Sunday, August 23, 2020
Collegial and Formal Type of Leadership
Collegial and Formal Type of Leadership This task comprises of two sections. In the initial segment, the models of collegial and formal kind of administration are thought of and contrasted with the head educators job to which the creator is natural inside the instructive arrangement of Cyprus. The head instructors job will be broke down both initiative styles. In the subsequent part, the creator focuses on the presumptions made about the school association and its qualities with the collegial and formal kinds of initiative. The task closes with an end dependent on the creators comprehension of initiative that rises up out of a thought of both hypothesis and practice according to these two models. Section 1 As per Pashiardis (1995) the instructive framework in Cyprus has a bureaucratic structure and school principals are continually attempting to fulfill the civil servants as opposed to the necessities of understudies and guardians. Everything must be done in a pre-decided way, which barely leaves any space for mistakes or gives room for deviation from the standard. This is the fundamental motivation behind why the proper model of authority is being picked. A large portion of the components of the executives fit into the bureaucratic structure of the Cypriot instructive framework. Then again, inside the collegial model of authority the administering body of each school is allowed to set extra points and destinations that would profit the school network as well as the nature of the instruction advertised. Collegial Model of Management As per Bush (1995) and his collegial model, the points rise up out of a participative procedure whereby staff arrive at an understanding dependent on normal qualities. The pioneer in a collegial model accepts that school staff ought to consistently be a group so as to be compelling and that everybody ought to be engaged with all exercises concerning the school rehearses. For this situation, all instructors ought to have a typical vision, set a strategic know about their job to guarantee the achievement of the scholarly endeavor. The components of Collegial Model are the procedures by which objectives are controlled by the idea of choice procedure and the administration style. The collegial model depends on understanding objectives among the individuals from an association and presents horizontal structures and all individuals reserve the option to take part in the choice procedure. As Kaily P. (2010) composed explicit issues can be tended to by various advisory groups which are designated toward the start of the school year. These boards of trustees comprise of instructors as indicated by their capacities and ability. They embrace to address and take care of issues that emerge during the school year, for example, understudy discipline by detailing a set of principles, savagery at school-avoidance and treatment, advancement exercises for inspiration in getting the hang of, learning challenges and workarounds (Kaily P. E849 Web Activity 1, 2 November 2010). Moreover, Palli C. (2010) there is a mutual initiativ e and an aggregate awareness of other's expectations among the staff at her school. Toward the start of the school year there was a designation of jobs and duties. Likewise the educators had the chance to choose the boards they needed to be individuals as per their inclinations (Palli C. E849 Web Activity 1, 3 November 2010). The best part of the Collegial Model is the way that objectives have just been concurred, coming about to the opportunities for the member staff to focus and to accomplish the objectives set. Everybodys aspirations, skill and abilities are thought about and utilized in a manner that advances the government assistance of the school unit. As Bennett has contended, information is a significant force asset. Sharing information in a cooperative manner requires a high level of common trust and agreement (Study Guide p. 37). Formal Model of Management Investigating Bush (1995) the conventional models of the board affirm that destinations are set at the institutional level. Objectives are dictated by ranking staff and the help of different educators is underestimated. Along these lines, the exercises of schools are assessed in the light of these official purposes. Besides, the authoritative structure is viewed as target reality. People hold characterized positions in the association and working connections are thought to be unequivocally impacted by these official positions. Formal models treat structures as progressive with dynamic as a top-down procedure (Study Guide p. 32). As opposed to collegiality, the attributes ofâ the formal administration modelsâ according to Bush (2003) heads haveâ authority in view of their positionsâ and areâ accountableâ for what they never really support they use anyâ rationalâ way to accomplish goalsâ‚ ¬Ã¢ ¦Ã¢ fits a great deal to the Cypriot Educational System. Not exclusively do government funded schools yet in addition private ones have obligation decrease the executives projects and everything must be incorporated and economies of scale must be made. One is asked to every year report ahead of time what number of understudies are enrolled for the accompanying scholarly year that the quantity of educators is diminished to the base to spare assets. In administration, productivity, discipline, control, reliabilityâ is progressively significant (Weber 1989, p.312). Advancement is based on seniority (Bush 2003) progressively like a normal formal bureaucratic Cypriot school. Notwithstanding, after a long holding up at the age of 40-55 one at last leave from the low-paying Cypriot non-public school and is utilized by a profoundly profiting Cypriot state funded school. At the point when he/she gets utilized at state funded school, will just discover only a couple of days before the school year begins, uncovering administration which is neither effective nor dependable. Section 2 As indicated by Bush and Derek (2003) authority might be comprehended as impact yet this idea is nonpartisan in that it doesn't clarify or suggest what objectives or activities ought to be looked for through this procedure. Notwithstanding, certain elective builds of authority center around the requirement for initiative to be grounded in firm close to home and expert qualities (Bush and Derek, 2003, p.4). Wasserberg (1999) likewise asserts that the essential job of any pioneer is the unification of individuals around key qualities (Wasserberg, 1999, p.158). Moreover, as per Gross (1985) values are produced remotely to the individual as opposed to being interior, individual manifestations. Anyway people assume critical job in setting up specific qualities with conditions in which they live and work (Study Guide, p. 47). Bramble (1998; 2003) additionally interfaces initiative to qualities or reason while the executives identifies with usage or specialized issues (Bush, 1998, 2003, p.4 ) Collegial model is interpinned by integrative and persuading values. Integrative qualities are those that serve to bring people into collectivity and inspiring qualities are those that shape individual and aggregate view of necessities and interests (Study Guide, p. 46). The ramifications of these qualities for influential position in the instructive framework in Cyprus could defended since head educators ordinarily urge the staff to partake in any dynamic methodology. Along these lines concurs for specific qualities the schools. Along these lines genuine beliefs (educators, guardians understudies) are worthy by others, contrasts and contradictions are appeared in a majority rule structure. Moreover, coordinated effort is advanced by head educators. Each educator, parent, understudy has its own needs and interests. Head instructors attempt to help all individuals in close to home and expert challenges and offer courses with the end goal for everybody to have a job in the school. Addi tionally, head educators advance trust and certainty among all individuals, offer productive remarks and urge staff to take an interest in instructive classes and other instructive projects. The conventional authority model joins generally administrative and order esteems which look to control the conduct of people and gatherings. The equivalent chances and race relations enactment is established in many created nations. Such qualities are a significant piece of the approach procedure both broadly and inside associations. Regardless of whether we acknowledge or dismiss somebody elses esteem framework isn't equivalent to denying that it is a worth which shapes their activities (Study Guide p.46). This is one of the three various types of Grosss arranged qualities which impact various aspects of the school.â Although the service of Education and Culture guides schools on the best way to work, each school may build up its own standards and qualities as indicated by its specific needs and points. Under the direction of the Head Teacher certain qualities have been characterized for my schools culture like: Equal open doors for all kids as a declaration of key human rights, the advancement of understudies social abilities, equitable discourse in the event of contentions among the youngsters, the multi-dimensional improvement of childrens character, the significance of collaboration with the outside condition (guardians), and the act of different insights. All the above cultural qualities are verbalized inside the school serve to bring people into a custom. How my school is overseen advances joint effort and lessens struggle between staff. The head educator underpins the endeavors of his instructors and rouses them to share and produce the schools esteems. He assists instructors with adapting to the troubles experienced and advances regard, majority rules system, trustworthiness and trust. He urges educators to partake in instructive classes and gives equivalent chances to cooperation in dynamic attempting to follow popularity based qualities. People assume a vital job in building up specific qualities inside the situations where they live and work. Qualities are showed in the moves individuals make, including the things that they state and the language they use (Study Guide, 47).  According to Sergiovanni (2000), how we settle an issue identifies with the degree to which our dynamic is ruled by the estimations of our lif
Friday, August 21, 2020
Management Theory and Practice Modern Management
Question: Depict about the Management Theory and Practice for Modern Management. Answer: 1: Henry Fayol is considered as father of present day the executives. He set out the establishment on creating the executives as a particular and specific assemblage of information. He suggested that there were five chief reasons for the executives and fourteen standards. Underneath referenced are the six head targets of an administration: Arranging: This capacity of the board intends to chalk out future course of activities and deciding the most appropriate strategy to accomplish the ideal objectives. Arranging: This capacity expects to unite different accessible assets together and build up a relationship among them to accomplish the objective. Staffing: The fundamental reason for work is to serve the necessity of picking the correct individual for the correct activity. It incorporates labor arranging, preparing and advancement, execution evaluation and so forth. Coordinating: This capacity targets affecting, managing, directing and spurring the representatives to accomplish hierarchical objectives. Controlling: The capacity plans to check in the case of everything is falling in its during the time spent accomplishing hierarchical objective (OConnor 2015). Fayol likewise gave fourteen rules that are applied in todays business which are division work to expand efficiency, authority and obligation to make sentiment of belongingness, obey disciplines that oversee the association, solidarity of order stressed on the way that every worker ought to get orders from one prevalent, solidarity of heading clarified that all representatives should concentrate on same goal, subjection, compensation underlined on reasonable compensation to every representative, centralization of dynamic, scalar chain, request, value, perpetual quality of term of representatives, activities and Espirit the corps which targets advancing cooperation and manufacture agreement and solidarity inside the association (Peaucelle and Guthrie 2015). 4: Peter. F. Drucker is considered as the pioneer among different other contemporary administration masterminds. He had information in different zones as law, brain research, news coverage, humanism. For an amazing duration, Drucker formulated answers for different administrative issues. His help secured different parts of the executives. Following are the significant commitments made by Drucker the board capacities, nature of the executives, association structure, the executives by destinations, federalism, and authoritative changes. The executives by goals (MBO) is considered as one of the most fundamental commitments made by Drucker. The term the executives by destinations (MBO) was authored by Drucker in 1954. It alludes to the act of defining objectives for the workforce to guarantee representatives should realize what they should do at the working environment. In the expressions of Drucker, its preferably a way of thinking over an administration strategy (Drucker 2013). Following are the necessities of Management by Objectives (MBO): It causes the representatives to comprehend their obligations at work environment. Key outcome zones (KRAs) are characterized for the representatives dependent on their instructive capabilities and experience. It drives representatives towards fulfillment. It evades the likelihood of occupation jumble followed by undesirable disarrays. Restrictions of Management by Objectives (MBO): It doesn't accentuate on the realities, for example, existing working conditions and work culture in the association. It basically accentuates on the objectives and destinations of the association. It simply anticipates that its representatives should accomplish the pre-decided objective of the associations without considering the realities such work environment conditions. This procedure in some cases treats person as negligible machines (Turriago Thoene and Arjoon 2016). References Drucker, P., 2013.People and execution. Routledge. OConnor, E.S., 2015, October. Henri Fayol and the administrative perspective. InAnnales des Mines-Grer et comprendre(No. 3, pp. 93-95). FFE. Peaucelle, J.L. what's more, Guthrie, C., 2015. Henri Fayol. Turriago-Hoyos, A., Thoene, U. what's more, Arjoon, S., 2016. Information Workers and Virtues in Peter Druckers Management Theory.SAGE Open,6(1), p.2158244016639631.
Monday, July 6, 2020
LGBT Marriages And The Challenges Such Individuals Face - 825 Words
Looks At LGBT Marriages And The Challenges Such Individuals Face (Research Paper Sample) Content: LGBT MarriagesStudents NameInstitutional AffiliationLGBT MarriagesIntroductionThe rise of Lesbian, Gays, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) relationships has disrupted the traditional marriage institution. Same-sex marriages have altered the traditional legal architecture of the wedding, assumed the foundation of conventional gender norms. As such, the need to revisit earlier assumptions continues to grow as societies differ on the matter. There have been hot debates concerning the place and implications of same-sex marriages in the communities, where advocates are growing day by day. The marriage institution is fragile and hegemonic. The acknowledgment of LGBT marriages in some countries such as the United States has changed the legal definition of the family (DePrince, 2015). The legal recognition of same-sex marriages has led to a substantial growth of the couples, particularly in the United States. In this vein, the future of marriage remains unknown. This paper exa mines the rise of same-sex marriages and their impact on the traditional marriage institution.The history of the family union system is long. It has undergone through changes ranging from the same community and interracial marriage prohibitions to same-sex couples. The once prohibited and unacceptable aspects of marriage have become legit and socially acceptable (Dinno, 2014). The prevalence of same-sex marriages elicits a contested debate politically, religiously, socially, and economically. The institution of marriage has more characteristics than just a simple family with one man and one woman (Allen and Price, 2015). It advanced to include polygamous relationships, where individuals can have multiple spouses at the same time. Today, the most significant change involves same-sex marriages of gay and lesbian relationships (Dinno, 2014). The fundamental role of a traditional couple is to procreate. Same-sex marriages have brought in new dimensions in the institution. Man and wife s etting is the most culturally accepted arrangement that promotes the welfare of children. Same-sex marriages have revolutionized the traditional marriage system since none of the partners can legally claim the biological fatherhood or motherhood of their adopted children.A rich body of literature shows that same-sex marriages lack the approval of communities and most religions in many countries. For instance, Christians believe that LGBT couples contravene the original will of God (Dinno, 2014). Most societies acknowledge marriage as an institution that holds the survival and continuation of family lines through procreation. Gay and lesbian marriages lack this capability. Contrastingly, Farmer and Horowitz (2015) argue that marriage is evolutionary, and societies should welcome the changes. Further, DePrince (2015) holds that marriage depends on the formal commitment and responsibility of two or more people. Thus, society should allow people, either gay or lesbians who intend to com mit to each other, to freely do so.According to Dinno (2014), same-sex marriages have continually received substantial recognition such as legalization in various countries including the United States and Netherlands. Several countries have given in to the pressures of multiple lawsuits filed demanding for the approval of gay and lesbian marriages. Various countries including Americas six States and the District of Columbia, South Africa, and most of the E.U Nations have legally allowed same-sex marriages. Substantial evidence suggests that same-sex marriage laws allow for equal protection, economic, and social security rights. Allen and Price (2015) reveal that the argument whether marriage should submit to government institutions or religious organizations begun after the separation of church and the state.The future of marriage remains unpredictable in the wake of disruptive relationship behaviors including interracial marriages, same community marriages, and polygamy. These chan ges were once unacceptable in many settings. However, historical developments and the increasing prevalence of gay and lesbian relationships show that many societies, governments, and religions might eventually accept same-sex marriages (Farmer &...
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Privacy Why Do You Need Privacy Essay - 1122 Words
Up to date, social networking sites, such as Facebook, have more than 750 million active users, and these users contribute about of 30 billion pieces of shared information (blogs, web links, pictures, etc.) each month. This by no means indicates that social networking sites, similar to Facebook, are a private place. Every â€Å"log in to Facebook†you click to connect to other websites, every status update on your wall, with every Twitter post, or Foursquare check-in you allow others to view your life so why not a future employer or the school you go to? Mainstream society has started to fully embrace the digital age; therefore, several people, companies, schools; governments, etc. have come to allow their information to be viewed by whoever†¦show more content†¦Now living in this new digital age the best thing to do is learn how to live in a â€Å"world where the Internet records everything and forgets nothing†(Rosen 14). Using the Internet comes with a sen se of responsibility knowing the â€Å"do’s and don’ts†of online posting. Being aware of what you are posting, and what may be posted about you, calls no need for privacy on the Internet. Furthermore, an individual has to add themselves to the social networking site, not the other way around. Elliot Schrage, vice president of Facebook’s public privacy issued this statement when asked about privacy concerns, â€Å"Facebook is not at all sorry about the substance of the changes. No one is being forced to join Facebook, and no one who does join is being forced to list their interests.†While say people may feel that Schrage may have been unnecessarily blunt in his statement the fact still stands: no forcing you to join social networks, like Facebook; people are joining social networks on their own accord. In fact, the more people are â€Å"coming to understand the dangers of over-sharing†(Rosen 28). Your home address, social security number s, or things of that matter that are things you should not post online and now with how long the Internet has been around people know that – so what’s the problem? Online privacy was more of an issue when only a few number of people had personal computers, when there were not computers available at government buildings, schools, and libraries.Show MoreRelatedWill You Have An Enterprise Wide System?1153 Words  | 5 PagesWill you have an Enterprise-Wide System? Discuss the options and why you will or will not use each. (Hint: TPS, ERP, CRM, SCM) I will have a CRM enterprise wide. The reason for that is my company is all about managing customer information. We need to have a system in which we can maintain the customer contact information. Anytime a customer contacts us, we need to be able to keep the data in a common place so that any of my employees can respond to their questions. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Character Analysis Of Vicki-Tikki Tavi - 1727 Words
What motivates a person or character in text to undertake a mission. Rikki-Tikki-Tavi by Rudyard Kipling is a fictional narrative that demonstrates that characters in text undertake a mission because of multiple motivations. The narrative begins by introducing the reader to Rikki-Tikki-Tavi and the human family, as well as the initial conflict of Rikki-Tikki being washed away from his mongoose family and ends up being adopted by the human family. Soon thereafter, Rikki-Tikki encounters the story’s most important conflict, battling the snakes, and while engaging in his mission to kill the snakes, Rikki killed Karait the dusty brown snakeling, Rikki then engaged in battle with Nag and won, Rikki lastly slaughtered Nagaina. The resolution†¦show more content†¦An example of this from another text called David Copperfield by Charles Dickens is that when Steerforth shows protection and love for David that David quickly responds with loyalty and admiration which is like how Rikki Tikki responded to the family when they protected him. Yet another quote from the story that demonstrates that Rikki Tikki Tavi is motivated to destroy the snakes because he is giving love and protection back to the adoptive human family is when the text states, â€Å"They took him into the house, and a big man picked him up between his finger and thumb and said he was not dead but half choked. So they wrapped him in cotton wool, and warmed him over a little fire, and he opened his eyes and sneezed.†The 4 specific parts that show the family’s love are when they took him into the house, when the big mank held him, when they warmed him over a little fire, and when they wrapped him in cotton. When they took him into the house this shows love because only people with love in their heart will take a wild animal into their house, also when the Big man picked up Rikki this shows immense trust and love because he is willing to love and protect an animal that he h as just met, when the family wrap him in cotton and warm him over a little fire they show protection and love for Rikki because they have
Pepsi Rhetorical free essay sample
Often times we don’t really think about the things that we see and how they are presented to us. We tend to focus on what is being showed to us rather than how we feel about the certain objects. Many companies and manufacturers use advertisements that will focus on a certain age group and use pictures or facts that people of that age would be interested in. Along with focusing on a particular age group, companies and manufacturers also use rhetoric and Aristotle’s three appeals (logos, pathos, and ethos). One particular advertisement that shows great examples of rhetoric and Aristotle’s three appeals is the advertisement shown to the right. These are the parts of advertisement that we don’t think about when looking to buy something we necessarily weren’t interested in but was brought to our attention. This Pepsi ad is a rather interesting way the company chose to persuade an audience into buying their product. We will write a custom essay sample on Pepsi Rhetorical or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In this case Pepsi, the soft drink company, is focusing on rather young audience. As mentioned before, focusing on a specific age group or style of group is more effective in getting more customers for the product. In this case the ad has youthful people whom seem to be enjoying themselves while doing a variety of activities. On top of the pictures the words â€Å"LIVE FOR NOW†are displayed to persuade the targeted audience that they should live in the moment and enjoy their lives with a soft drink. This is where the first of Aristotle’s three appeals comes in. Ethos is the appeal to the credibility of the speaker or in this case, Pepsi. We would like to believe that Pepsi ads are credible on how people should live their lives but they aren’t. That’s the reason why they put pictures of other people having fun to make the ad more credible. Besides Nicki Minaj, we don’t know if the people displayed are random people or actors. This makes the intended audience believe that they could have happy and enjoyable lives if they drink Pepsi. I believe that the targeted audience for this advertisement is people in the age range of 15 to 30 year old. Of course younger and older people could be persuaded but in reality their biggest customers from this ad will be their targeted audience. The next of the three appeals that this advertisement touches on is pathos. Pathos is the way that manufacturers and companies use words or phrases that appeal to an audience’s emotions, values, or beliefs. In this ad example the words â€Å"LIVE FOR NOW†would be considered the pathos. This phrase helps by making people feel like they can only live in the moment and have fun by drinking Pepsi. Also everyone in the ad has smiles on their faces and they look good. This gives off a happy vibe that makes people want to purchase soft drinks even more. The last of Aristotle’s three appeals is logos. This appeal deals with reasoning. In this still ad there isn’t a strong showing of logos, besides the fact that everyone in the ad is having fun doing certain activities while supposedly drinking Pepsi. The Pepsi commercial I chose to analysis was made in 1984 featuring Michael Jackson (MJ). The commercial starts out by kids dancing, and drinking Pepsi, to the beat of MJ’s song â€Å"Billie Jean†. Eventually the kids tried to have a dance off against some teenagers but it never happens due to the fact that MJ interfered. After he showed up everyone started dancing together and MJ started to sing how the new generation of kids should drink Pepsi. In my opinion I feel that ethos in this commercial is quite similar to the still ad; the only difference is the targeted audience. I feel that the targeted audience for this commercial is younger since MJ is singing to a whole bunch of kids that aren’t in their teens. The pathos in this commercial was MJ’s singing. He remixed his Billie jean song to persuade the youth population in the 80’s to drink Pepsi. In his song he mentioned how the whole new generation was the best and how everyone should â€Å"feel†the Pepsi way. In other words he said that the kids should drink Pepsi to become the best generation. If you were to see the commercial you would soon realize that almost all people are dancing and enjoying themselves while drinking Pepsi. This is similar to the still add mentioned earlier. I feel like this is an advertisement strategy that is used in a variety of different commercials. Also in a coca cola study they concluded that kids are more easily influenced than adults (Zinkhan, LaTour, and LaTour 330). That’s the reason why in the 80’s they targeted such a young age group. What I also noticed is that there really isn’t much of the logo appeal in this commercial. They really don’t use any hard facts to support what they’re promoting. The people in the commercial don’t even represent logos because they would all be considered actors. In my opinion most advertisement made by Pepsi doesn’t contain Aristotle’s logo appeal but with or without the presence of logos, this advertisement has many appeals to it that would make it interesting and would make someone want to purchase Pepsi soft drinks. Pepsi now a day’s us a well known company that produces soft drinks. According to their mission statement they plan on being the premier consumer products company focused on convenient foods and beverages. They also strive for honesty, fairness and integrity (Our Mission and Values). I feel, from the shorten mission statement, that they have been able to accomplish everything they wanted to do. Even though they have been successful they plan on being the top producer in their business. In my opinion I feel like if they were to produce more advertisement containing more of Aristotle’s logo appeal there customer base should rise. Something inside of us makes us view things and analyze them to fall under certain categories that we find most interesting. Manufacturers and companies take it upon themselves to portray items in ways that they know will satisfy someone’s appeals. We subconsciously make decisions about the object being presented and if we like it, we choose to buy it. By doing this, we don’t realize that we are going off of the three appeals of logos, pathos, and ethos. Now we can think about these things before we pull out our wallet.
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
Innovative Emerging Technologies Leveraging Social Media
Introduction to the Readings There are many ways of how technologies can be used to improve the quality of a human life. People believe that the concept of technology should be associated with something new. However, the idea of the technological worth is as old as a human society because technology refers to a kind of craft and the discussions that take place around arts (Woods Woods, 2011).Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Innovative Emerging Technologies: Leveraging Social Media specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This paper aims at discussing the role of innovative and emerging technologies in modern society and the ways of how social media can be used in business, communication, and other activities. There are three main readings that can help to comprehend the development of the technological aspect and discuss social media as the means to find and exchange information. The work by Nambisan and Nam bisan (2008) introduces social media as a chance to involve customers in product design, development, and support. McAfee (2006) discusses the worth of Enterprise 2.0 as a good chance to promote collaboration among employees. The project developed by Bernoff and Li (2008) describes the sources with the help of which people can stay connected with each other, share information, promote communication, and use technologies to improve their business affairs. Social Media Technologies and Its Worth for Business The project by Nambisan and Nambisan (2008) examines the concept of a virtual customer environment (VCE) and the number of benefits of the possibility to engage ordinary people, who perform the roles of customers, in such activities as product development, design, support, marketing, etc. The VCE initiatives that can be interpreted as various social media technologies help companies learn better their customers and analyze their needs and expectations. There are many methods that can be used to gather information, share experience, and introduce new ideas. Regarding the current technological progress and the opportunities available to people via the Internet, it is not appropriate to consider online technologies as the only ways of exchanging information. Such organizations as Nokia, Nike, and Microsoft want to develop close relations with their customers using different technologies and gathering as much information as possible. The access to information helps customers perform new roles in the organizations and become the partners, who are ready to provide many other customers with product support services (Nambisan Nambisan, 2008). Customers may share several types of experiences using technologies. For example, they can be pragmatic and use the opportunities to learn better the properties of products and services. Technologies and the possibilities available to customers also help to develop hedonic experience when customers enjoy and get pleasure from everything they are involved in. Rating systems, knowledge centers, forums, and customer recognition programs are the best examples of how social media and the technological progress may be combined.Advertising Looking for critical writing on other technology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Benefits and Challenges of Platforms and Channels for Users People like to share information and use the Internet to find or deliver something. They promote tweeting and using Facebook or MySpace but fail to understand how many platforms and channels should be used to make such communication possible (Resmini Rosati, 2011). The article written by Andrew McAfee is the source that explains a variety of technologies and their rightness in regard to knowledge work that has to be performed by people, who have to collaborate with technologies regularly. Among the existing variety of sources for communication, exchange of information, and discus sions of thoughts, it is hard to understand if all of them are appropriate for people and their obligation to use and develop knowledge. McAfee (2006) offers to use Enterprise 2.0 technologies as an alternative for people to overcome the potential threats and help knowledge people benefit not only use technologies but make considerable contributions that promote development and survival. There is an evident fact that there are more users of technologies in comparison to their developers. People find it normal to use the already offered ideas and technological achievements to meet their personal and professional needs. However, they make themselves blind in front of innovative and emerging technologies. McAfee (2006) underlines the potential of Enterprise 2.0 â€Å"to usher in a new era by making both the practices of knowledge work and its outputs more visible†(p. 28). Still, the situation remains to be complicated because even if being confident in the importance of a new p rogram, McAfee is not sure if the changes are appropriate for ordinary users and if people are ready for any kind of change. The Power of Social Web for People The final article is developed by Bernoff and Li (2008) to discuss the peculiarities of blogs, social networks, and other means of communication and their impacts on people and their achievements. Barney (2011) proves the fact new information and communication technologies have been developed considerably during the last decade. Bernoff and Li introduce groundswell applications as a concept to be terrified about and fascinated with. On the one hand, people want to benefit with such application due to the possibility to consider the cultural, political, and personal aspects of communication. On the other hand, people do not want to have access to all sources of information and know a little about what they can do with all those possibilities. People have different attitudes to the technological gifts. Some of them like to writ e and develop blogs. Some people are interested in reading texts. Many people want to use social network sites, share the latest news, and exchange personal information. A number of people cannot resist the opportunity to watch video online. In other words, online technologies may provide people with a number of options, and people are free to choose what they prefer.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Innovative Emerging Technologies: Leveraging Social Media specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More However, it is necessary to comprehend that technologies may be used for not only entertainment or meeting their professional goals. It is important to contribute to the technological development. It is time for people to start thinking about their abilities and stop paying and using services only. The development of groundswell applications is the change to conduct research, promote marketing, develop sales, etc. C onclusion In general, the usage of social media and innovative technologies is a burning topic for discussions. People are able to introduce various opinions and attitudes to the role of technology in a human life. Still, there is one common idea that is supported by Bernoff and Li (2008), Nambisan and Nambisan (2008), McAfee (2006), and many other researchers: people have to know how to develop appropriate relations with technologies and use them to meet their professional and personal goals as well as contribute the technological development by means of personal ideas and skills. Customers, managers, employees, and ordinary users of social media should not be afraid of the abilities they get with technologies but learn how to enlarge their chances to succeed from a technological point of view. References Barney, D. (2011). Communication technology. Vancouver, BC: UBC Press. Bernoff, J. Li, C. (2008). Harnessing the power of the oh-so-social web. MIT Sloan Management Review, 49(3) , 36-42. McAfee, A.P. (2006). Enterprise 2.0: The dawn of emergent collaboration. MIT Sloan Management Review, 47(3), 21-28. Nambisan, S. Nambisan, P. (2008). How to profit from a better ‘virtual customer environment’. MIT Sloan Management Review, 49(3), 53-61. Resmini, A. Rosati, L. (2011). Pervasive information architecture: Designing cross-channel user experiences. Burlington, MA: Elsevier.Advertising Looking for critical writing on other technology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Woods, M. Woods, M.B. (2011). Ancient communication technology: From hieroglyphics to scrolls. Minneapolis, MN: Twenty-First Century Books. This critical writing on Innovative Emerging Technologies: Leveraging Social Media was written and submitted by user Aurora Scott to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Monday, March 16, 2020
Ceddo - A synergy of questions essays
Ceddo - A synergy of questions essays At first glance, the film Ceddo by Ousmane Sembene, seems to be simply put; a story of how the Muslim faith has forced an African villages hierarchical system out of order. There is a story behind the scenes however. The setup of the film is quick and to the point. There isnt much emphasis on the existing culture of this village before the Muslim movements began. The hierarchical system is set in place in the first few scenes just to create a sense of the culture already existing in the village. The film is a demonstration of the need for what will later be called the separation of church (religion) and state (politics). It shows how religion is capable of interfering with political rule. It also shows how they work against each other striving to be the supreme deciding factors for the village. The infiltration of the Muslim faith has broken down the honest, disciplined system of King and village people that seemed to carry through many generations of the village. The system still remains living through the elders of the village. In many works, elders seem to take on this wise, all-knowing role. In Ceddo, the elders of the ceddo, or people, also have had a great deal of input in how the village operates prior to the Muslim conversion. The elders speak of the old ways and how the King has become corrupt with the Muslim teachings. The elders accuse the King of being walked over by the Muslims and warn him of their bad intentions. The voice of the ceddo is carried through the one elder who speaks directly to the counsel in the opening scenes. He is the liaison and the expression of all ceddo. The elders are exemplary of the old ways and the determination of the ceddo for getting back to their root culture, which is surrounded in principles. Immediately in the beginning of the film, it is evident that one of those underlying principles is how everything that is spoken is honest. The words are all the ...
Saturday, February 29, 2020
The Relationship between Impulse Buying and Sensation Seeking Essay
The Relationship between Impulse Buying and Sensation Seeking - Essay Example The results revealed that the data from the Impulse Buying variable was normally distributed unlike that for the Sensation Seeking variable. The results furtherv showed that there was a weak positive correlation between sensation seeking and impulse buying, rs= .762, n = 30, p = > .05. The results hence failed to support the hypothesis. Sensation seeking is the â€Å"need for varied, novel, complex sensations and experiences, and the willingness to take physical and social risks for the sake of such experiences†(Zuckermann, 1979, p265). Sensation seekers are risk takers. Their main aim is to get and enjoy the gratification that comes immediately after a certain activity. Impulse buying is purchasing items without having planned to buy them (Rook, 1987). Impulse buying behaviour is closely related to sensation seeking. The need for unique experiences as well as the willingness to take risks so as to fulfil these experiences is some of the reasons for impulse buying (Youn and F aber, 2000 and Verplanken and Herabadi, 2001). This topic which focuses on impulse buying and sensation seeking behaviours has been chosen due to the similarities in the two behaviours. Sensation seeking normally leads to impulse buying, a behaviour that is widely characterised by sensation seeking tendencies (Reynolds, Ortengren Richards, 2006). Sensation seeking has been described as the pursuit of the novel and/or intense and complex sensations. According to Rook (1987), there are many things that sensation seekers do that are not risky. There are those sensation seekers whose main aim is to experience the thrill ad adventure that comes with participating in a certain high-risk activity (Arnett, 1994). There are other people who prepare budgets, but they nevertheless end up buying thing that they had not planned to buy. Then is also a category of people who just buy anything they think will delight them (Zuckerman, 2007). They do not have to make any kind of budget because they d o not mind buying out of the blues. In many cases of impulse buying, an individual normally experiences a persistently powerful urge to purchase the product immediately without putting much thought into the consequences of buying the product (Rook, 1987). Some researchers have found that people who have high sensation seeking tendencies are likely to have high risk tendencies in their financial lives. Impulse buying is a relatively high risk tendency (Horvath and Zuckerman, 1993). According to Reynolds, Ortengren and Richards (2006), individuals who show signs of maladaptive shopping behaviours are more likely to suffer from distress and financial constraints. Most of these individuals are women. Such people are likely to experience some form of anxiety or relief before they make their purchases. This shows that there could be some relation between impulse buying and sensation seeking. For instance, when individuals feel anxiety and the need to cool down the anxious attacks, then th is could said to be sensation seeking. Impulse buyers live for excitement (Zuckerman and Neeb, 1979). Impulse buying is a rather exciting undertaking that sensation seekers normally find to be satisfactory. They think only of the immediate gratification, not of what may come after. An impulsive sensation seeker normally lacks the ability to process information cognitively when the need arises (Zuckerman, 2007). The need to satisfy a certain sensation is more important to
Wednesday, February 12, 2020
SWOT Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
SWOT - Assignment Example 23). The current situation indicates brand visibility, loyalty, preference and pricing as the main factors that influence choice of the organization. Brand strength is vital in improving the competitive advantage and in turn offset the increasing competition. The approach by the company in the last five years has been the milestone in the establishment of a global brand (Crane & Matten, 2007, p. 102). Despite the positives, the company has several key weaknesses that could lead to serious problem in case of the increase global financial crisis. The company relies heavily on overseas markets which may be affected by the increasing financial crisis and recess. The major opportunity existing in the Asian market is low penetration and improved income levels leading to continuous jumps in the demand for services. This is an opportunity that can be grasped to increase profitability. Additionally, manufacturing units in Europe have huge capacities in line with their vast domestic automobile output. Cross-cultural disharmony is created through the integration of different cultures. The occurrence of disharmony creates a challenge for the corporation and may result in serious problems if not properly solved. Additionally, the rising commodity price is a major threat for the company because it increases the production cost. Holiday packages are developed by tour operators and consist of transport and accommodation that are advertised and sold out as a single item. It may include other services such as car renting. This idea was begun by Thomas Cook in the 19th century. The idea has been used in the tourism sector for several years and is still being used in the promotion of services (Hollensen, 2007, p. 63). Holiday packages should not lead to losses in a business profits. Family packages are rare but provide opportunity for business. The
Friday, January 31, 2020
Evaluation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Evaluation - Essay Example In order to fathom the restaurant’s attributes, an insightful evaluation of the atmosphere, service offered, food and bar is necessary. As one approaches the Olive Garden Restaurant in Grand Forks, North Dakota, the architectural design of the building heralds a traditional Tuscan inspired farmhouse. The sight itself presents an aura of the traditional home that preconditions your mind to what lies within the walls. The articulately manicured lawns and the landscape design present a picturesque environment that is truly magnificent. I am truly impressed with the serene environment and the welcoming aura so far. However, the meticulousness in the landscape may scare one into thinking that the restaurant is exclusive to the rich in society. As one enters the waiting lounge, the lobby is complete with comfortable seats for waiting guests. Furthermore, the wall decor is filled with bright colors that portray the ambience of an Italian market. The familiar and delectable aroma of I talian dishes is ubiquitously present in the air. The ambience in the dining area is accentuated by the presence of a fireplace and dining booths with arched entrances. Furthermore, the dining area is decorated with flowers in strategically located flower vases. Certainly, the atmosphere set so far appeals to the senses and makes any guest feel at home. The quality of service exhibits itself when a waiter soon approaches me and warmly welcomes me to the restaurant. The waiters are smartly dressed in black trousers and white shirts. Moreover, the aprons are uniquely magnificent due to the golden color. All the waiters are engaged in an orderly rush serving the guests who are dotted in almost all the tables. Clearly, they are efficient in their service as they seek to attend to all the guests as soon as they arrive. The restaurant is full of guests in almost every table. The crowd puts off the homely feeling of the restaurant and brings one to the realization that it is a business joi nt favored by many customers. From the adverts posted in the restaurant’s website, the information states that the waiters and chefs are sent to the culinary Institute of Tuscany in Italy. The purpose is to enable them to get better insight into the Italian culture of cooking and winery. I set out to establish if the fact holds any water. Consequently, as the waiter patiently waits for me to place my order, I decide to ask him the best Italian appetizer for lunch. The waiter does not fail in his mastery of the Italian cuisine and recommends that I start with choice appetizers or antipasti such as Bruschetta, Caprese flatbread, the Grilled chicken flatbread or the Lasagna fritta (Olive Garden). I opt to order the grilled chicken flatbread for a start. The silverware set up in my dining table has been meticulously arranged complete with cutlery, plates and napkins. Five minutes later, the waiter returns withan appetizer dish of grilled chicken flatbread that neatly served on ex quisite plates. As the waiter leaves me with the appetizing dish, my personal views on his services so far is hospitable, patient, time conscious, neat and knowledgeable. The grilled chicken flatbread is an Italian appetizer made with ingredients of chicken, basil, roasted chili peppers, garlic spread and alfredo. The meal is warm, and the aroma emanating from the meal is enough to whet anyone’s appetite. After having a slice of the flatbread, I am not quite impressed by it.
Thursday, January 23, 2020
Essay --
Caste systems are a necessity in any world, and without hierarchies there would be no order and control. One can say that this hierarchy is usually accompanied by some form of oppression, because with one person having a higher level of power, such as in the government vs. the people, there is always tyranny. In order for any society to run smoothly, there has to be domination, which is typically from the government. The basic idea of caste systems throughout the world is to divide human species into different groups based on physical or behavioral differences. The caste system originated in India and is about a â€Å"hierarchical socioeconomic organization of society that evolved around India's ancient civilizations†, and later spread around the world, â€Å"a new way of life brought with it a need for governance and order, defense and conquest, learning and trade, laborers and artisans. Roles began to be defined and people were classified according to their function, occupation and economic place in society.†(â€Å"Caste System in India.†Anand & Kulbir, 2009.) The Hindu system divided their people into different castes, which showed their levels of dominance as well as inequality. †¨ Much like the caste systems in India, George Orwell's’ 1984 and Aldous Huxley's Brave New World both portray human worthiness based on caste systems, a system which only benefit s the higher authorities within their communities. The totalitarian control in both Brave New World and 1984 can be seen through an oppressive government which controls and strips their people of rights to freedom and prosperity. In brave new World oppression is seen through the use of soma, a drug given to the people to help them cope with life and the societal restrictions, the depr... ...(for "father" was not so much obscene as–with its connotation of something at one remove from the loathsomeness and moral obliquity of child-bearing–merely gross, a scatological [since it rarely occurred] rather than a pornographic impropriety); the comically smutty word relieved what had become a quite intolerable tension†(Orwell.151) The word ‘Father’ clearly had a huge affect on the witnesses because it was almost foreign in their everyday language. Overall some individuality must be suppressed in order to insure stability and ‘happiness’ in a society. Caste systems are also set up too provide organization and hierarchies, and when these two aspects of a community are practiced oppression is nearly inevitable. Brave New World, and 1984 both support the idea that the less fortunate are left to defend themselves in a world where meritocracy is strongly executed.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
External Environment Analysis Kraft Foods Essay
In the every changing and expanding food industry it is imperative organizations conduct strategic marketing to remain on top of their industry and make better plans for their future. Strategic marketing drives organizations to their peak of success and draws customer loyalty. The Porter Five Analysis and PEST analysis are two of the tools utilized by strategist to enhance organizational success. The Porter Five model examines the internal workings of the organization as well as the industry letting organizations know about potential threats. The PEST analysis on the other hand examines the macro-environment, looking at potential political and social threats to industry. The utilization of these two models together will better equip organizations to face ever changing industries and see potential threats. Below the author will discuss the different aspect of each model as well as provide useful web links to gather additional information. Porter Five Forces Analysis The Porter Five Analysis was developed by Michael Porter as a tool utilized by organizations to help identify the structure and competitiveness within an industry (Porter, 2008). It encompasses five different forces that shape the industry; threat of new entrants, threat of substitute products, bargaining power of buyers, bargaining power of suppliers and rivalry among existing competitors (Porter). The ability to analyze and understand trends and threats within an industry is critical for â€Å"effective strategic planning†that will render organizational success (Porter). Below is an analysis of Kraft Foods utilizing the Porter Five analysis model. Buyer Power With so many different varieties of brands available to consumers it is essential that organizations research consumer needs and demands in order to remain successful. As competition increases within the industry, organizations must â€Å"create new products that adapt to the changing lifestyles and preferences of consumers, which have shifted to a focus on health and wellness†(Hathaway, Mrak-Blumberg, Wexler-Beron, 2006). Consumers have no loyalty or obligation to stay with one brand and will easily switch as prices and nutritional labels fit their needs. Conducting analysis of competitor’s financial statements will also help paint a picture of consumer trends helping organizations to adjust their products. Below are several websites that provide different information on the power that consumers hold. 1. This website discusses some very important facts relating to the immense power that consumers possess in the food industry and how the demand for healthy food is increasing the price of raw materials resulting in organizations absorbing the overhead costs to keep prices low. It also provides some information of Kraft Foods biggest competitors. Analysis of competitors can help strategists determine future marketing strategies and how to establish brand loyalty. Monitoring competition allows for change and adaptability permitting one to stay on top of their industry by tailoring products to consumer needs/demands. 2. This website provides information that describes the growing demands of consumers and the growth of the healthy food craze. This website really demonstrates the power that consumers hold in the food industry. Consumers are mandating healthy food choices with no GMO labeling. This has caused organizations to generate new products that are healthy and cater to consumer needs if they are to stay successful. Analyzing consumer trends is extremely important as it will allow a business to better tailor their food products and draw in new consumers and maintain loyalty of old consumers. Supplier Power Although there are only ten major suppliers for Kraft Foods they have extreme power over the food industry. Walmart is one of Kraft Foods largest clients with the most revenue generated and with so many competitors on the market Kraft Foods must absorb the additional costs of producing cheap food in order to stay competitive. An individual supplier must â€Å"offer something special to stand out from the crowd, such as a lower price, faster delivery time, more flexible credit terms, higher product quality or volume discounts†(Sullivan, n.d.) 1. This article provides a thorough discussion and different view point on supplier power and monopoly in the food industry. It provides a discussion on how big organizations, such as Wal-Mart, exert their power over their suppliers. Different suppliers have monopolies at supermarkets and can pay for primary shelf space and promote their brands. This leads to smaller suppliers struggling in an industry dominated by large supply compani es and large retailers. 2. Pratt provides a good discussion on how to analyze the bargaining power of suppliers. Understanding the questions he poses will enable an organization to potentially avoid competition and build quality relationships with suppliers thus enhancing chances of industry success. 3. This informative website provides a list of the Kraft Foods suppliers. Determining the number of suppliers in an industry can help strategist determine the bargaining power of the suppliers. In hard times suppliers can ration their products causing organizations to spend more money upfront and lose revenues. When an organization is able to differentiate their product from competitors it is easier for them to bargain with suppliers for fair pricing. Threats of Entrants When an industry is booming the threat of new entrants is high as everyone wants to make profits. The threat of new organizations creates competition among an industry and influences their ability to maintain profits (Wilkinson, 2013). Firms in this industry preserve market share through brand loyalty, diversification and the barriers placed within the industry to enter the market (Porter, 2008). It is therefore imperative that these brands maintain quality at a competitive price and drive off new competition. 1. The following website points out the current economy/industry sales for Kraft Foods and their top competitors. This is a good website as it will paint a picture for future companies as to the market capital, net income, dividends, operating margin and growth revenue. All of which are great indicators as to expenses and revenue generated and allows them to determining if starting a business in this industry is worth the overhead, time and effort. It can also help determine how different products by different companies are comparing to each other. ®ion=usa&culture=en-US 2. This web page provides a table with Kraft Foods top competitors broken down by categories allowing easy access to different aspects of the business. This also allows potential companies to determine which industry they would have the most impact in to succeed. Additionally it provides revenue, income and market share. 3. NASDAQ is a great reference for organizations looking at trends in the food industry as it provides information on the financial, size and growth trends as well as market cap. This information is essential to determine if an organization can compete in certain industries. 4. This informative document discusses current economic indicators and the growth of the food industry over the last 10 years. It talks about nature of the industry, market overview, demand and annual food spending at home. Additionally it provides a discussion on the issues affecting the industry. This resource will help paint a vivid picture of the economy of the industry and help determine if a new product will succeed. Threat of Substitutes The growing health trends have led many companies to adapt and change products to fit consumer demands. With a variety of brands available it is imperative organizations cater to consumers in order to avoid losing their loyalty to another company. â€Å"Consumers in the industry have minimal switching costs and there is never the guarantee of brand loyalty†(Hathaway, Mrak-Blumberg, Wexler-Beron, 2006). In order to keep loyal consumers organizations in this industry must offer new and innovative products. 1. This document provides valuable information on consumer trends, healthy eating, industry dynamic, emerging products, and success factors. This valuable information helps organizations determine current trends and how they can adapt to remain successful and ahead of their competition within the industry. 2. This is a very informative website that discusses current trends in the food industry while stating growth percentages specifically relating to the healthy snacking options. This is a good site to gain a better understanding and insight to healthy alternatives that competitors may be producing as well as market trends 3. Organic Trade Association website provides information on industry statistics and projected growth trends which is can assist organizations in determining their future products based on consumer trends. Rivalry Among Existing Competitors In every industry there is rivalry amongst organizations to win over consumers. This can generate new and innovative products, intense sales promotions and pricing wars (Porter, 2008). On the outside this activities may appear to be beneficial but in reality it can lead to increased costs and decreased profits for organizations (Porter). 1. CSI Market online provides a nice graph detailing growth rates of the major competitors in the food industry. This is an extremely useful tool to help determine where you stand financially next to your competition. Utilizing this information may assist in determining if a new product should be launched and if new marketing tactics are needed. 2. If an organization is to remain successful and on top of their organization they must produce numerous products that cater to consumer demands, i.e healthy food choices. This innovative thinking keeps consumers coming back to the same brands and generates loyalty. -best-at-inspiring-bra.aspx PEST Analysis PEST analysis tool was developed by Francis Aguilar to help organization see the macro-environment of their business environment in order to make changes and maximize financial success (Mind Tools, n.d.). The ability to adapt and change business tactics to meet consumer demands can create new and improved products enhancing brand loyalty (Mind Tools). The PEST analysis focuses on political, economic, socio-cultural, and technological changes in the industry, helping organizations to determine different opportunities (Mind Tools). Political 1. This website provides information on regulations of the food industry, agricultural industry and federal regulations. Understanding the political implications and regulations of the food industry will assist with licensing and production of food products. It is imperative to know and understand these regulations in order to become and remain a successful and well respected brand. 2. Harris provides a great article discussing government regulations for the food industry, to include agencies and their regulation methods. Knowing the correct process and FDA regulations will help bolster an organization while gain respect and trust from consumers. 3. With the growing health trends the FDA has started enforcing stricter food labeling. This labeling ensures â€Å"stringent guidelines to maintain the integrity of the food label†(Philipson, 2005). Additionally this provides accurate information to consumers and allows them to make healthy educated decisions regarding the food they consume. Economic 1. Yahoo Finance provides data on the economic conditions of the food industry as well as a forecast of the growth prospects. This information is valuable to organizations as it can assist in determining present and future growth trends, revenues and specific growth regions. 2. The FDA addresses the need for government involvement in food safety in order to strengthen consumer confidence thus enhancing food industry growth. It is also a tool that can be utilized to determine how globalization is affecting the economic environment (Mind Tools, n.d.). 3. Organic Trade Association provides a website with information on the economy of the growing organic food trend. The needs and demands of the consumers for healthier food options has driven many food industry organizations to reexamine their line of products and begin producing healthier food options. The demands of the consumers must be met in order for an organization to succeed. It is also important to consider the economic impact these changes can have on our environment and make sure we leave a positive footprint. Social 1. Over the last several years the food industry has had to adapt to the growing health conscious population and produce more healthy food alternatives. Understanding FDA regulations of labeling and marking and serving sizes on products will gain consumers trust that the products they are consumer are in line with a healthy life style. The social taboo of mislabeled or healthy food could potentially damage an organization. 2. Yahoo Finance provides an article discussing the importance of meeting the demands of the consumers in order to generate profits. Consumers are not only looking for healthy alternative in the grocery store but in restaurants too. There is an increased demand for nutritious organic fresh food in restaurants. Organizations must weigh the benefits between producing fresh products and providing affordable foods. 2935034.html Technological 1. Emerson discusses the evolution of technology in the food industry and how is has helped organizations to produce healthier and fresher food. Utilization of technology can allow organizations to produce large quantities and variety of products thus catering to a larger consumer population and decreasing organizational costs. 2. This website discusses the importance of evolving technology to running a successful business. Improved technology and software advances over the years have allowed for food industry organizations to make reordering of food and supplier easier and more convenient. These technologies can monitor refrigeration temperatures, energy usage helping to ensure the best food is available for the consumers. When consumers know that organizations go to extra measures to ensure product quality it generates brand loyalty and increased revenues. 3. Gould presents a very informative article regarding the importance of technology in the food industry. The use of technology assists with â€Å"decision making related to consumer insight, brand and product management and pricing†allowing organizations to maximize consumer needs and wants.  4. One new technology in the food industry is the utilization of biotechnology to increase efficiency of production and reduce environmental impact with increase production. This very informative slide show discusses the pros and cons of this innovative technology. In order to meet the growing health requirements by consumers it is beneficial for organizations to understand what technology their competitors are utilizing.  Conclusion If an organization is to succeed it is imperative a thorough analysis of the industry and environment is conducted. Utilization of the Porter Five Analysis will provide organizations with information on the internal and immediate threats to their organization. The PEST analysis on the other hand provides information on the marco-environment allowing organizations to focus on new opportunities for growth and success and see potential threats to the industry. Although both of these methods have different focuses, when utilized together a significant amount of information in generated that will guide an organization on the path to a successful and profitable future. References Hathaway, J., Mrak-Blumberg, E., Wexler-Beron, E. (2006, April 4). Strategic Report for TheKraft Foods Corporation. Pandora Group Out of the Box Consulting. Retrieved July 23,2014 from Mind Tools. (n.d.). PEST Analysis. Retrieved July 24, 2014 from Philipson, T. (2005). Government Perspective: Food Labeling 1,2,3. The American Journal ofClinical Nutrition, 82. Retrieved July 23, 2014 from Porter, M. (2008, January). The Five Competitive Forces that Shape Strategy. Harvard BusinessReview. Retrieved July 23, 2014 from Sullivan, D. (n.d.). Food Industry: The Bargaining Power of Suppliers. Chron Small Business.Retrieved July 24, 2014 from
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Every citizen can get involved in politics. - 800 Words
Every citizen can get involved in politics. People are needed to serve at the local, regional, and national level. Many people think that people can only get involved at a regional and national level since when one thinks of politics they think of the president, the House of Representatives, U.S. Governors etc. Politics are not only regional and nationally, politics are locally as well. It is not only adults who can become involved in politics; young citizens like teenagers can become involved in politics too! Good dedicated leaders are needed at all levels, local, regional and national. There are several ways that one as a young citizen can become involved in politics. Young citizens may be able to help at a local level, in helping†¦show more content†¦If a debate team is offered at school they should take advantage of it. This simple action will give the young citizen the opportunity to become involved in politics locally. Other ways a young citizen can become involved in politics is to attend school board meetings, as well as town or city hall meetings. At these meetings you will be able to find out about the needs and issues of the town, as well as the political happenings. The local newspaper gives one the opportunity to learn where and when all these meetings are held. An organization that is politically active is 4-H. This organization holds state wide meetings where members of their team get together to discuss the needs and issues of the organization. 4-H dedicates itself to many different things. The focus that I acknowledge in 4-H is the branch Youth Advocates for Health. This branch of 4-H dedicates itself to promote healthy life styles to children. To reach their goals this organization holds weekly meetings where the officers of the organization and the members attend. The team of officers is made up of the president, the vice president, the secretary and the treasurer. In these meetings the team discusses ways that they could use to promote healthy life styles to children. They also discuss ways that they can engage children in physical activities such as playing games, dancing etc. They meet every week inShow MoreRelatedEssay on The Role of Youth in Politics1291 Words  | 6 Pagespeople have always played a crucial role in politics. The famous writer Srirangam Srinivas wrote, â€Å"Our country is not in the hands of lazy and corrupted old politicians, this country is ours i.e. youth†. Young people between the ages 18 to 25 are the future of this country and its political system. The young people of America have a responsibility to be involved with politics and with their civic duties. The youth in America must be involved in politics to ensure that America stays a country of freedomRead MorePolitics in theUnited States834 Words  | 3 PagesPolitics are something that affects our lives forever. Since the United States in a democracy, we the people get a vote and a voice in politics. Therefore, it is important to be an educated voter. The time to start learning about and getting involved with politics is while you are young. The very first thing you should do when you turn 18 is register to vote, it is the fastest and easiest way to involve yourself in politics. If this isn’t quite enough of you are more interested in politics, thereRead MoreAnalysis Of Paul Loeb s Soul Of A Citizen1687 Words  | 7 Pages â€Å"A citizen is a political and moral agent who in fact has a shared sense of hope and responsibility to others and not just to him or herself†(Henry Giroux). A good citizen will not only wish for the better of themselves and their loved ones, but also of the entire world as well. A good citizen will stand up for what they consider important. As the quote by Giroux states, it is a responsibility to others as well, as the brave citizen is doing the entire community a favor as well. The analysis includedRead MoreThe Pluralist Theory of Democracy619 Words  | 3 Pagesdemocracy is made up of many groups, some of them are, labor unions, businesses, nonprofits, religions, and ethnic groups. The groups bargain between themselves alongside with government organizations. Every group has a different amount of power than the other but they the more powerful groups do not always get their way simply due to power. â€Å"To gain their goals, the group must bargain with each other . Within this bargaining process, the government, though it may have its own interests, acts essentiallyRead MoreDuties of American Citizenship: Theodore Roosevelt1684 Words  | 5 Pagescreating awareness among the American citizens on the roles and responsibilities they have towards their country. Politics has always been considered to belong to a certain category of people and therefore making many people not to want its active participation. It is in fact considered by many American citizens to be an evil that only those willing to compromise on their values can participate in. Roosevelt however insists on the fact that politics is part of every citizen and those who shun it are mereRead MoreHow Politics Affects Our Lives Directly Or Indirectly?1666 Words  | 7 PagesPolitics impacts our lives directly or indirectly, if people commit crimes, we call the police which is an arm of government, if there is a problem in the society people call on congress to pass bills, if th ere is a national issue the president most of the time addresses those issues and whenever someone needs to be charged in court, there is always a judge that will eventually handle that case [Ford]. These are all arms of government that is part of politics. Politics involves the legislativeRead MoreU.S. Voter Participation Essay1744 Words  | 7 PagesU.S. Voter Participation In a pluralist country such as America, there are numerous opinions over what societys goals should be, and the best method of achieving them. In theory, every American citizen has an equal say in the political affairs of this county. By participating in politics, people air their voices and thereby contribute to nation through representatives, hence the term representative democracy. It may seem to be beyond argument that political participation is a key objectiveRead MoreTo What Extent Does Democracy in the Uk Suffer from a Participation Crisis?1234 Words  | 5 PagesPolitics Essay To what extent does democracy in the UK suffer from a participation crisis? (25 marks) There are a lot of ways in which citizens can participate in politics in the UK without necessarily having to vote for example: joining a political party, boycotting, and even signing petitions and fund raising. However, there is an argument that there has been a participation crisis over the past years in the UK. A participation crisis is when less and less citizens take part in politicalRead MoreDemocracy949 Words  | 4 PagesDemocracy has been defined as a government structure which people are involved in decision making about it either directly or through by the representatives whom they have chosen by open vote. In a perfect sensing world ideal of perfect democracy could be described as all citizens are well informed in every topics of issues occurring around them such as human abuse, employment issue, foreign politics, and economy. Everyone can voice their opinion strongly on the issues and not disregard them becauseRead MoreEssay about Defining Politics947 Words  | 4 PagesDefining Politics Politics is the collective name given to many different systems, ideas and real world issues. It is impossible to define politics as any one thing in particular, but as a label for many different aspects of life encompassed into one. Politics is largely about decision making, Politicians dispute on a regular basis about pending decisions to be made. Decisions to
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