth 4x5m This will have a silent lounge theme with headphones 3x1m For drinks 2x1m 2x1m 1x2x1m All around the place from the bar till the stage and lounge This will be references to being green and environmentally friendly The specific decoration will be put the company that we will hire This will be in detail in the production program. Energy saving and LED Lights : 9 Set up inside Doors : 1 visitor‟s entrance 2 Toilets 4 safety exit 6x9m For artist to perform 5x1m For drinks 4x1m To attend to wounds of the visitors 4x6m For the jackets and bags of the visitors 3x2m For coin sales 2x1m 2x1m All around the place from the bar till the stage. This will be references to being green and environmentally friendly The specific decoration will be put the company that we will hire This will be in detail in the production programme Energy saving and LED Stage Bar First Aid Wardrobe Coin locket Crowed barrier High black fence Decoration : : : : : : : : Lights : 10 Programming 11 2.2 Ambience Ambience The overall ambiance of the festival will be light, bright, friendly and fun. When a visitor enters the festival he/she will see the comfortable lounge tent placed outside. Inside this tent we use a silent disco theme to make you relax and enjoy your stay at the tent. Next to the tent visitors can get a drink at the outside bar and take a walk on the market with second hand shops. The feeling that the visitor will get when he/she steps inside the building is be warm and trusted. This is created with the lights that will be bright and colorful adapting to the music and give you the idea of wanting to move and have fun the entire day and night. With a space of 544m2 people will have enough space to move but not too much that it seems empty. The bar of the festival will have green lights to still give a hint that it‟s a green festival and that everything they see is environment friendly. When the visitor passes the security guards they will notice that the sy stem is careful and discrete to avoid problems for other visitors. There will not be a moment that the visitor will see the same colors as the colors change to interact with the theme of the festival and the way the visitor is enjoying his/her stay. The visitor will get involved actively and make them interact with the theme there will be wecycle, workshops and a test. Wecycle will be done by every one or two electronic products the visitor brings will give them a free consumption. There will be two workshops one for woman and one for men. For the woman it will consist of a make-up workshop with products of Rituals. For the men it will consist of a shaving workshop with products of Rituals. Finally there will be a test named „‟How green are you‟‟. The winners of the test will win some amazing prices such as bikes. From start to finish this festival will be a joyride for the visitor. From the outside music and lounge to the music inside the building, lights and the many new and interesting ways that he/she will be informed about green. This is a festival they don’t want to miss out or leave from. 12 2.3 Atmospheric Impression 13 2.4 Production method Product Stages Definition During â€Å"GREEN†there will be live performances from DJs and artists. There will be one stage outside and one stage for the inside. Lighting The LED-lighting equipment will be rented from or . Reason for rental is this is a 1-time-event. LEDpanels will be the background of the stage and these will make nice projections. The lighting also has to be set up that the artist(s) has to be clearly visible as well and also these lights will give a great overall effect. DJ‟s and bands will bring their own music equipment besides the sound system of course. The speakers will be placed on/around the stage that people further in the Transformatorhuis can still talk to each. Sound Lounge area The lounge area is outside. People can make use of the headphones (silent disco) these are to listen to the music while they are relaxing on a hay bale. Barriers will be used. This for the safety of the performers and the visitors as well. Next to the wardrobe, the first aid care will have space to attend. Barriers First Aid Staff The staff that will be working during „‟GREEN‟‟ will be experienced workers as we are going to work together with the agency „‟Randstad‟‟. A more detailed production information file will be found later during the development phase, in the production programme. 14 3. Marketing and communication 3.1 Targets Group The age of the main target group of the festival initially was 14 to 25. To avoid problems with under aged visitors and to spare costs for wristbands to indicate youngsters older than 18, the target group age has been raised from 14 up to 18 years old. Main Target Group Studying youngsters These boys or girls are finishing up their secondary education at VWO/Athenaeum level or following a postsecondary vocational college like MBO/HBO or studying at a University. Every month they receive student income education and housing costs. The room they live in is situated in a student house in a medium to large-size town such as Amsterdam, The Hague, Leiden and Delft. They have a part-time/weekend job at a grocery shop like Albert Heijn or a cafà ©/bar/restaurant to fund their social life. In the weekends they go see a concert at a concert hall like Paradiso, a gig at a pop podium like Tivoli, party in a club like Hollywood or drink a beer in a regular cafà ©/bar. They travel from one place to another by public transport. With their free student train travel card they travel for free during the week or the weekends. About 60% has a driver‟s license but only 10% of them own a car. 99% of the students own a bike in one or two cities. Working youngsters These boys or girls graduated this year, last year, the year before or didn‟t go to a secondary vocational college. Only a few of them haven‟t got a full time job. Their income is estimated at 1300 Euros a month. Either they still live in a student house, just moved to a small apartment or bought/rented a house with their significant other. They still live in medium to large-scale towns like Amsterdam, The Hague, Leiden and Delft to be close to their work office. In the weekends they go see a concert at a concert hall like Paradiso, a gig at a pop podium like Tivoli or a regular cafà ©/bar. They do not own a free student train travel card anymore and travel from place to another with their own car or a car borrowed from their mother and/or father. Sub Target Group Environmentalists These people have a job and a house of their own. Some of them still study but most of them don‟t. Their income is estimated at 1500/1700 euro‟s a month. These people have a little bit more to spend than the studying and the working youngsters. They often live around the city because it‟s cheaper than living in the center. In the weekends they try to be outside as much as they can, enjoying the few solar beams Holland has to offer. They think about pollution a lot and try not to waste anything. Secondary Target Group Second-hand shop owners These people are hard workers. They usually own a small store on a insignificant corner or street. They are almost never in a shopping mall or street. You‟d have to search in little alleyways or streets not in the neighbourhood of a shopping area. They usually do not make a lot of profit on their own, since not many people are interested in second hand clothing. 15 3.2 Marketing Plan To clarify the picture of the marketing plan, we use the marketing mix of the 5 P‟s. This will inform the client strategically about what plans we have and what steps we are going to take. Because of the fact that the plan has to be worked out in detail, there is a P added to the mix. This one is of great significance, since the th 5 P stands for personnel & partnerships. Product The two-day festival â€Å"Green.†The festival contains: – a chill lounge(Saturday) – a main stage provided with performing artists (DJ‟s, Friday) – a second-hand clothing fair(Saturday) – performing bands/ DJ‟s (Saturday) – Workshops (Saturday) The festival is supposed to make youngsters, between the age of 18 to 25, aware of their unhealthy way of life and helping them improve it by living green. Westergasfabriek in Amsterdam. This venue will work out best, because of the large spaces in the several rooms. The terrain around the Westergasfabriek will also become of great convenience because the second day of the festival will require an outside area. The admission fee of the festival will differ per day. The admission fee for Friday will be â‚ ¬10,- and the fee for Saturdays‟ event will be â‚ ¬ 15,-. The price of the admission fee on Saturday is higher because of the bigger offer of facilities that day. Friday, whic h is the party day, the logos of our sponsors (RIVM, Greenpeace, Stichting Doen, SNS Reaal Fonds, Prins Bernhardt Cultuur Fonds, WNF and Rituals ) will be displayed on the frame of the stage. Further, their logos will be displayed on the T-shirts of the staff. Our sponsors‟ logos will be found across the event. Saturday will work the same way, more or less. The difference is that the fair is on Saturday, which means that our sponsors also have a stand. They will also be mentioned at the end of the fashion show. Since Greenpeace uses volunteers for their public work we agreed on the fact that Greenpeace is sending a handful of volunteers helping around the event. This will spare us money. We also benefit from the fact that these are Greenpeace volunteers and if anybody would understand our message and knows how to broadcast it, it‟s them. Signing up can be done at the website of Greenpeace. The sponsoring will happen in merchandise instead of money. This is because the sp onsors cannot outbid the government. WNF will provide us with bio-degradable cups and plates. Greenpeace is going to provide us with personnel(as mentioned before) and WNF is going to take care of the technicalities of the stage and the lighting within the Westergasfabriek. The stages will be powered by green energy (from WNF). Place Price Promotion Personnel & Partnerships 16 3.3 Media The promotion advancing the festival will be done by newspapers, television, mouth-to-mouth communication and refers from our sponsors to the festival. The newspapers Sp!ts and Metro already agreed on placing our advertisement for one month preliminary to the festival. Also TMF is dedicating an episode of â€Å"Kijk dit nou!†to living green as a youngster and will hand out two tickets in that episode. At the public channels, Nederland 1, 2 en 3 we will get a mini commercial, courtesy of the government. These commercial will be broadcasted one month advancing the event. 3FM will be our media partner in all of this. 3FM does so because they want to support our festival and (of most important) the message. Our cooperation is a match made in heaven. 3FM is a serious radio station but also very now and young (appealing to target group). Our festival shares the same profile. The cooperation will result in commercials about the festival in their show. They are also allowed to give a way 6 tickets and a big stand of 3fm will be placed at the fair. The 3FM website will be expanded with a separate page. This page will contain all the information about the festival. It will also provide our contact address for any questions our visitors might have. 3FM will be well represented throughout the whole event (their logo will also be displayed on the t-shirts of the personnel and on the frame of the stage). Their DJ‟s will get a bit of playtime and they will also make a report of the festival and broadcast it on their radio show the day after. Our press release media-partner is also 3fm. They are experienced in handling with the media and know how to make our event look good. 3.4 SWOT-analysis Positive Strengths – Clear internal communication – The project is innovative – Respect for one another – Project is environment friendly – We use dropbox – Network – Good cooperation Opportunities – Subsidies – Big main sponsors – Government and media will like the – concept – More people go green – If the visitors are happy with the festival there might be a sequel (maybe even a annual festival). Negative Weaknesses – We are inexperienced – Concept of the festival is relatively new – We have a low budget – Great click between our group could backfire Threats – Tight budget (green stuff is very expensive) – Weather – Concept might not attract target group – Other festivals happening round the same time – Acts aren‟t well received – Negative police interference 17 3.5 Communication Plan Our festival is about making youngsters between the age of 18 to 25 aware of our decreasing environment, and encourage their will to change that. Therefore spreading the word about our festival is of most importance. That‟s why a communication plan is made. It is a overview of the way we are presenting the festival, and with what message. This will make it easier for the client to understand how we are going to make this festival a well visited success. Communicati on A. Product target group Studying youngsters Learn something (be green) and have a good time doing it Have a good „green„ time and learn something Living green is not as hard and expensive as you think Living green is not as hard and expensive as you think You can have fun and still be doing it in the way you prefer; green. Direct marketing Advertisement Informal Circa 5 months in front of festival Circa 5 months in front of festival On the festival itself RIVM Email Internet Telephone Start living green Communication objective Communication Message Means of Communicatio n Style + Tone Frequency + Timing Sender Feedback opportunities Possible Return Service Working youngsters Direct marketing Advertisement informal RIVM Email Internet telephone Start living green Environmental ists A festival can be green Direct marketing Informal RIVM Email Internet Telephone Continue living green B. Fundraising target groups Environmental Try to let the organisation organisations Invest in the festival so the costs will stay low for us and therefore low for the costumers (tickets) Organisations who like to be associated to the festival (and it’s concept) Try to let the organisations invest in the festival so the costs will stay low for us and therefore low for the costumers (tickets) -The significance Direct of investing in marketing(com green projects by munication) organisations – Sponsoring events like these can increase their membership Formal Circa a year RIVM (10 months latest)prelimi nary to the festival Telephone and face 2 face Corporation sequel -The significance Direct of investing in marketing(com green projects by munication organisations – Sponsoring events like these can increase their membership Formal Circa a year (10 months latest) preliminary to the festival RIVM Telephone and face 2 face Corporation sequel Other Parties Second-hand shop owners Let them sell their clothes on the fair the second day of the festival. To let young adults to visit our festival A festival is a good place to sell your merchandise. Music is a good way to send out a message advertisement Informal/ formal 2/3 months to RIVM the event itself At the event itself RIVM Telephone email Artists Direct communicatio n Informal Face to face telephone 18 3.6 Fundraising plan Fundraising Target Group Fundraising Target Fundraising Message (Posibble Return Service) When to Apply When to Expect a Reaction Who Applies a. Subsidizers/Funds Stichting Doen Support our festival financially Associated with green/Cooperation sequel A year preliminary to the festival A year to ten months preliminary to the festival Marketing manager SNS Reaal Fonds Support our festival financially Associated with green/Cooperation sequel A year preliminary to the festival A year to ten months preliminary to the festival Marketing manager Prins Bernhardt Cultuur Fonds Support our festival financially Associated with green/ Cooperation sequel A year preliminary to the festival A year to ten months preliminary to the festival Marketing manager Sponsors 3FM Support our festival in the media Associated with green/ support green living A year preliminary to the festival A year to ten months preliminary to the festival Marketing manager Greenpeace Support our festival by sending volunteers Supporting green living Ten months preliminary to the festival Nine months preliminary to the festival Nine months preliminary to the festival 10 months preliminary to the festival Marketing manager Rituals Support our festival by handling the workshops Supporting green living Ten months preliminary to the festival Marketing manager WNF Support our festival by funding our biodegradable cups and plates Supporting green living A year preliminary to the festival Marketing manager 19 4. Control aspects (QOFTIM) 4.1 Quality Product Logo Quality The logo must have the pms colors 330 U en 152 U. Check On the computer the colors will be checked and when it is printed out there will be a pms fang next to it to check it to. Looking if the correct logo is put on Hyves/Facebook as well if the option to let everybody join as a member is chosen. Finally we check is the poll has the same questions as our survey. Hyves/Facebook There has to be a Hyves and a Facebook that will accept everyone that wants to join. This Hyves must content the same Logo as the campaign itself and a poll so people can answer the answers of the survey. The A4 paper for the letters must be „‟green paper white‟‟ of Viking with 90 grams of weight. Envelops must be „‟green envelops white‟‟ of Viking with 90 grams of weight and a format of 156 x 220 mm and a sealing. Everything printed will be done with print cartridges of Ecotone. During the entire campaign there will be a billboard promoting our festival. House style; Brief paper House style; envelops Will check by looking if the sample that is made has the A4 paper of Viking and weighting it. The sample‟s format will be measured and checked as will be the envelops if they are of good weight and correctly of the Viking material wanted. Print cartridge Everything printed will be done with print cartridges of Ecotone. Keeping contact with the person responsible that gives the assignment to change the billboards. By doing so we check if it really happens during the whole campaign. The day before there will be a check-up if everything is clean and ready for the event. CBS; Billboards Westergasfabriek/ Transformatorhuis Lights This is where the festival will take place and will be clean and organized. The lights be LED lighting. These lights are bright, can change colours and energy saving. The music will be for different type of music lovers so that everyone has their sort of music. Will be diverse to appeal to the target group. Will be diverse to appeal to the target group. This will be for the lounge room to create a soft atmosphere. Before hanging everything up the check will be done is the bolts are light saving and are of bright colours. Music There will be a focus group that reflects our target group and so see what they like and want to hear. DJ ´s There will be a focus group that reflects our target group and so see what they liked and want to see live. There will be a focus group that reflects our target group and so see what they liked and want to see live. Check all headphones to see if they work before of the event. (Stagelight) Bands Silent disco headphones 20 Staff This will be well experienced people to work at the event. The cups are fully biodegradable. The capacity of these cups is 200ml There will be a check of every person CV to check if the experience is real. These cups will be obtained from Bioware. This company is specialised in selling environment friendly products The beer trays also will be obtained from greenproduct-specialist Bioware Cups Beer trays These beer trays are fully biodegradable and can carry 6 drinking glasses. Trashcans will be spread out through the festival area. The cans are in groups of 3, each a different colour Trash cans 1 colour for biodegradable materials. 1 colour for foodleftovers and 1 more for all other kinds of garbage. By separating all types of garbage it can be deposed without hurting the environment Staff clothing The staff will be wearing biodegradable t-shirts. These will be printed with the logos of the sponsors. All the food which won‟t be sold will be donated to a charity so it won‟t be thrown away and wasted. This is possible as long the products are sealed and have an expiration date. Greengiving is a company which also is specialised in environment friendly products. This company sells and prints logos on the shirts. Food The food will be given to the food bank. Food bank gives food to people who can‟t afford to buy their own food. 4.2 Organisation 21 4.3 Facilities Venue plan The first and foremost reason for choosing the Westergasfabriek as festival location was because the buildings were in a way recycled. The Westergasfabriek, translated: The West Gas Factory, used to be a gas and coal producing factory up until the 60’s. With the discovery of natural gas in Slochteren the factory went out of business. Every building that was not destroyed became a monument and after being renovated let for cultural and musical purposes. The ambience of the whole area lies very much in line with that of the festival. At the Westergasfabriek we chose the Transformatorhuis as the particular venue. This is a building that can hold up to 2000 people and has an additional outside (terrace). The outside area will be used to ratify the outdoor green feeling while the inside will much more present the recycling theme. For a detailed overview of the layout of the inside as well as the outside see chapter 2. Project contents. Facility plan Space Audio equipment Equipment will be rented Stagelights. They will also do the set-up as well as the breaking down and manning the equipment. Light equipment Equipment will be rented Stagelights. A big part of the lights will be LED lights to save power. Stagelights will also do the set-up as well as the breaking down and manning the equipment. Bars Bars will be rented, installed and picked up by Inbev. Entertainers / artist Bookings will be done at the particular booking agencies. Barriers and fences Rented at Bakker Verhuur. Accessibility wheelchairs Venue is accessible for wheelchairs. Water Water connections are provided by the venue. Silent lounge headphones The Silent lounge headphones and DJ set will be hired at Onyx Entertainment. A more detailed explanation can be found in the budget 22 justification. The placement of the silent lounge at the outside area can be found in the outside overview in chapter 2. Project contents. Hay bales Hay bales will be bought through Rooms Cloakroom, dressing rooms, office room and toilets are provided by the venue. Buma/stemra Insurance & restrictions Amount of money that needs to be kept aside for the remunerations is estimated and explained in the budget justification. Sponsors An explanation of the sponsorships can be found in the marketing and communication chapter and in short in the budget justification. Services First Aid / EHBO EHBO personnel will be hired at See chapter 2. Project Contents for the placement of the service at the venue. Security Security personnel will be hired at Dutch Homeland Security. See the budget justification for a more detailed description of the deployment. Personnel Bar and catering personnel will be will be recruited and deployed by Randstad, HR Services. For short and simple work such as setting up stalls a couple of volunteers will be used. Any other services The toilets will be cleaned by the venue. Sewage disposal will be done by Van Vliet Groep. A more detailed explanation of the sewage disposal can be found in the budget justification. Communication Portofoons Portofoons are hired Flash Services. A more detailed explanation can be found in the budget justification. Legal plan The venue will provide the permit for the festival when the date is confirmed. The permit will be both for inside as well as outside. 23 4.4 Time Here you can read in detail every script from start to finish. Build Up Script Completion Script 24 Execution Script 25 4.5 Information How to provide information Who Client & executor Employees Faya Events What Questions about the event How Email / phone / meetings Responsible Client Annelies de Bruine Team manager Deborah Hofste Questions about their part of the event Email / phone / meeting with project manager Team manager Deborah Hofste Individual team members Documents event Dropbox Team members/Checked by Deborah Hofste Visitors before festival Knowing that the event takes place Advertisement / press Marketing Manager Cathleen Verbond Information about festival Website Creative manager Juan Caceres Questions about festival Website – > contact form Phone number on website Website: Creative Manager Juan Caceres Questions: Marketing Manager Cathleen Verbond Visitors on festival Where to find things? Information about the festival day What to do Signs on festival, employees who can answer the questions Creative Manager Juan Caceres Production Manager Rick Sam Staff on festival Event manager will have a meeting with all the employees before the festival starts With Porto phones they can contact the supervisor. Event manager Deborah Hofste Questions Porto: Production Manager Rick Sam Supervisor: Event Manager Deborah Hofste Volunteers Tasks They will be kept up to date by email. Signing up also by email. Meeting before festival starts. Email: Creative Manager Juan Caceres Meeting: Marketing manager Cathleen Verbond 26 Date determination In this chapter there will be looked at dates of other festivals in and around Amsterdam in June and July that can be a threat to the GREEN festival. There will also be looked at payout dates of financial allowances. This way a perfect date for the festival can be determined. Festivals June 2011 // Amsterdam Event Midzomerzaan Beeckesteijnpop Amerdam Roots Festival Holland Festival Festival Afrique-Carib It’s Festival Amserdam Date Festivals July 2011 // Amsterdam Event 03 untill 05 Sensation 11 Zingen op de Zaan 16 untill 19 Muziek & Meer 01 untill 23 Festival Lamere 25 untill 6 Julidans 23 untill 01 Over het IJ Festival Vondelpark openlucht A Day At The Park Festivals // Other Event Parkpop Lowlands Place Landgraaf Biddinghuizen 26 June 26 untill 28 August (date based on 2010) Oerol Parkpop North Sea Jazz Free Your Mind Zwarte Cross Festival Mundial Terschelling The Hague Rotterdam Arnhem Lichtenvoorde Leijpark Tilburg 17 untill 26 June 11, 12 & 13 June 8, 9 & 10 July 8 June (date based on 2010) 17, 18, 19 July (date based on 2010) 17,18 & 19 June (date based on 2010) Date 2 2 2 Date 01 untill 03 01 untill 14 07 untill 17 05 untill 28 23 27 Financial allowances 2011 Payment Study allowance May Study allowance June Study allowance July Salary Care allowance Holiday fee Date Tuesday 24 Friday 24 Friday 22 25 t/m end of month Around the 20 th th With May salary Westergasfabriek Fashionweek: 14 of July until the 18 of July Of all the weekends in June and July, the 22 and 23 of July looks like the perfect dates. Thought the financial allowances from June are probably already spend and the ones from July not paid out yet, the first th th two weekends have a lot of festivals going on. Therefor we suggest the 22 and 23 of July to be the dates for the GREEN festival. th th th th 4.6 Money Cost Revenue 28 Actual Budget This can be found in the appendix. Explanation Actual Budget 1000 Location Venue / Westergasfabriek The venue we are going to use is the so-called Tranformatorhuis with an additional outside place (see map QOFTIM: Facilities). Capacity of the venue is around 2000 people in and outside. Rent is fixed. All costs include cleaning at the end, management, administration costs and water (normal use). Excluded are consumption costs (such as electricity and gas) and taxes. The buildings are rented hull, without catering and technology. 2000 Primary activities Infrastructure / Bakker Verhuur, Bijleveld, Marktplaats High fences covered with black plastic will create the outside area including the entrance (see map QOFTIM: Facilities). At the entrance and in front of the Mainstage crowd barriers will be used to maintain a steady flow of people and damage prevention. The fences and crowd barriers will be rented at Michel Bijleveld. Hay bales will be bought through Sewage disposal / Van Vliet Groep 10 garbage bins will be distributed on the festival area. The bins will be rented at the Van Vliet Groep that collects the bins after the festival and recycles the trash. Communication: Portofoons / Flash Services Portofoons will be provided by Flash Services. Costs are calculated assuming we use 7 portofoons with 3 spares, 15 earphones, 2 extra batteries and 15 handies. Costs includes delivery, pick-up and insurance. Safety / Bakker Verhuur The outside area is usually not equipted with fire extinguishers. Three extra’s to cover the outside will be rented at Bakker Verhuur together with the stage parts, fences and barriers. 3000 Secondary activities Sound and light equipment / Stagelights LED lights: LED Ball: 25 x â‚ ¬10 = 250 LED Ball controller: 3 x â‚ ¬15 =45 Wallwasher LED: 20 x â‚ ¬30 =600 LED Octostrip: 104 x â‚ ¬7,50 = 780 LED Octostrip controller: 13 x â‚ ¬15 =195 LED Pinspot: 15 x â‚ ¬3,5 = 52,5 Other sound and light equipment costs are estimated with the help of Jasper Saman, financial manager of hiphop festival Roffest. The costs are based upon a basic set-up for a medium to large stage. 29 Onyx Entertainment silent lounge The lounge will be provided with 200 headphones usually used for a silent disco. There will be DJ set by pioneer available with two wireless stations. One station will use the output from the Mainstage, the second one will be used for interesting video‟s projected on the wall and stories people can listen to. Stages / Bakker Verhuur The Mainstage will be made using stage parts of 1 meter high, 2 meter long and 1 meter wide connected together by means of clamps. The outside stage will be made the same way. All the sides of the stages visible to visitors will be covered by black cloth. Stage parts and black cloth will be rented at Bakker Verhuur. Bands Boemklatsch C-Mon & Kypski The Q4 Mala Vita The Madd Go Back To The Zoo The Rudolfs Chef‟Special 3000,3000,3000,1500,1250,1250,1250,1000,- *Prices are estimated with the help of Jasper Saman. DJ’s DJ Wannabeastar (electro/house) DJ DNS (hiphop/soul) DJ Tommi (Balkan) Pushin Wood Soundsystem DJ Sampagne (crossover beats, funk, blakan, jazz) *Prices are estimated with the help of Jasper Saman. 300,300,300,500,200,- Hosts Friday: PAX (Kyteman‟s Hiphop Orkest) Saturday: La Melodia *Prices are estimated with the help of Jasper Saman. 500,500,- Decoration A wardrobe will be provided and manned by Van Dongen. Assuming a total of 2000 visitors will use the wardrobe on Friday and Saturday the costs will be 1.250,-. When charging visitors 1,per piece the turnover will be added to our revenue. Other decoration costs are estimated with the help of Jasper Saman and based upon expensive ecological materials. 30 4000 Design, advice and support Designer A designer will create a festival logo and overall festival design. With this logo and design the designer will be creating posters, a website and t-shirts. Catering personnel (drinks) / Randstad Catering personnel will be recruted and deployed by Randstad, HR Services. 5000 Additional Buma Stemra Buma/Stemra represents the interests of music authors in the Netherlands. They make sure that the authors receive remuneration for the use of their creations. Anyone who wants to make music available to the public pays remunerations for this via Buma. Because music will be played at the GREEN festival, there will need to be a certain amount of money kept aside to pay for this remuneration. To estimate the amount to set aside you need to look at two things. Admission fees and the amount of money spend on talent (bands, hosts, etc.). Buma Stemra will take the highest amount and charge you with 5% of it. In this case our admission fees are the highest amount so therefore we calculated 5% of this revenue and reserved it for Buma Stemra. Travel expenses A rough estimate is made for the travel expenses. Once the bands, DJ’s, hosts and any other personnel is confirmed these costs can be calculated. 6000 Supporting facilities Security / Dutch Homeland Security Security personnel will be hired at Dutch Homeland Security. Because there are no expensive materials placed outside on Friday and left outside during night no guard is needed for that time. Costs are calculated assuming 1 guard costs 35,- per hour and is deployed like the following: Friday 2. 3. Entrance 2 guards Inside 1 guard Saturday 4. 5. 6. 7. Entrance 2 guards Outside 2 guards Inside 2 guards Backstage inside entrance 1 guard 8. Backstage back entrance 1 guard Catering / Inbev, Dolphin Drinks such as Coca Cola, Fanta, beer and other refreshments will be purchased at Inbev. A bar with tap for the outside area will be supplied by Inbev. Water will be purchased at Dolphin water, environmentally friendly water. In return for a discount 31 Dolphin can distribute their promotion material on the festival area. EHBO / EHBO team An EHBO team will be hired at The costs are estimated based on 7000 Promotion, publicity, PR Printing / Publiprinting Everyhing that will be printed for promotional use will be printed at Publiprinting. Publiprinting prints on FSC certified paper. Distribution / Rock ‘n’ Roll Highschool Posters will be distibuted by students of the Rock ‘n’ Roll Highschool. T-shirts / Green Giving T-shirts will purchased and printed at Green Giving. These t-shirts are biodegradable. 8000 Organisational costs Printing costs / Copiesjop Most of the printing will be done at home. All other print work will be done at a Copiesjop. Printing will be on both sides of the paper to spare paper. Liability, furniture, break-in and fire insurance / Interpolis The insurance costs are estimated with the help of Jasper Saman. The costs are based upon a medium to large festival. 9000 Revenu Admission fees Admission fees are calculated assuming 500 visitors on Friday and 1500 on Saturday. Friday: 10,- Saturday: 15,- Project subsidies Subsidies have been searched for and estimated with the help of Imre Parkayni, financial advisor at Habek foundation. Funds and sponsoring Sponsoring will be recieved by the means of materials and volunteers. For a desciption of the sponsors see chapter 3. Marketing and communication. Stalls / Bakker Verhuur Stalls placed on the outside area will be let. Wardrobe / Van Dongen A wardrobe will be hired at Van Dongen. Costs and revenu are estimated assuming 2000 visitors will use the wardrobe on Friday and Saturday. 32
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