Monday, September 30, 2019
Growth In Population Essay
Delhi has been experiencing phenomenal growth in population in the last few decades. So, the number of vehicles has been increased to 40 lakhs, these are more than that of Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai put together. Today traffic on the roads of Delhi is a mix-up of cycles, scooters, buses, cars and rickshaws, resulting fuel wastage, environmental pollution and increasing number of rod accidents. To rectify the situation the government of India and the Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi, in equal partnership have set up a company on 03.05.1995 named Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. (DMRC). This necessitates a policy shift to discourage private modes. So, introduction of a rail based (MRTS) Mass Rapid Transport System is called for. MRTS will result in time saving for commuters, reliable and safer journey, reduction in atmospheric pollution, reduction in accident rates, reduced fuel consumption, reduced vehicle operating costs and increase in the average speed of road vehicles. The proposed Mass Rapid Transport System (MRTS) is going to be one of the most eco friendly projects in Delhi. With international consultants Ms. PCI (Japan) is associated with DMRC which is, building MRTS aims at using the latest technical knowhow available in Metro systems worldwide. The general consultants consisting of (PCI-PBI-TON1 CHI-JARTS-RITES) is overseeing the construction management. The total .and requirement of the land for the construction is about 458,256 hectares. DMRC has two types of corridors, underground, partly elevated and partly on the ground, having a total length of 52.60 kms. Out of which 11 kms. is underground from Delhi University to Central Secretariat There are 41 stations on the entire corridors. There are three different routes of MRTS, Vishwavidyalaya-Central Secretariat, Shahdra – Barwala and Tri Nagar- Nagloi. There are certain other routes under consideration with the DMRC. The train will run on broad gauge. Number of passenger; using the service per day is estimated to be 19.5 lakhs. The train will run at a speed 30 kms per hour. The coaches will be 3.2 M wide. The maintenance depots for underground corridor are at Khyber Pass and Nagloi, for surface and elevated corridors at Trinagar and Barwala. The Chairman and Managing Director of the project are Sh. K. Kosal Ran and Sh. E. Sreedharan respectively. All the three corridors are scheduled to complete by March, 2005. The first phase of the project from Shahdra to Tis Hazari has already been inaugurated by Prime Minister of India, Sh. Atal Bihari Vajpayee The contract for the Metro Section between Central Secretarial to ISB’ has been awarded to consortium of five companies led by Ms Dyckrhoi & Widmann AG, Germany while section between Delhi University to ISBT has gone to a consortium led by Ms Kumagi (Japan). All contractors have Indian partners. At the underground corridor Metro Stations will be located 12.8 meters below ground level, except Chawri Bazar station which will be located at 20 meters below ground level. All the stations at every corridor will be air conditioned; interchanging of commuters between Metro Corridor and rail Corridor will be at ISBT station. The completion cost of the Delhi Metro Project is Rs. 8155/- crores.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Ocean Dumping: Key Issues
Ocean Dumping: Key Issues Liz Gomez Ocean Dumping: Key Issues Marine debris is the official designation and referents to human created wastes that pollutes and are dumped deliberately or accidentally in lakes, waterways, seas and oceans. While certain debris naturally float on bodies of water (i. e. ogs and trees that got cut via natural events), certain communities, peoples and industries the world over deliberately dump debris and garbage in bodies of water without much thought into the effects of such acts in relation to threats to animals (fish, sea mammals, birds, reptiles) their habitats, coastal habitations and to human industries that depend on the bounty of the sea (i. e. fishing). Of late the greatest threat are the toxins released via the practice of ocean dumping which can destroy so easily fragile ocean habitats.Plastic and Styrofoam’s, being non-biodegradable cannot breakdown and affect ocean and water inhabitants in so many ways – accumulated debris preve nts photolysis, a component in photosynthesis killing marine life. Ghost nets and accumulated plastic as well as unique debris like six-pack rings can entangle marine life and result to movement restriction which can lead to starvation, laceration, infection and eventually, death. Dugongs, dolphins, sharks, reptiles, sea turtles and all sorts of fish can easily get entangled with ghost nets.Plastic bags and plastic pellets – the broken down versions of plastics via weathering clog the digestive tract of marine animals and where they pool, prevent photolysis as well. It does not help that the smaller pellets, known as nurdles resemble fish eggs. Populations of fish and sea mammals often mistake them for fish eggs and their ingestion result to death. Ever since man started sailing, the ocean has become a dumping ground for debris and materials. Greenpeace estimates that annually, containers ships lose about 10,000 containers while at sea.Adding to marine debris is the runoff fr om landfills & storm drains. The danger in the toxic contamination via ocean dumping can be seen in varied incidents in the Arctic Sea. In the 50's Russia dumped highly radioactive materials in their own part of the Arctic – the Barents Karas Sea but the toxicity spread through the rich fishing grounds of the international and open waters of the sea that it affected and threatened fish populations and the industry of Arctic Sea Fishing.Of recent, the experience of the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico showed how fragile marine biology is as species of marine life got heavily affected which in turn affected the fishing and tourism industries of the towns and cities around the gulf which destroyed livelihoods and way of life. Aside from the issues listed above, key concerns in relation to how ocean dumping affects human life are identified as follows (Burger, 2009) – 1) Occupational accidents, injuries, and exposures; ) Exposure of the public to hazardous or toxic material s washed up on beaches; 3) Human consumption of marine organisms that have been contaminated by ocean disposal. A further complication is the practice of legal dumping where countries (including the US) allow dumping of materials into the sea/ocean following certain situations and measures. Environmental organizations have since been advocating against such measures. To counteract them however, in the case of the US, the following measures have been put in place – †¢ Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, Toxic Substances Control Act, †¢ Water Pollution Prevention and Control Act, †¢ Air Pollution Prevention and Control Act, Dangerous Cargo Act, †¢ Ports and Waterways Safety Act, †¢ Deep Water Ports Act, †¢ Ocean Dumping Act Of the above, the biggest act with a direct impact on ocean dumping is the last measure, the Ocean Dumping Act. Enacted in 1988, with additional amendments the EPA presents the highlights of the act today as follows (EPA, 20 10) – †¢ TITLE I – OCEAN DUMPING BAN ACT OF 1988 (Amends the Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act, commonly called the â€Å"Ocean Dumping Act†) Makes it unlawful for any person to dump, or transport for the purpose of dumping, sewage sludge or industrial waste into ocean waters after December 31, 1991; †¢ Prohibits, after the 270th day after enactment, any person from dumping, or transporting for the purpose of dumping, sewage sludge or industrial waste into ocean waters unless the person: (1) enters into a compliance or enforcement agreement (which includes a plan negotiated by the dumper, the State, and EPA for terminating dumping as well as a schedule which EPA believes will result in the termination of the dumping), and (2) obtains a permit issued by EPA under authority of sec. 02 of the Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act (MPRSA); †¢ Provides for the payment of special fees for dumping and any penalties incurred by a dumper to be deposited into certain funds for use in finding alternatives to ocean dumping. †¢ TITLE II – DESIGNATION OF AREAS FOR PRIORITY CONSIDERATION UNDER NATIONAL ESTUARY PROGRAM †¢ This title adds four new areas to the list of sites which EPA must give priority consideration when designating new estuaries for inclusion in the National Estuary Program: Massachusetts Bay; Barataria-Terrebonne Estuary Complex, Louisiana; Indian River Lagoon, Florida; and Peconic Bay, New York. TITLE III – DUMPING OF MEDICAL WASTE †¢ Cited as the â€Å"United States Public Vessel Medical Waste Anti-Dumping Act of 1988†, this section prohibits, 6 months after enactment, disposal of potentially infectious medical waste into ocean waters by a â€Å"public vessel†. Two narrowly crafted exceptions to this prohibition relating to health and safety of the crew, or times of war or national emergency are set forth. This title also: defines â€Å"medical wasteâ € for purposes of the Ocean Dumping Act; adds medical wastes to the list of materials the dumping of which is prohibited under the Ocean Dumping Act; increases the civil penalties for illegal dumping of medical wastes under the Ocean Dumping Act and includes a provision for forfeiture of the vessel; and provides increased criminal sanctions under the Ocean Dumping Act for illegal dumping of medical wastes; defines â€Å"medical waste†for purposes of the CWA using the same definition as for the MPRSA; and, incorporates the term â€Å"medical waste†into the list of pollutants for which the discharge is prohibited under sec. 301(f) of the CWA. †¢ TITLE IV – SHORE PROTECTION ACT OF 1988 †¢ This section prohibits the transportation of municipal or commercial waste within coastal waters by a vessel without a permit and number or other marking. The Secretary of Transportation will issue the permits. The application procedure is set forth. Grounds on whi ch a permit may be denied are set forth. The federal Department of Transportation has discretion to deny permits, but must deny a permit if so requested by EPA. Other specifics as to this process are detailed. OpinionThe advocacies of Greenpeace and agencies campaigning against ocean dumping are clear in their message. Ocean Dumping is not conducive to maintaining ecological balance and while for now it might be immediately beneficial to those legally allowed to dump waste in our oceans, in the end when the toxicity level reaches concentrations that are deadly, there will come a point where it some areas of our oceans and bodies of water will become ‘dead' – marine life would not be supported and the toxicity from such concentrated pollution will easily affect other parts of struggling marine environments. Fishing and related industries will be affected and human life dependent on marine bounty will be deeply affected.To me, it seems that because of the vastness of the planet's oceans and the lack of a universal enforcement body and law that can require countries and their citizens to ensure that all these rules are followed, it would seem that some of these advocacies and campaign fall into deaf earns. There are shorelines and coastlines the world over that are now full of debris, coral reefs have died, former healthy fishing habitats have now dried up. What I find most problematic is the ‘legal dumpings' – if environmental protection of oceans is a priority surely dumpings that no doubt will increase ocean debris and contribute to water toxicity should not be tolerated.So far however in international waters, without the activity of advocates like Greenpeace, the negative effect of ocean dumping will most certainly not find its way into public concerns. A country can only police its own people and its shorelines. I believe that globalization has increased man's activities in relation to manufacture travel and trade and pollution brou ght about by ocean dumping will no doubt have long term affects to the health and state of marine life all over the world. A universal measure to counteract this problem and the creation of an international agency empowered by the UN for example should be put in place to ensure that the problem does not escalate. I doubt this will happen anytime soon, however.The 1982 UN Convention on The Law of the Sea (UNCLOS 1982) which was enforced in 1994 is the closest but is limited for it only provides a ‘framework for the determination of the rights and obligations of states relating to the oceans' only. While ‘Part XII contains provisions with regard to protection and preservation of the marine environment' – they are still just non-working provisos that are having problems in terms of enforcement. Without an agency tasked to reinforce the provisos, the Law of the Sea remains ineffective. References: http://www. enotes. com/public-health-encyclopedia/ocean-dumping http:/ /archive. greenpeace. org/odumping/ http://www1. american. edu/ted/arctic. htm http://www. epa. gov/history/topics/mprsa/02. htm http://www. pollutionissues. com/Na-Ph/Ocean-Dumping. html
Saturday, September 28, 2019
War Brings Out the Good in People
War brings out the best in people War does not bring negative effects all the time. It does bring out the best in people. This is because during war people start caring more about everyone. The war unites people and makes them more courageous. During war time, people start caring more about everyone’s humanity. When people see, for example, a family in distress due to war, then people would become more hospitable and help them in every way they can. They might give them clothing, food and provide all their necessities, and also sometimes let them stay at their own place.During the war time people become more united. For example, the town I lived in got bombed, then all the people in our town would get together to survive in the bad times. Even enemies will be united in these bad times . During war people will not only think about themselves, but they would also think about others too. For example, the people who live in the next town would collect money and help our town that was bombed. Even other neighboring countries would help us in times as these.During the war time, people would get more courageous. This is because to survive people will have to be courageous. If they are not scared then they can somehow bare any sort of pain. But if people are scared they would not be able to face the ugly truth of war. To conclude, I would say that war does not bring bad in people. It does bring the good in people as the facts I have written above. Because of war people would be more hospitable, caring , courageous and be untied to survive together.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Alternate Universe Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Alternate Universe - Essay Example After what felt like three and a half years, the numbness eased. I was not even aware as to why that was happening. Everything around me was white. So pure, so serene and tranquil, yet I felt like screaming. I felt trapped; Trapped because of my own deeds. I didn't even know what I had done to deserve this. My brain reverberated against my skull. My limbs hurt. My voice was not even soft enough to be heard by ultrasound-sensitive animals. Suddenly, three people clad in white lab coats entered the high-ceilinged room. They were talking in hurried whispers. At that point, the only sound that I could hear was my beating heart, running faster than a bullet train; almost feeling like it was going to leap out of my chest. Despite this, there was some sort of assurance about those three beings; I didn’t know who they were, however, it didn't feel like it was going to get worse. On the contrary, I felt like I was going to be out of that place soon. In fact, all I wanted was to be back within the safety of my bed and warm blanket; even to be with my family and hug them. I hadn’t felt these emotions in a long time, and it was astonishing to watch myself repent on the paucity of time that I had spent in that aspect of my life. The three, individuals in lab coats, seemed to be emanating a warm aura. I needed the assurance more than anything especially at that point in time because despite being confident, my heart wasn't convinced enough. It thumped fast. It beat against my chest.... On the contrary, I felt like I was going to be out of that place soon. In fact, all I wanted was to be back within the safety of my bed and warm blanket; even to be with my family and hug them. I hadn’t felt these emotions in a long time, and it was astonishing to watch myself repent on the paucity of time that I had spent in that aspect of my life. The three, individuals in lab coats, seemed to be emanating a warm aura. I needed the assurance more than anything especially at that point of time because despite being confident, my heart wasn't convinced enough. It thumped fast. It beat against my chest. I could hear my heartstrings come undone. It felt as if my aortic pump wanted to leap out of the sole window in the room, and reach out to the world that was waiting for me. The hushed voices used the word death way too many times to even fit the few sentences they muttered under their breaths. They appeared to have a mini squabble of some kind. There was a woman among the three people, and there was some sort of joy that I got by knowing that; her voice was very much like my mother’s voice; mellifluous. I could almost imagine her break into a sing-song with her words; but then again my brain was acting fuzzy and I wasn’t thinking right. She couldn’t be my mother; whatever would my mother be doing in a place like this?! The woman, nevertheless, knew that I was safe and alive. I had a strong sense, she did. She kept providing the men with a clear indication regarding the same thought and stopped them twice from reaching out to me. They were so far, yet so close. But something told me I was going to make it. Make it where? That, even I didn’t have
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Critics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Critics - Essay Example n find the character of Gregor Samsa going through the process of metamorphosis, changing shapes and finally reaching final stage that is death in his case. The setting of the story is Gregor’s Samsa’s room as we can find the narrator discussing this room in depth where Gregor Samsa moves around the whole day. Gregor Samsa takes the shape of an insect due to which, his family and associates start staying away from him and feel unpleasant about his presence. He changes his appearance from being a human to an insect that is disagreeable for all due to which, he got alienated. It is Gregor’s Samsa’s room where he alienates himself from the rest of the world. In fact, he was already isolated when he was a human being and after being an insect, his isolation and loneliness intensified. This can also be a sign of an alienated society in which, no one has any association to any one and no one is interested in any other person. Lastly, the transformed state of Gregor Samsa, that is being an insect can be a symbol of his alienation that he already felt and near death, he started to take refuge of his own room and people started showing less interest in him as he was of no use for anyone. He knew this fact that because of his ailment, people will start considering him a burden so he shut himself down in his
Marketing Research for a Company in Dubai Paper
Marketing for a Company in Dubai - Research Paper Example The marketing management department of Masafi generally divided its target audiences into three different market segmentation, such as psychographic segmentation, demographic segmentation and geographic segmentation. In terms of psychographic segmentation, the organization has targeted kids, young adults and women of all ages. The fresh fruit juices are effectively popular among the teenagers and kids. On the other hand, high quality mineral water bottle and fruit flavoured drinks are highly popular among the young college students, young office executives, middle aged men and women, and busy office executives. These products are of high quality. Therefore, it helps the marketing management department to conduct effective psychographic market segmentation for the target customers. In terms of demographic market segmentation, the organization generally targets both men and women for their differentiated products. Facial tissues are quite popular among the young ladies. On the other hand, high quality mineral water bottles are significantly preferred by the both men and women of all ages. In terms of income distribution, people of middle class and upper middle class income group are the major target customers as the o0rganization has developed cost based pricing strategy for the products (Ferrell, 2012). Last but not the least; the organization also has conducted geographic segmentation for its target customers in the developed marketing strategies.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Answers of questions of cases Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Answers of questions of cases - Assignment Example The interpretation of this Article, therefore, includes both full and partial ratification and, therefore, the Pact is now in force. The effects of State K’s statement in the instrument of ratification imply that, although the State has ratified the Pact, it has reservations on the implementation of articles 2 and 3 of the Pact. In essence, State K is bound by all the other articles in the Pact save for article 2 and 3. It is, therefore, noteworthy that State K will not make racketeering a criminal offence for everyone in the state as stipulated by Article 2 of the Pact. Additionally, State K will not be under any obligation to either prosecute or extradite to a State which requests it, any person found within its territory whom there is reasonable cause to suspect of having committed acts of racketeering under Article 3 of the Pact. State L s letter may not have any significant effect on State Ks ratification of the Pact. This is because treaty ratification is a matter that i s solely decided by a State. Another state whether a party to or not to the Pact or treaty cannot compel another State on whether to ratify a Pact or the manner it should ratify such Pact. Consequently, L, s letter requiring withdrawal of the statement contained in State K’s instrument of ratification is only considered the opinion of State L and cannot affect State K, s ratification of the pact unless State L withdraws it ratification. 2) In this regard, two approaches to the recognition of a state oppose each other. There is a believe that the appropriate existence of a state in the international perspective will only become complete when the State is legally recognized by other States. There is also the contrary perspective that disagrees. As a result, there are two theories that focus on the recognition of the state, and they are the constitutive and declaratory theories. The constitutive theory provides that there is no automatic recognition of a body as a state. The the ory provides that a state is considered as a state when it is recognized as a state. Accordingly, other states have substantial discretion to recognize or not to recognize a state. Additionally, the new state only exists upon recognition by those other states. In this regard, a state is, and converts to an international being exclusively through recognition. The legal existence of new States gets its recognition from the will of other states already established. According to this theory, it is, therefore, noteworthy that a state cannot be considered as a proper subject in the international perspective unless it is recognized and approved by other states. On the other hand, the declaratory theory looks at the alleged state’s allegation of its sovereignty inside the territory it entirely controls to decide if it can access the international level. The declaratory theory is the opposite of the constitutive theory and holds that recognition is of little importance since states ha ve limited or no discretion in the determination of whether an entity is a state. The status of statehood according to this theory is based on facts and not state discretion. The foreign ministers statement can be interpreted as accurate according to the later theory that does not lay emphasis on recognition. There is the widespread argument that recognition is irrelevant for the existence of a state. In light of this, the attitude that is to be adopted by the British government is one that
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Assessed Stata Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Assessed Stata Assignment - Essay Example 34). The p-value for a test of differences between mean income by gender is 0.2346. This value is greater than the level of significance (0.05), consequently, we conclude that mean income does not differ by gender. Looking at the p-values, gender, Underweight, and ins_pain are not significant in predicting the number of visits to a healthcare facility. The rest of the variables are significant. Considering the coefficient sign, log(income) and remote have a negative effect on the number of visits. Consequently, persons living in a remote area and those with high earnings visit healthcare facilities less frequently. The rest of the significant variables, age, insurance, and pain have a positive effect on number of visits. Considering the BMI categories in reference to normal weight. The following observations are made: The interaction between pain and insurance is low (16.88%), implying most persons with severe joint persons do not have private insurance, or private insurance companies are not willing to insure them. The coefficient for pain gives the odds of visiting healthcare facilities among persons with severe joint pain. Persons with severe joint pain visit healthcare facilities at a higher frequency than those without
Monday, September 23, 2019
Refliction trip Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Refliction trip - Essay Example In fact a meeting will be held just shortly after you arrive referred to as A Welcome Aboard Meeting, whereby you are introduced to captain, staff captain and the hotel director. During this meeting you are informed about the rules and regulations followed by the board and also clarify any question you might have. In my case the leader was a Portuguese girl known as Sarah whereby she has worked for the company for two years. Sarah took the students through the bridge, that is the control room, whereby she introduced to us a girl who went ahead to explain to us how the captain of the ship works and how some of the devices he or she uses work. The girl also goes ahead and tells us how communication is carried on. For instance, she shows us how incoming private calls and also fax are forwarded to the crew member through the ships reception desk and also how the outgoing calls which can be either directly or indirectly can be forwarded through the ships radio station or any of the ships phone. In fact, she told us that outgoing faxes are usually handled through the ships radio station. In addition, she gave us a warning that cellular phones are not permitted on the ship that is, no one is suppose to use their phonecell. Moreover, she took us through the kids section where she went ahead to explain to us how they usually take care of them for instance, she told us the kids are given toys to play around with and their meals are served perfectly on time and also they are given snacks at specified hours. She took us to the pool side whereby we enjoyed a perfect swim. Sara also took us to the dinning room whereby it is referred to as the mess room. We were served with delicious meals, whereby each one eats the meal to their satisfaction. Shortly after our meal, Sara took us to the spa where we enjoyed the luxury. In fact, she told us that medical care was the most important benefit that
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Breakfast Club Analysis Essay Example for Free
Breakfast Club Analysis Essay The well-known song â€Å"Don’t You Forget about Me†plays at the end of the movie The Breakfast Club, signaling not only the end of the famous movie, but also the end of the transitory group that had developed in the earlier scenes. Although movie was released over twenty years ago, high school students today can still use the labels that are examined in the movie to identify themselves in the cruel world they call high school. With the final lines â€Å"you see us as you want to see usIn the simplest terms, in the most convenient definitions,†the point of the movie finally becomes apparent; stereotypes are not accurate representations of teenagers, but instead they accurately represent who teenagers think they are. There is no doubt that students all come with labels; it is inevitable. But whether a student is a brain, a jock or a princess, they are all greatly impacted by the stereotypes and boundaries that are a part of each of their social groups. To teenagers, being a part of a social group is huge, as portrayed in The Breakfast Club. As soon as the movie starts, viewers can decipher the cliques that each student is in. When the students are being dropped off, viewers assume which cliques each student is in by their appearances, how they respond to their parents, and how they react to coming to school on a Saturday. The most important identification of each student’s clique is seen by where they sit in the library. Much like the school cafeteria today, the students sat where they felt comfortable. In this case, it was away from everyone else in the room, with the exception of Andrew and Claire who were already in similar social groups and had similar friends. Bender eventually approaches the topic of the students’ separate cliques by asking Andrew, â€Å"Do you think Id speak for you? I dont even know your language.†The students, while all in similar situations have trouble effectively communicating because they do not really know each other. This proves how drastically different teenagers are from those not included in their immediate friend group. Humans in general, especially teenagers, are greatly influenced by their peers and the activities that their peers participate in. This means that they are also largely impacted by the stereotypes that are associated with their cliques and social groups. Stereotypes change who teenagers think they are based upon what others are saying about them. Being forced into a role can completely change who a person is or how someone acts. For example, Andrew felt genuinely bad about taping together Larry Lester’s butt cheeks, but he was influenced by his friends and by the expectations that he thought his father had for him. These expectations can drastically impact how teenagers treat one another. At the end of the movie, the boundaries outlined earlier in the film are semi-broken. Although, Claire tells Bender that she hates her friends, she remains friends with them because she does not feel like she would belong in another clique. The boundaries that are formed from the very beginning, such as the language each teenager uses or the lunches that they have, are finally broken when Allison takes the varsity letter off of Andrew’s jacket and when Claire gives Bender her earring. Although neither of these actions is huge, and none of the students will leave their prior friend group, they are beginning to break the boundaries that separated them in the first place. And though the breakfast club may never speak to each other again, they have developed a greater sense of understanding for each other and the cliques that they are all in. While Brian, Allison, Bender, Claire, and Andy may never talk to each other again, they may reconsider how they treat someone in a different social group than them or how they perceive someone who is different than them. The cliques are still going to exist, yet the students will be able to see others for who they really are, not for who others think they should be. Whether a student is impacted directly by their friends and peers, or by the boundaries that tie them to a specific group, the fact that there mindset is shifted by these pressures is unavoidable.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
The Impact Of Smart Phones On Society English Language Essay
The Impact Of Smart Phones On Society English Language Essay Today people of the world have a new addiction. This new addiction is known as the smartphone. The smartphones of today have so many features that the owners of them can hardly seem to put them down just for a second. These smartphones not only offer some of the same features that a personal computer would, but they also provide a very high level of entertainment. Even with all the capabilities that smartphones offer they still require and great level of understanding and responsibility. The purpose of this paper is to help others understand the direction of smartphone technology, the ways smartphone technology changes society, understand the impact of change and manner in which we live our lives, and how smartphones could potentially create hazardous situations. The impact of smart phone on society People tend to have a busy life in these days due to job, school and personal issues. Therefore, they prefer to have a mobile device which satisfies their needs to stay in touch and be reachable at anytime. Smart phone is one of those mobile devices which allow its users to be able to communicate and exchange information such as text, document, picture, and video through internet or mobile networks. Smart phones have brought a whole new meaning to the term multitasking. Before, it was impossible to keep connected with co-workers in your office while you were at the grocery store picking up some necessary items. You could never have had a three-way business conference while you were preparing dinner or been able to deal with a business client from home while caring for a sick child. Smart phones have enabled us to do various tasks at the same time. Because of its portable, people seems to be more comfortable using smart phone as a primary communication device than desktop or home phon e. Furthermore, it is an efficient and discreet way to communicate with friends and family members. However, not only these smart phones have positive impacts on our society, but it also carries negative impacts as well; and mobile phone radiation is one of its examples. In assessing the positive impact of smart phones on our society, there are two major areas which have vastly affected by smart phones, and they are business and socialization. Over the past couple years, the number who use smart phones has been increased rapidly. According to one research companys longitudinal surveys, about 42 percent of Americans owned smart phones in December 2009 (mobilehealthnews, 2010). And it will continue to grow in the next decade as Cody Barbierri has mentioned in his article smart phones are one of the hottest growth sectors in our economy right now. Usage continues to grow, even after significant growth over the past two years (Cody Barbierri, 2010). With huge powerful applications, smart phones allow its users to stay in touch with their work and extend their social connection in many ways. Many of the smart phones applications available today will not impact a majority of peoples lives; but it does impact groups of people who take advantage of it, inclu ded businessmen. Because of the requirement of the economy, many businessmen prefer to have a smart phone which allows them to keep connect with their business clients, checking e-mail, texting or browsing web while they are on the road. In reality, because of its portable, smart phones lets more people contact their office under many circumstances. It has enabled users to keep connect to anyone at anytime from almost anywhere. Based on the survey by Harris Interactive website: 60 percent of workers contact the office with a smart phone or mobile device while on vacation (Dennis McCafferty, 2010). In addition, 62 percent of workers use these devices to attend to business matters during a meal (Dennis McCafferty, 2010). On the other hand, workers are more comfortable to communicate and access to the internet by using smart phones than any primary computing device while they are not in the office. As a slogan for all smart phones users your life is in your pocket, more people are attracted to these devices which own a lot of useful features. Further than that, the latest generation of smart phones have provided more great social applications and powerful entertaining function to anyone who love social network. In fact, today more people like to be able to connect to their friends through social networks. These social networks are a new trend in online communication. Therefore, Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter apps have became a standard requirement for people who would like to own a smart phone and teenager are among those people. According to the Harris Interactive study, second to clothing, teens say a smart phone tells the most about a persons social status or popularity, outranking jewelry, watches and shoes (Wirelessandmobilenews, 2010). Based on the study above, smart phones are becoming a social necessity which teens cannot be without. On the other hand, a majority group of teens views their smart phone as the key to their social life. From texting to talking, and logging on to social networking sites, teens carry smart phones to have access to friends, family and current events. That is the reason why broadband connections, web browsers, e-book readers, office apps, maps of the world, motion sensors, HD video cameras, GPS are the most great features which all smart phones bring it to users. Imagine the time before the appearance of the smart phone; it was impossible to shop online during lunch time without a PC or laptop. However, with the support of smart phones, shopping online in these days is as easy as making a phone call. In addition, real-time video calls empower people to not only talk to each other while on the move, but also see what each other means through their facial expressions. Therefore, smart phone is an important device which people cannot leave home without it. In my opinion, smart phone with useful applications will replace the PC as primary connected-computing device in next decade. There is no little doubt that smart phones have definitely made our lives much more convenient in many ways. However, smart phones have also changed the way that people interact with each other. Smart phones allow its users to be in a conversation without showing their personal expressions. Unlike a face-to-face conversation where one requires direct eye contact, smart phones enables user to say things through instant messaging that you wouldnt dare say in face-to-face contact or even on the telephone where you can hear each others voice (Harmon, 2003). That is the reason why people use smart phones for discussion, which they prefer not to have in person. As a result, we are beginning to lose the face-to-face contact that was such an important part of our lives in the past. The contact with real-time voice call is being replaced by multimedia messages application of smart phones. Not only change the way that people contact each other, but smart phones also emit radiation which some b elieve may be harmful to human health. The emission of radiation from mobile phone may cause serious damages to human in long-term since it uses electromagnetic radiation in the microwave range. That is the reason why mobile phone are often prohibited in hospitals and on airplanes, as the radiofrequency signals may interfere with medical devices and navigation systems. In addition, sexual soliciting through mobile device is also a negative impact which smart phones have brought it to users. This issue is increasing at a rapid rate and becoming one of the biggest fear to children and their parents. According to US researchers, children sexual solicitations were reported via social networking sites is 27 per cent in 2008 (Ybarra Mitcell, 2008). Although most of these incidents took place among teenage girls, many of them took place among under aged boys who are a target of homosexuals as well. The problem in this issue is online criminals who use smart phones to exchange their sexual material. The rise in this crime is often attributed to one main cause. That is many children, generally in their teenage years, may be very curious or interested in sexual materials or information. Therefore, they often use social networks to find answers to those questions which they may be too embarrassed to discuss with their parents or other family members. That is the reason why many online criminals have targeted young people in this group of age. They are aware of these needs and desires, so they use their knowledge to lure teens into a sexual conversation. According to researchers in Sean Alfano article, they did find that in more than a quarter of the solicitations, youths were asked to submit sexual photographs of themselves, some of which may be a crime under federal child-pornography laws (2006). As a result, it would be no surprise that smart phones is a useful device for online criminal to be able to drag teenagers into a sexual conversation, or to exchange sexual video. Therefore, the concern of parent to their childrens activity should be a necessity. It is very important to tell teenagers about the negative aspect of sexual conversation with strangers through mobile phones. As a useful mobile device for modern society, smart phone is the most productive technology that I have ever seen. Not only provides a lot of powerful features, but smart phone is also an important mobile device which a group of people cannot leave home without it. However, smart phones also have some negative impacts as well. Therefore, people should consider before own it. To understand the direction of Smartphone technology From a wireless companys point of view, they have to understand many things about smartphones in order to be considered as an elite or successful retailer. They must have a clear understanding of the direction in which smartphones are heading. This includes things such as: the progression of smartphones, competition, and adaptability. We live in a world today that relies on data communications. Smartphones can assists users in many different ways when it comes to data needs. Since the Smartphone has come into existence, it has constantly evolved into an improving piece of technology. This is something that will always occur in regards to smartphones, because companies have to either keep up or get left behind. When designing a Smartphone, there are several things that a company should keep in mind. Things such as consumer needs and costs. Sometimes, depending on what features the phone offers, cost is not a factor. If buyers want something bad enough, they will definitely pay the pri ce to obtain it. The consumer needs must cater to different groups also. For example a business may require that different needs be met than that of everyday home users that just desire a Smartphone for personal entertainment. During this portion of the paper we will look at the three things mentioned above which again are: the progression of smartphones, competition, and adaptability. Since the creation of the Smartphone, there has been nothing but a steady progression with its features and capabilities. The first Smartphone was the Simon created in 1992 by IBM (Camera Phones Plaza in Smartphone, 2009). This phone was unveiled in Las Vegas during the COMDEX show. The Simon had features such as: a world clock, email, calculator, and calendar. This phone also introduced the concept of the onscreen keyboard. The onscreen keyboard took some getting use to at first, because people were not yet comfortable with the size of the virtual onscreen keys. Just by looking at those features you can see that they are some of the same features offered by computers. Many people view the smartphones of today as mini computers. However the Smartphone has some advantages over computers, because you get the features offered by your computer plus mobile phone capabilities. Not to mention just the convenience of being able to do certain things on the go without having to stop and sign o n to a computer each and every time you want to send an email or edit your personal calendar. Now that smartphones are higher in demand than they once were; Creators of these devices are starting to implement things such as: expanded memory, larger screens, and faster processors. Smartphones have also progressed as far as their physical appearance. Phones such as the iphone and windows mobile now have a sleeker thin type look. These phones now also provide HD quality video which makes them very appealing for watching movies, sports, and other types of streaming media. Competition is what drives companies that are in the Smartphone market. These companies understand that in order to survive, they must keep up with their foes. Its not uncommon for companies to take notes from or mimic their opponents designs in some form or fashion. As of right now with 20.5 million Android units sold in the 3rd quarter of 2010, the Android OS has jumped ahead of the iphone into 2nd place with a 25.5 percent share of the Smartphone market (Lilly, 2010). The thing that has become a common trend in todays world of Smartphone competition, is partnering. For example you have Apple and ATT who paired up to bring people the iphone and then you have Google who has paired up with numerous wireless providers such as T-Mobile, Verizon, and Sprint to bring consumers the Android. The way it works is that one carrier provides the back bone data network and the other provides the Smartphone itself. The Android operating system comes installed primarily on Motorola devices. Now, w hat really elevates the competition to another level when it comes to these smartphones are the applications they provide. The Android Market currently offers around 100,000 applications and over two-billion downloads to date (Lilly, 2010). These applications include many different things from games, videos, and music. There was a time when smartphones were primarily used to meet business needs but today people also use them for entertainment purposes as well. As we move forward into the future we can only expect to see these devices become more and more creative. Adaptability goes back to what has been stated throughout the text in this paper. In order for companies to survive they must adapt to new technologies, or they will get left behind. Adaptability goes along with customer demands. This, most of the time has to do with trends also, such as whats hot and whats not in the world of smartphones. According to the black berry Smartphone will still be at the top of the charts heading into the year 2015 (Jones, 2010). If other Smartphone competitors would like to keep this from happening then their best bet is to keep adapting to future trends in technology. When choosing a Smartphone now, consumers really base their choices on the operating system thats running on the phone. Different Smartphone operating systems provide different types of security, applications and device management capabilities. Those three things can be viewed as the key determinants of success for each operating system, but not necessarily in that order. T he battle for Smartphone supremacy is now being compared to the battle for the desktop that occurred in the 1980s. Rod Hall who is a vice president at JP Morgan once said One of the things people talk a lot about is the horizontal example of the PC in the 1980s. This battle was won based on a market that became very horizontally focused (Handy, 2010). Some people actually believe that the success of a Smartphone actually has nothing to do with the operating system on the phone but actually the network thats providing the services for the phone. Then you have some people that believe the choice is based on a combination of both the Operating System and the providers network. 3G has been a very big selling point by ATT / Apple for the iphone and by Verizon, T-Mobile, and Sprint for the Android devices. Supposedly now Sprint is one of the first telecommunication providers to offer 4G speeds on their mobile and data network. In order for these other companies to keep up at some point we should expect them to start offering 4G speeds as well. Here recently, Verizon has been launching a 4G campaign with through a TV commercial. Just some brief information for people that dont understand what 3G and 4G speeds provide, these speeds offer extremely fast data transfer and video streaming capabilities. The iphone 4 comes with an application for Netflix and the Android comes with an application for Blockbuster. These two companies understood that they had to adapt to the service that the other company was offering or possibly lose customers. Reports show that right now the iphone platform currently has ten times the number of applications that are being offered by the Android platform, so this is something that Im sure Android developers are aware of and constantly working on (Handy, 2010). Android is still fairly new so it may take some time for them to catch up with the number of applications being offered by Apple. As of November 11, 2010 Smartphone sells are up 96% bu t they still trail feature phones in number (Gahran, 2010). This does not mean that feature phone users dont prefer smartphones; a lot of it can be contributed to the prices of smartphones. Not just that but also consumers may not be willing to break their contract with their current provider to switch to a new one just for the sake of owning a certain smartphone. Of the 417 million new phones that were sold in the 3rd quarter of 2010, 81 million were smartphones (Gahran, 2010). This is where we saw the 96% increase from the 3rd quarter of 2009. Since we saw such a large increase in the amount of smartphone users in such a short time, we can only assume that more and more people will make the switch and ultimately join the smartphone society. Smartphones and Hazardous situations Smart Phone/mobile device technology while it is a revolutionary breakthrough in communications it also carries hazards that affect our physical bodies, creates health hazards, safety hazards and environmental hazards throughout its use. The most common of the hazards created by use of the mobile device is over use of the thumb. This generates pain and numbness which ultimately can impede the use of the hand to grasp and hold items. The following example displays how a person can overly work the thumb to create this situation. James Hofheins loves his job as a social media representative for a Utah retailer. All workday long, the veteran customer service representative monitors facebook and twitter for people talking about his company. If theres a problem, he follows up to make sure things get taken care of. Hofheins is so enamored with social media he stays on Twitter long after the work day ends to keep tabs on world news, tweet friends and retweet interesting tidbits that float across his Twitter stream. Away from his desk, a palm treo is his keyboard of choice for tuning into twitter, sending emails and texting. But all that connectivity is taking a toll on Hofheins thumb, his right one to be exact. The 45-year-old uses it exclusively to type and text and lately hes been on Twitter so much it hurts. It throbs from the tip to the bottom joint where it connects to the hand, he says. Its stiff, its hard to extend and sometimes the tip is numb, he says (Rafter, 2009). A similar hazard affecting the use of the hand is over exerting the index finger. Society has termed this injury as the iPod Finger. It is easily understood how this type of injury could occur since it is one of the main fingers used to operate devices. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Tamara James, ergonomics director at Duke University and Health System in Durham, N.C., has heard people complain of iPod finger, overusing their index finger to spin the selector wheel of an iPod player. iPhone users have come to doctors complaining of tennis elbow-like symptoms, what one woman with the problem calls her iPhone elbow. The American Physical Therapists Association has discussed how typing on itty-bitty keyboards leads to BlackBerry thumb since 2006 (Rafter, 2009). There are still some inconclusive studies on finger injuries resulting from texting and emailing. These injuries could be temporary or increase strength of the fingers instead of weakening it. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Early research has shown younger pe ople could possibly develop stronger thumb muscles from all the emailing and texting they do, its way too soon to tell. They could be protecting themselves for the future or setting themselves up for problems later on. We dont know, James says (Rafter 2009). Even though these injuries could be self treated by minimizing the use of or stop use of the mobile device temporary to allow rest or healing, it still pays to be conscientious of the widening effect it could have on business industries worldwide and implement measures to correct the problem. For instances in the 1980s and 1990s, the appearance of office PCs led to a wave of carpal tunnel, RSI, and other musculoskeletal injuries that tapered off once workers, HR and tech support teams figured out the importance of proper wrist support, seating and posture, and federal and state worker safety agencies passed ergonomics guidelines (Rafter, 2009). Whether in the corporate world or everyday society there are a few remedies that can be implemented to alleviate injuries and pain caused to our thumbs through the use of mobile phones. According to Michelle V. Rafter (2009). Maintain a neutral posture. Some thumb and elbow pain is caused by holding the joint in a fixed or awkward position for a long time. If youre getting numb, compression of the nerve between the hand and the phone causing it, James says. Alleviate it by using sitting or standing correctly as you type, she says. Support your arms. If youre sitting to type emails or text for an extended time, use a pillow or other prop to support your arms and hands while you work. Take frequent breaks. When desktop PCs became ubiquitous, people had to be taught to take breaks to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome and related maladies. The same holds true for iPhones and PDAs taking breaks often to give your hands a rest, James says. Switch things up. If you normally use one hand to type or text, give it a break and type with the other one. Do stretching exercises. The American Society of hand Therapists recommends a variety of stretching exercises in a consumer education bulletin on hand-held electronics and video game injury prevention tips. They include: Opening your hands and spreading your fingers are far as possible, then holding for 10 seconds. Repeat several times. With hands laced together, turn your palms away from your body and extend your arms overhead. Stretch your upper torso through your shoulders to your hands. Hold for 10 seconds. Repeat several times. There are other hazards that people may not clearly associate with use of mobile phones. These hazards may be overlooked in the fine print of the mobile phone instructions or not well stated in them for consumer to comprehend the dangers. For example, It is a well known fact that mobile phones use radio frequency technology. These radiations make mobile phones hazardous.  People living in developed nations like the U S and even developing countries like India are gradually becoming addicted to mobile phones.  More than 4 billion people all over the world use mobile phones.  Most of them are blissfully ignorant of the hazards of using mobile phonesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ (Radhakrishna, 2010). There have been instances of injury and even death of people as a result of these overlooked hazards. The following categories of safety, health and environmental hazards enlighten to the cause of fore mention circumstances befallen to people. The first category deals with safety hazards associated with use of the mobile phone. As with all technology there is a possibility of it affecting or causing a disruption of something else already in use. Manufactures generally provided some type of warning indicator or instructions of where not to use or place the technology. This evidently is often overlooked because à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ there have been instances of mobile phones exploding, causing deaths.  This can happen due to overheating defective battery or even wrong usage of battery or charger.  Mobile phones are known to disrupt normal functionality of pacemakers.  Mobile phone usage while driving has increased road accidents.  It is estimated that drivers are four times more likely to crash their cars when they are speaking on their mobile phones while driving (Radhakrishna, 2010).  Important to note theses hazards can sometimes occur due to consumers not heeding warning or instructions provided by manufactures of the product. The following example depicts information on the likelihood cell phone use while driving would cause a crash or near crash event, according to (Box, 2009). Table 1 New Data from VTTI Provides Insight into Cell Phone Use and Driving Distraction Cell Phone Task Risk of Crash or Near Crash Event Light Vehicle/Cars Dialing Cell phone 2.8 times as high as non-distracted driving Talking/Listening to Cell Phone 1.3 times as high as non-distracted driving Reaching for object (i.e. electronic device and other) 1.4 times as high as non-distracted driving Heavy Vehicles/Trucks Dialing Cell phone 5.9 times as high as non-distracted driving Talking/listening to Cell Phone 1.0 times as high as non-distracted driving Use/Reach for electronic device 6.7 times as high as non-distracted driving Text messaging 23.2 times as high as non-distracted driving The second category is in regard to health hazards of using mobile phones. When watching television we sometime here about cases of tumors and cancers affecting people but often it attributed to diets and lifestyles. There are other conditions believed to be responsible for these health vulnerabilities. For instance, Excessive use of mobile phones is believed to increase the risk of brain cancer, especially among children.  Children have thinner skulls and fragile nervous system.  Daily usage of mobile phones for ten years doubles the risk of tumor of auditory nerve which connects the ear to the brain.  People using mobile phones for more than four hours every day are at the risk of lowering their sperm count (Radhakrishna, 2010). These alarming health hazards should be taken seriously. People could lower chances of these hazards occurring in them by limiting the use of mobile phones for themselves and especially for their children. The final category deals with the environmental hazards of using mobile phones. This information alludes to facts of how the forms of cell phone technology can disrupt natural environment in negative ways. For example Excessive radiation is believed to be causing extinction of many species of small birds like sparrows.  This will definitely have a huge negative impact on our environment.  We depend on bees for crops, because they pollinate crops.  These bees are disappearing.  Radiation from mobile phones are interfering with navigation system of bees and causing them to lose their way back to their hive.  As a result of this their colonies are collapsing (Radhakrishna, 2010). We could assume as technology advances the effects it has on the environment would be equally considered to limit the negative impact. The role of nature should be preserved at all cost the consequences of not do it could prove to be devastating to our environment. Understand the change and manner in which we live our lives The invention of the telephone in the late 19th century in the United States changed the way people interact and communicate. This has been paralleled in the early 21st century with the arrival of mobile phones. The cell phones have been created for adults to use business (Downes, and Aoki, 2003). This is a similar to cell phone in the early 20th century where telephone engineers explained the telephone was made for business, but it was not for social conversation (Flinchy, 1997). Today the number of people uses the cell phones growth really fast since the end of 20th century. Most families have cell phones, and some of them are not using home phones. Most people have cell phones than home phones in the United State. In the worldwide, it has more than one billion people use a cell phone. According to one of the industry analysts Wireless that between now to the years of 2020 everyone could afford a cell phone that they wish. American spends seven hours or more hours in a month talking on their cell phone on average, and it becomes more important of Americans life (Rosen, 2004). Today most of American families have cell phone. They always carry; phone whatever they go out, even at home. However, some of them use cells phone like home phone. Cell phones start to change American life since the end of 21 century, it becomes cheaper, smaller, and more convenience. With the rapid spread of technology, people change the way of life with cell phones. In 1985, according to Mobile Communications and Internet link, only 340,000 people have registered to use cell phone, but it has more than 158 million people use the cell phone in the United States (Rosen, 2004). As we could see more and more people use the cell phones today than we compare with the year 1985. One of the reason more people use the cell phone that it has more convenient than home phone. Cell phone are not only use in American families, but it also use in the medical field. Medical field could use cell phones to send ahead of the hospitals image to the injury. In England, now popular for wireless technology that allows companies to gain access to remote meters or gather information diagnosis, on-site construction workers can use cell phones to send picturing to contractors outside. Combine with the use of personal cell phones, to make appointments, locate a friend, check voicemail messages, or simply to check in at cell phone work now provides the unknown level of conv enience (Rosen, 2004). Cell phones are not even for social use for today, but it is, use for almost any business like the medical field, manufacture. ..Etc.In addition, the number of cell phones use have increased to the point of dizziness, that there are social scientists for the foreseeable future, virtually any urban residents also own a cell phone. Cell phones effect to young people, according to the research teens view their cell phones as more than just an accessory, and it is also showing four out of five teens use cell phone than before. The research also shows the sense of security these teens said about 80 percent of the cell phones have. They are also preferring texts over the phone then talking on the phone (Cell phones impact, 2008). We could see more teens use phone like the things they must have in their life. Cell phones affect the social life of teens. When the phone is no longer a luxury item, the parents are willing to equip their children for easy communication. On the other hand, Harris Interactive study the teens say a cell phone as the most popular social status or of a person, outranking jewelry, watches and shoes. The study also found the cell phones are fast becoming necessary in society youth. It is about fifty seven percent of teens view their phones as a key to their social life (Cell phones impact, 200 8). And it is about fifty seven percent of the teens that carry a cell phone to improve the quality of life. And half of them said the cell phones become a new form of the entertainment and it is about thirty percent of them use the cell phones to play games (Cell phones impact, 2008). In fact, most of teens are using cell phones away from the original intention of the parents. Refuse to stop at the hearing referred to, many children fall into addiction to expl
Friday, September 20, 2019
Why Should You Recycle English Language Essay
Why Should You Recycle English Language Essay A very good morning to Mr. Mariapan and fellow friends. Before I start my speech, I would like to ask all of you a question: Do you hear that our mother earth is crying? Perhaps you would say no, but please take a look at these pictures. She is crying because the air has been polluted by industrial smoke; she is crying because of global warming; she is crying because of contaminated water; she is crying because you are unconcerned about her pain. Well, we can save this world, but it is not like a superhero using some extraordinary superpower to heal this world. That is impossible. In fact, your mission is very simple and easy and everyone can do it! Do you want to save this world? Then, lets get recycling. What is recycling? It is defined processing used materials and waste into new products to prevent waste of potentially useful materials. Then, why It is so important? Firstly, we face a large problem with trash build up on our Earth and recycling saves space in landfills. -Solely focusing on Malaysia, we produce 19,000 tones of waste every day, and a majority of that ends up in landfills. 19,000 tones, can you imagine that? 19,000 tones, if you piled it all up it would be as high as 36 Petronas Twin Towers. Malaysia currently has 230 landfill sites and 80% of them will reach capacity within the next two years. Soon, there is going to be a big problem as landfills cause serious pollution. For example, from the picture, we notice that landfills are associated with air pollution, water pollution, land pollution as well as green house effect. -Therefore, to manage the growing volume of solid waste it is necessary to turn to alternative methods such as recycling. If landfills fill up we have to find new space for new landfills. If that happens, you better pray that the new landfills wont build behind your houses backyard. So, lets get recycling. Secondly, recycling saves energy and natural resources. -Most of the things in a trash bag can be reclaimed through recycling. For instances, paper, metal, plastics and glass. By using materials more than once, we conserve natural resources ensuring our childrens futures. -Next, I have some interesting facts here to share with all of you (1) 1 ton of recycled paper saves 17 trees about 35 feet tall. Recycling 1 stack of newspapers 6 feet tall saves the life of one 35 feet tree. (2) 1 recycled tin can would save enough energy to power a television for 3 hours. (3) 1 recycled plastic bottle would save enough energy to power a 60-watt light bulb for 3 hours. -Obviously, recycling saves natural resources by reducing the need for raw energy and save energy as it often takes less energy to make products from recycled material than raw material. Therefore, lets get recycling. Thirdly, recycling can save money and create job opportunities. -Our former prime minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, said this in an environmental conference. He said: Currently, our country needs to spend RM 400 mil just to manage these waste and Just by recycling as much as 22% of the 5 million tones of waste produced each year could save the government RM 88 mill a year. -Besides that, recycling can make money as well. As we know, humans are selfish by nature; most of the people might pay no heed to the importance I mentioned earlier and when you ask them to contribute a little effort on recycling, they might just simply answer you; It is none of my business. Yet, when I link money with recycling, it definitely can arouse interest among public. -Well, you can make money by turning your trash into extra cash. For example, you can sell your trash in many recycling centers. You can trade in your paper, aluminum and other object that is capable of being recycled for cash. Even though the pay off is small, but money is still money and it is so shiny that makes everyone loves it. -Next, recycling creates jobs and you cant deny it. Recycling creates up to 5 times more jobs than waste disposal alone. It will create jobs for engineers, machine specialists, environmental personnel, general workers and many more. In North Carolina, on 2004, recycling employs approximately 14 000 people across the state and this has increased 60% in ten years. Also, the number of companies listed in the states recycling markets directory has increased 74% in 10 years. As we know, todays global economic crisis means that it is so hard to find a job. Who knows in the future one of our friends or even I might work in recycling field to earn a livelihood. Indeed, recycling can save money and creates m ore job opportunities. So, lets get recycling. Well, I had talking a lot of importance of recycling and now Im going to tell you what you can do to save this environment. Your recycling mission is not impossible! In fact, it is very simple Recycling at home -Make space next to your bin for a recycling container. Then, it is as simple to recycle as it is to throw it away. For families that cannot afford a recycling container, dont worry, just sort the wastes properly. Waste sorting is the process by which waste is separated into different elements. For example, separate your waste into paper, metal and glass and then visit nearby recycling centre to turn your rubbish into cash. -Here is a list of things that you should always recycle. Surprisingly, we notice that almost everything can be recycled. Recycling at school -As we know, paper is the main form of waste produced by schools. If possible, Set up a paper collection scheme for each classroom or request the school administrator to provide paper recycling bin. if you are enthusiastic enough, inform your friends about the advantages of recycling and try to persuade them to get involved in recycling. -Furthermore, you can organize some educational programs through posters, web page, e-mail and student orientation. Well, I know that not everyone is so enthusiastic yet I will glad and appreciate when I see you throw the rubbish into the recycle bins. Last but not least, be a green consumer. a green consumer is someone who is very concerned about the environment and, therefore, only purchases products that are environmentally-friendly or eco-friendly. -For example, you should purchase products that are recyclable, buy products that are made from recycled material and avoid purchasing hazardous materials which is hard to recycle. Now, I want you to ask yourself, why dont you recycle more often? Well, I had told you the benefits of recycling it is extremely easy to recycle. I think most of you dont want a landfill is built behind your houses back yard. Also, I hope you dont just sit by and watch our mother Earth turn into a ball of trash. Lastly, I want to end my speech with a quotation When we heal the earth, we heal ourselves. So, what are you waiting for? Lets get recycling! Well, thats all from me. Thank you.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Epic of Beowulf Essay - Symbols and Symbolism of Battle :: Epic Beowulf essays
Symbolism of Battle in Beowulf  Beowulf Authors often use events and things to symbolize stages in someone's life. Symbolism is the practice of representing things by means of symbols or of attributing meaning of significance to objects, events, or relationships. In the anonymous epic, Beowulf, Beowulf fights Grendel, the monsters of the ocean and Grendel's mother. Beowulf's battles with theses three evils symbolize the youth and adulthood of Beowulf's life. The battle with Grendel represents the youth of Beowulf's life. The typical youth is very brave and fights for fame. Beowulf shows how the battle with Grendel is a representation of the youth of Beowulf's life by going to Hrothgar and asking him if he can fight Grendel for him and his people. Beowulf shows this trait when he says, Grant me, then, lord and protector of this noble place, a single request! I have come so far, oh shelter of warriors and your people's loved friend, that this one favor you should not refuse me. That I, alone and with the help of my men, may purge all evil from this Hell. (Beowulf page #). Another trait that a typical youth has is that they don't want to be outwitted. They also don't want people to think poorly of them. Beowulf shows this when he hears that Grendel does not use any weapons to fight and so Beowulf says that he will not use any weapons because he wants Higlac to think worthy of him. Beowulf shows this trait when he says, I have heard, too, that the monster's scorn of men is so great that he needs no weapons and fears none. Now will I. My lord Higlac might think less of me if I let my sword go where my feet were afraid to, if I hid behind some broad linden shield: my hands alone shall fight for me, struggle for life against the monster (Beowulf page #).  The typical youth likes to brag about what they have done. Beowulf shows this third trait when he brags to Hrothgar about how he swam all the way over and killed all the monsters in the ocean. This is seen when Beowulf says, "I swam in the Blackness of night, hunting monsters out of the ocean, and killing them one by one; death was my errand and the fate they had earned" (Beowulf page #).
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
A Better Welfare System :: Work Job Employment Essays
A Better Welfare System I do believe people should have to work or get an education while receiving benefits. Nobody should get to get a 'free ride' through life! Nobody pays my way through life, I have to work for what I get. That quote is the word of a twenty-two year-old female who holds down a full-time job, pays rent, and taxes. Some, like her, may feel contempt toward welfare recipients who do not work for their benefits. The welfare system is a program for citizens who need assistance. but it should be considered a privilege, not a free ride. Everyone wants-or professes to want-to "end welfare as we know it," even though the welfare system is still thriving. The new program on the market, Workfare, is a reform tactic that will get recipients into the work force and eventually off benefits. It's is four a.m., and Jenifer Beack is getting her two children ready to go to day care until they are shuttled off to school. Then Jenifer heads to Roseville, Minnesota, to her job as a Customer Support Specialist at Allina Clinic Equipment Services. It's a hectic schedule for this single mother to maintain, but she's willing to do it. A couple of years ago, Jenifer, in her third year of college, was on welfare. She was struggling with full time school.. part-time evening job, and trying be a mother to her baby girl. It was when a friend told her about STRIDE (Success Through Reaching Individual Development and Employment,) a subdivision of Workfare that she began to see a way out. STRIDE, encourages recipients to see welfare as temporary assistance. emphasizing employment as the goal. Lynn Ransom, Case Manager with PIWC 5 (a branch of welfare), went out of her way to help Jenifer with anything she needed. PIWC 5 provided financial assistance for day care, car repairs, gas money, clothing, books and classes. Lynn helped Jenifer develop a resume, fine tune her interviewing skills, and select an interview wardrobe. What PIWC 5 asked for in return was a goal sheet which helped Jenifer develop reasonable goals to work toward. Lynn and Jenifer met on a regular basis to monitor progress. After graduating with a degree in Psychology and Speech Communications, Jenifer landed the job at Allina. Jenifer stated, "Lynn has been so wonderful. She's been there not only through financial struggles, but personal ones too.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
The Rise of Punk in 70’s Britain.
hDuring 1970s Britain, life was a picture of austerity and hardship for many members of the public. The country was facing the worst economic recession since the Great Depression of the 1930s and large numbers of the electorate were quickly beginning to grow tired of the failing policies being touted by both Labour and Conservative minority governments. The experience of Britain for many in the 1970s was one of drawn out decline and decay, the consensus politics of the 1960's was falling apart and Harold Macmillan’s notion of ‘You’ve never had it so good’ couldn’t have been further from the truth.It could be argued that the aforementioned factors played a role of importance when assessing the largely spontaneous emergence of the punk movement into British society. Economic recession, not only in Britain but in other major world nations, was ever increasing, mainly due to the 1973 oil crisis which eventually cost Heath his post as prime minister and p aved the way towards ‘The Rise of Thatcherism’.The crisis was due to the Arab members of the Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), announcing, as a result of the ongoing Yom Kippur War, that they would no longer ship oil to nations that had supported Israel in its conflict with Syria and Egypt. These nations included the United States of America and their allies in the shape of Britain and Japan.British industry suffered a great deal due to the lack of oil being imported into the country, Britain began to face major competition from other major economies, such as Japan and the USA, in certain sectors such as manufacturing, which had previously been a large and consistent area of income. With the flight of capital in the face of increasing working class militancy, it soon became clear that Governments in the industrialised economies could no longer sustain a commitment to full employment.As factories within these newly competitive industries were forc ed to close due to falling sales, it consequently had the effect of rising unemployment. By the mid 1970s unemployment had reached well over a million people and did not show signs of ceasing at any point soon after. The electorate began to resent the emergence of mass unemployment as it had not played any real part within British politics since the years shortly following the end of World War I, a period of British history which the British public would not look back on with any great affection and certainly would not want to revisit.Considerable amounts of workers who had been recently made redundant began supporting trade unions on a more regular and meaningful basis. The unemployed became aggrieved with the failing British economy and felt adamant that they deserved better support and welfare than they were currently receiving due to the government’s current inadequacies. Now that the trade unions had a much greater support, albeit in unfortunate circumstances, they began to put increasing pressure on Heath’s conservative government to pass legislative measures to aid the unemployed in their hour of need.Workers from almost all of the countries key industries such as mining, ship building and car manufacture went on strike to demonstrate their frustrations and vent their anger towards the incompetence of the Tory’ administration. The refusal by either party to make compromises on their respective arguments only furthered the problems and deepened the mire which Britain was steadily descending into.Due to the prolonged strikes by the mining community which started on the 10th February 1974 and lasted until 7th March of the same year, Britain found herself being exceedingly stretched to the point of what resources they had left circa the aforesaid strike action. Electrical power was deemed to be being consumed at too much of a prompt pace and under the rule of Edward Heath, the Conservatives decided on the introduction of the ‘Thre e Day Week’. The Three Day Week was a policy in which commercial users of electricity would be limited to a quota of three specified consecutive days use in a week long period.General members of the public also had to deal with the consequences of the striking populations’ actions. Ministers solemnly urged the populace to share baths and brush their teeth in the dark. Television, which by now was one of the nation's favourite pastimes, was brought to an untimely end at 10. 30pm each evening. Heath had promised â€Å"tomorrow would be better than today†, but he couldn't even keep the lights on. An image synonymous with the mid to late 1970s was that of piles of rotting rubbish collecting on pavements throughout the country.Waste centres were closed and emergency refuse sites were opened in town streets after binmen joined in months of strikes. This only became a further irritant to the British electorate who were becoming increasingly restless waiting for the gov ernment to develop new strategies in order to tackle the ongoing disrepute between themselves and Britain’s workforce. The social and economic problems of Britain, however, could not be solved simply by government legislation. Unrest was caused by much more than Heath’s perceived shortcomings as a Prime Minister. The problems of society ran far deeper than that.A process of fallout from the 1960's had occurred; a sizeable part of the generation born at the end of the late 50's and early 60's were coming into maturity and most were without the guarantee of a job, economic stability and a sense of community. The younger generations within Britain began to feel alienated from their peers and it could also be argued that some may have wished alienation upon themselves to escape from what was fast becoming a dire excuse for a society. The youth of the time were on the lookout for an escape from their lives of conservatism, conformity and control.This accumulated feeling of resentment towards the authoritarian government manifested itself in the form of the Punk movement. From late 1976, kids started to appear on Britain’s streets in attire which shocked the everyday British citizen. Ripped t-shirts with hastily drawn band logos, safety pins, bin liners and spiked hair defined a new image. Since the 1960s any diversity became a wagon to jump on; any music, fashion or ideologies that were incorporated within the ‘free love’ scene were no longer something that the uninspired youth of the ‘70s aspired to be part of.Mods, Rockers and Hippies were all fast becoming sub-cultures that were deemed to be cliched by the nation’s youth. The ‘60s scene had been entirely commercialised by the establishment and had been turned into areas of profit by large record companies. These record labels however also were not putting any interest or faith into anything new in the music industry, they wanted to stick with what had brought them so much profit and it seemed nothing would be able to shift their ‘if its not broken, don’t fix it’ mentality.The establishment of the 1960’s-70’s did not want their youth creating counter-cultures, thus the average youth felt the need to rebel and so the DIY culture exploded. Although punk never reached the forefront in the 60’s, the rebellious ethos of the movement was beginning to show, mainly in American acts and specifically within the New York rock scene. Teenagers influenced by the R;B styled groups of the decades earlier years began to form their own garage bands across the United States. Various trends and events would occur at the inception of the 1970’s that would be helpful in advancing the music ndustry and working towards the growth of punk rock, namely the deaths of Jimi Hendrix and Jim Morrison which seemed to have brought the popular music lovers into a state of uncertainty and would now mean music journalists wou ld have to find new acts to write about. In Great Britain, bands and artists such as David Bowie had started to refine their sounds in hope of reviving their careers. The result of this was the so called ‘glam’ movement, which saw artists like T-Rex and Roxy Music beginning to blend pop song structures with harder edged guitar based material.Back in the New York Scene, a trashy streetwise orientated version of glam was starting to surface. A band eager to take to the throne of this was the New York Dolls. The Dolls, and later, The Ramones would serve as somewhat of a prototype, from which later came the Sex Pistols and many other of London’s punk bands such as The Clash, The Jam and Siouxsie and The Banshees. By the mid ‘70s many music lovers had become tiresome towards the industry’s ‘run of the mill’ rock that the public were being force-fed. Members of the public began to see rock and roll acts as nothing more than that acts – artificial, manufactured and uninspiring.The world of rock had become a tightly controlled, moneymaking machine in which record sales and success held precedence over any passion or true emotion. Essentially people yearned for a rock and roll that was innovative and fun again. On December 1st 1976 an infamous event occurred that made sure that anyone who was not aware of the emergence of punk was now fully conscious of its presence. The Sex Pistols appeared on the ‘Today’ show as a last minute replacement. The band was interviewed by Bill Grundy who naively on his part, proceeded to provoke the band to â€Å"say something outrageous†.For Mick Jones in particular, he took this as an open invitation and obliged with a barrage of expletives, which not surprisingly, shocked the early evening audience. The following day the front page of various national newspapers contained pictures of the band on the show and a summary of their antics. The older generation of Britai n, needless to say, were in outrage. This however was exactly the kind of reaction the band had dreamed of. It gained them column inches and further made the public aware of their existence. Whilst in the public spotlight the band released arguably their most famous single, ‘God Save The Queen.The song came at a time when opposition to royalty was still seen as treasonous and frowned upon by the majority of British people. The record was quickly refused airtime by the BBC whose station, Radio 1, dominated the broadcasting of music at the time. Only DJs such as John Peel dared to play punk in succession to other popular music hits of the era. Nevertheless, during the week of Queen Elizabeth II’s silver jubilee, the single ‘officially’ reached number two in the UK charts although many large record stores knew that ‘God Save The Queen’ was outselling Rod Stewart’s â€Å"I Don’t Want To Talk About It†by four to one.Unbelievabl y, the charts had been rigged so the music industry would not be red-faced by such a spectacle. However this did not deter the band from putting out further material. ‘Pretty Vacant’ and ‘Holidays In The Sun’ were released to promote the Sex Pistols’ first and only full length album, ‘Never Mind The Bollocks – Here’s The Sex Pistols’, which was released in November and subsequently went straight to the top of the album charts despite many stores refusing to stock it.After another tour, this time held in secret to avoid bans, The Pistols’ final gig took place at Ivanhoe’s in Huddersfield on Christmas Day 1977 before they took off for the ill-fated U. S. tour in January 1978. They had originally been scheduled to start the tour in December 1977, beginning with a performance on Saturday Night Live, but due to the bands run-ins with the law, were unable to get their passports in time, so Stiff Records’ band , Elvis Costello and the Attractions, went on in their place. The eight show tour of the U. S. was a badly planned and dispiriting experience for all concerned.Sid Vicious, the band’s bassist, was beaten by the bodyguards who were hired to protect him, Johnny Rotten was ill and the bands’ performances were destroyed by awful sound and hostile audiences. On the final date of January 14th at the Winterland Ballroom in San Francisco, Rotten quit, famously asking â€Å"Ever get the feeling you’ve been cheated? †before walking off. Punk bands continued to play the usual haunts around London, but never again did anyone come close to causing the outrage or having the success which the Sex Pistols had experienced.I went about organising a question and answer session with my father Martin, who was in his teens during the emergence of punk and also followed the movement with great interest. Through summarising the feedback I gained from the aforementioned intervie w I was given a great personal viewpoint on the society of the mid 1970s as well as his own personal experiences of the same period. ‘Through the 1970s the news was all about strikes, economic downturns and lost opportunities.As a teenager I can recall the 3 day week when places of work closed to save energy, my dad would be at home on reduced pay (he worked for the GPO – now BT) and the newspapers would print schedules showing when your area would have power cuts, which were a regular part of life. I remember my dad taking my sister and me for a drive in the car to Falkirk to get out of the house and keep warm rather than sit in the house with no power. TV stations shut down after the news at 10. 30 in the hope that people would just go to bed and save electricity.A mate of mine bought packets of candles from the market in Glasgow and made a decent addition to his pocket money by selling them round the neighbourhood where he lived. Also the entitlement to dole money fo r school leavers had been stopped which meant that you couldn’t sign on and get money straight away, you had to wait for a number of weeks before you’d get a â€Å"Giro†. Unemployment was making the headlines in the papers and for the first time in years people were leaving school believing that they wouldn’t get a job, or at least wouldn’t get one that was worth having as the factories and shipyards which traditionally paid well were closing.I started to become aware, mainly through the pages of the NME, a number of bands from London who were playing music inspired by early Iggy Pop and The Stooges as well as The Ramones. The latter had made front page headlines in The Glasgow Evening Times, which had got itself in a state of moral outrage over the song â€Å"Sniffin’ Glue†arguing that the number of kids dying from glue sniffing could be increased due to the song. Bearing in mind how few copies it sold, it was nonsense.John Peel onc e said of the punk era â€Å"You don’t know you’re bored, until you stop being bored. †I was 17 in 1976 and probably the only band I was currently into was Dr Feelgood. They were a band playing Chuck Berry influenced songs, wearing bad suits! The prevailing music of the time was bland, inconsequential, middle of the road rubbish by Rod Stewart, The Eagles and Queen. I still remember vividly the moment I first actually heard the Sex Pistols in November 1976.My friend Davie had borrowed a copy of ‘Anarchy in the UK’ from his friend in school and we played it in my bedroom. I can remember us both laughing out loud at how different it was and how blown away we were by it. We must have played it 10 times in a row. Looking back, I think we felt like we were part of a â€Å"privileged few†who had heard the song as it was subsequently banned by all radio stations at the time, this is hard to imagine now. The 3rd single released by the Pistols, â₠¬Å"Pretty Vacant†, could only be played on Radio 1 after 10pm.If anything, it only reinforced the Pistols credentials as the band you most wanted to be associated with. We started to see and hear of people dressed as â€Å"punks†around the city, though what constituted the punk look was very difficult to describe. It could be anything from old school jumpers ripped and worn inside out, t-shirts torn or cut and held together with safety pins with band names scrawled on in biro or marker pen or even t-shirts made from bin liners.For girls the look was heavily based on Jordan (Pamela Hook) and Siouxsie Sioux; short skirts, fishnets, and heavy eye make-up. . Glasgow District Council decided to withdraw licences of any venue which had booked punk acts, effectively banning punk in the city. Occasionally you’d hear of a secret gig being played somewhere in Glasgow and you had to meet up to be told where it was. By the Summer of 1977 I’d left school and got a job in an independent record shop and remember the clamour when the first Pistols album came out.People were waiting around in the shop for it to be delivered. Every box that arrived, we’d be asked if that was the album. First one out of the box went onto the sound system at maximum volume and we couldn’t keep up with people shoving to the front of the queue. Eventually the council lifted the ban and loads of bands came to Glasgow, many playing small gigs and doing signing sessions in the shop where I worked, including The Clash who were considered to be the most overtly â€Å"political†band of the era. ’
Monday, September 16, 2019
American Beauty 2
American Beauty Jessica Jackson (Thompson) Interpersonal Communication Alfred Wilfong November 19th, 2011 I chose to watch the movie American Beauty. I have seen this movie previously, and enjoyed watching it again. An interpersonal conflict that I identified in the movie was between Kevin Spacey’s character Lester and his wife Carolyn, played by Annette Bening. In chapter nine of our text, Daniel Dana suggested four factors that must be present for a disagreement to be considered a conflict: two parties are interdependent, both parties blame the other, on or more of the parties are angry or emotionally upset, and the parties’ behaviors are affecting their relationship with each other and others. (Dana, 2011) Carolyn was very ambitious and Lester was having what one would call a mid-life crisis. They both had very poor communication skills. Given they were married they were interdependent, they blamed each other for any and all issues in their relationship, they were both angry, and their behaviors were not only affecting their relationship with one another, but their relationship with their teenage daughter, who seemed to loathe her parents. They both handled their conflict differently. Carolyn began to have an affair with a business rival. Lester, after black-mailing his boss, takes a job at a fast food joint, starts lifting weights, and obsesses over his daughter’s friend. As I stated earlier they did not communicate well with one another. At dinner if they weren’t yelling at each other they were speaking to each other at all. Outside of intense couples therapy they needed to work on empathizing with one another. Lester should have told his wife about being laid off, and they could have worked through that trial together. Carolyn should have never had an affair, and instead expressed her frustration with Lester and they could have worked through her frustrations, together. Their hostility and conflict was just growing in the movie. It never seemed to lessen. They had no positive feelings in their conflict as well. They usually responded to anger with anger or anger with silence. Lester, Carolyn, and their daughter need to communicate more effectively. They can do this by listening to one another needs, empathizing with one another, and responding effectively.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Beowulf and the Tempest-Revenge
Revenge Many comparisons can be seen between Shakespeare’s novel The Tempest and the epic Beowulf. One of the strongest similarities is the idea of revenge. Shakespeare’s novel occurs basically in order for Prospero to have revenge on his enemies from usurping his dukedom. Beowulf’s original monster, Grendel, starts acting out less due to revenge and more out of pure frustration. His death though, causes his mother to act on revenge, killing one of Hrothgar’s trusted advisor, Aeschere, causing Beowulf to kill her for revenge. The dragon got mad about a stolen article and burned down Beowulf’s home in revenge, and so Beowulf went after him.Although they have different motives, both plots are caused greatly because of revenge. In The Tempest, Prospero’s brother, Antonio, with the help of his friends Sebastian and Alonso, took over Prospero’s dukedom. He was then sent to a deserted island with just his daughter Miranda for twelve years. T hroughout his time on the island, Prospero continued to delve into his magic books. Along with he gaining new knowledge, he attained a servant Caliban, and an indebted spirit, Ariel. For twelve long years on the empty land Prospero plotted his revenge, something that was made possible due to his newfound knowledge of magic.Finally the day came when his master plan was able to finally become reality. He made a huge storm come, tearing apart the boat that held Antonio, Sebastian, Alonso, his son Ferdinand, and a few others. Ferdinand got separated from the rest and wound up, not coincidently, finding Miranda and falling in love with her. Alonso became distraught thinking his beloved son was dead. Antonio and Sebastian began to plot the death of Alonso. Finally as the novel came to an end, Prospero sent Ariel as a harpy to frighten his brother and the two other men and tell them all they have done wrong. They then were brought to Prospero.Alonso became very apologetic, while Antonio an d Sebastian remained uncaring of what they had done. Their fate rested in Prospero’s hands. This was the plan Prospero had perfected all those years, the perfect revenge plot. At that moment he had all his enemies gathered around him. He could’ve killed them or banished them to a foreign land, but he did not. He said, â€Å"The rarer action is in virtue than in vengeance. They being penitent, the sole drift of my purpose doth extend not a frown further. Go release them, Ariel. My charms I’ll break, their senses I’ll restore, and they shall be themselves. (The Tempest, Act 5, Scene 1, 28-33) He had gotten his revenge, they were sorry, and he was content. Beowulf, though, did not start out like this. The monster Grendel was a descendant of Cain. He was forced to roam the Earth an outcast due to his ancestor killing his brother Abel for no apparent reason. He heard celebration going on in Heorot and got mad. He hated happiness and noise and celebration beca use he hated the hand he was dealt in life. So as revenge for his own hated life, he decided to wreck the party and make others miserable like himself.He continued to do so for a while, scaring all the Danes, even the most powerful. Finally a brave warrior, Beowulf, came from Geatland. He went to fight with Grendel using no protective gear at all. He managed to kill the ravaging beast. The Danes thought this was finally the end of the disaster that they had been hoping for. But it was not. Grendel’s mother was furious with Beowulf for killing her son. She was willing to die in order to avenge her son’s murder. She started to attack everyone. On her rampage in Heorot, she killed Aeschere, King Hrothgar’s most trusted advisor.The entire kingdom was furious, demanding the death of this horrible monster. Beowulf states to the king â€Å"Sorrow not, wise warrior. It is better for a man to avenge his friend than much mourn. Each of us must await his end of the worldà ¢â‚¬â„¢s life. Let him who may get glory before death: that is best for the warrior after he has gone from life†(Beowulf 45). He is saying rather than mourning over Aeschere’s death, he should just avenge it. So the brave Beowulf once again came to the rescue. She lived under water so that was where he fought her and the place where she met her bitter end. Beowulf’s final battle was also due to revenge.The dragon had a valuable cup that had gone missing from the treasures. He was furious and ransacked the entire country, including burning down Beowulf’s house. Therefore Beowulf went after the dragon to avenge his lost home. This was his final battle, the fight where he lost his life. Although revenge is a major theme in both The Tempest and Beowulf, their reasons for revenge are very different. Prospero wants revenge in order to get his life back. He was thrown out of his dukedom and onto a deserted island. He wanted his enemies to feel remorse and to gai n back his dukedom and that was all.In Beowulf it was very different. Everyone wanted revenge because they were upset and wanted to hurt the nemesis. Grendel was upset with his lineage so he wanted to stop all happiness so he attacked Heorot. Grendel’s mother wanted to avenge her son’s murder so she too destroyed Heorot, including killing Aeschere. Beowulf and all the Danes wanted to avenge Aeschere’s murder so he killed Grendel’s mother. The dragon wanted his treasure back so he raided the country, and Beowulf got angry and attacked the dragon. Prospero just wanted remorse and he was happy. The characters in Beowulf wanted revenge and payback.
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