Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Privacy Why Do You Need Privacy Essay - 1122 Words
Up to date, social networking sites, such as Facebook, have more than 750 million active users, and these users contribute about of 30 billion pieces of shared information (blogs, web links, pictures, etc.) each month. This by no means indicates that social networking sites, similar to Facebook, are a private place. Every â€Å"log in to Facebook†you click to connect to other websites, every status update on your wall, with every Twitter post, or Foursquare check-in you allow others to view your life so why not a future employer or the school you go to? Mainstream society has started to fully embrace the digital age; therefore, several people, companies, schools; governments, etc. have come to allow their information to be viewed by whoever†¦show more content†¦Now living in this new digital age the best thing to do is learn how to live in a â€Å"world where the Internet records everything and forgets nothing†(Rosen 14). Using the Internet comes with a sen se of responsibility knowing the â€Å"do’s and don’ts†of online posting. Being aware of what you are posting, and what may be posted about you, calls no need for privacy on the Internet. Furthermore, an individual has to add themselves to the social networking site, not the other way around. Elliot Schrage, vice president of Facebook’s public privacy issued this statement when asked about privacy concerns, â€Å"Facebook is not at all sorry about the substance of the changes. No one is being forced to join Facebook, and no one who does join is being forced to list their interests.†While say people may feel that Schrage may have been unnecessarily blunt in his statement the fact still stands: no forcing you to join social networks, like Facebook; people are joining social networks on their own accord. In fact, the more people are â€Å"coming to understand the dangers of over-sharing†(Rosen 28). Your home address, social security number s, or things of that matter that are things you should not post online and now with how long the Internet has been around people know that – so what’s the problem? Online privacy was more of an issue when only a few number of people had personal computers, when there were not computers available at government buildings, schools, and libraries.Show MoreRelatedWill You Have An Enterprise Wide System?1153 Words  | 5 PagesWill you have an Enterprise-Wide System? Discuss the options and why you will or will not use each. (Hint: TPS, ERP, CRM, SCM) I will have a CRM enterprise wide. The reason for that is my company is all about managing customer information. We need to have a system in which we can maintain the customer contact information. Anytime a customer contacts us, we need to be able to keep the data in a common place so that any of my employees can respond to their questions. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Character Analysis Of Vicki-Tikki Tavi - 1727 Words
What motivates a person or character in text to undertake a mission. Rikki-Tikki-Tavi by Rudyard Kipling is a fictional narrative that demonstrates that characters in text undertake a mission because of multiple motivations. The narrative begins by introducing the reader to Rikki-Tikki-Tavi and the human family, as well as the initial conflict of Rikki-Tikki being washed away from his mongoose family and ends up being adopted by the human family. Soon thereafter, Rikki-Tikki encounters the story’s most important conflict, battling the snakes, and while engaging in his mission to kill the snakes, Rikki killed Karait the dusty brown snakeling, Rikki then engaged in battle with Nag and won, Rikki lastly slaughtered Nagaina. The resolution†¦show more content†¦An example of this from another text called David Copperfield by Charles Dickens is that when Steerforth shows protection and love for David that David quickly responds with loyalty and admiration which is like how Rikki Tikki responded to the family when they protected him. Yet another quote from the story that demonstrates that Rikki Tikki Tavi is motivated to destroy the snakes because he is giving love and protection back to the adoptive human family is when the text states, â€Å"They took him into the house, and a big man picked him up between his finger and thumb and said he was not dead but half choked. So they wrapped him in cotton wool, and warmed him over a little fire, and he opened his eyes and sneezed.†The 4 specific parts that show the family’s love are when they took him into the house, when the big mank held him, when they warmed him over a little fire, and when they wrapped him in cotton. When they took him into the house this shows love because only people with love in their heart will take a wild animal into their house, also when the Big man picked up Rikki this shows immense trust and love because he is willing to love and protect an animal that he h as just met, when the family wrap him in cotton and warm him over a little fire they show protection and love for Rikki because they have
Pepsi Rhetorical free essay sample
Often times we don’t really think about the things that we see and how they are presented to us. We tend to focus on what is being showed to us rather than how we feel about the certain objects. Many companies and manufacturers use advertisements that will focus on a certain age group and use pictures or facts that people of that age would be interested in. Along with focusing on a particular age group, companies and manufacturers also use rhetoric and Aristotle’s three appeals (logos, pathos, and ethos). One particular advertisement that shows great examples of rhetoric and Aristotle’s three appeals is the advertisement shown to the right. These are the parts of advertisement that we don’t think about when looking to buy something we necessarily weren’t interested in but was brought to our attention. This Pepsi ad is a rather interesting way the company chose to persuade an audience into buying their product. We will write a custom essay sample on Pepsi Rhetorical or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In this case Pepsi, the soft drink company, is focusing on rather young audience. As mentioned before, focusing on a specific age group or style of group is more effective in getting more customers for the product. In this case the ad has youthful people whom seem to be enjoying themselves while doing a variety of activities. On top of the pictures the words â€Å"LIVE FOR NOW†are displayed to persuade the targeted audience that they should live in the moment and enjoy their lives with a soft drink. This is where the first of Aristotle’s three appeals comes in. Ethos is the appeal to the credibility of the speaker or in this case, Pepsi. We would like to believe that Pepsi ads are credible on how people should live their lives but they aren’t. That’s the reason why they put pictures of other people having fun to make the ad more credible. Besides Nicki Minaj, we don’t know if the people displayed are random people or actors. This makes the intended audience believe that they could have happy and enjoyable lives if they drink Pepsi. I believe that the targeted audience for this advertisement is people in the age range of 15 to 30 year old. Of course younger and older people could be persuaded but in reality their biggest customers from this ad will be their targeted audience. The next of the three appeals that this advertisement touches on is pathos. Pathos is the way that manufacturers and companies use words or phrases that appeal to an audience’s emotions, values, or beliefs. In this ad example the words â€Å"LIVE FOR NOW†would be considered the pathos. This phrase helps by making people feel like they can only live in the moment and have fun by drinking Pepsi. Also everyone in the ad has smiles on their faces and they look good. This gives off a happy vibe that makes people want to purchase soft drinks even more. The last of Aristotle’s three appeals is logos. This appeal deals with reasoning. In this still ad there isn’t a strong showing of logos, besides the fact that everyone in the ad is having fun doing certain activities while supposedly drinking Pepsi. The Pepsi commercial I chose to analysis was made in 1984 featuring Michael Jackson (MJ). The commercial starts out by kids dancing, and drinking Pepsi, to the beat of MJ’s song â€Å"Billie Jean†. Eventually the kids tried to have a dance off against some teenagers but it never happens due to the fact that MJ interfered. After he showed up everyone started dancing together and MJ started to sing how the new generation of kids should drink Pepsi. In my opinion I feel that ethos in this commercial is quite similar to the still ad; the only difference is the targeted audience. I feel that the targeted audience for this commercial is younger since MJ is singing to a whole bunch of kids that aren’t in their teens. The pathos in this commercial was MJ’s singing. He remixed his Billie jean song to persuade the youth population in the 80’s to drink Pepsi. In his song he mentioned how the whole new generation was the best and how everyone should â€Å"feel†the Pepsi way. In other words he said that the kids should drink Pepsi to become the best generation. If you were to see the commercial you would soon realize that almost all people are dancing and enjoying themselves while drinking Pepsi. This is similar to the still add mentioned earlier. I feel like this is an advertisement strategy that is used in a variety of different commercials. Also in a coca cola study they concluded that kids are more easily influenced than adults (Zinkhan, LaTour, and LaTour 330). That’s the reason why in the 80’s they targeted such a young age group. What I also noticed is that there really isn’t much of the logo appeal in this commercial. They really don’t use any hard facts to support what they’re promoting. The people in the commercial don’t even represent logos because they would all be considered actors. In my opinion most advertisement made by Pepsi doesn’t contain Aristotle’s logo appeal but with or without the presence of logos, this advertisement has many appeals to it that would make it interesting and would make someone want to purchase Pepsi soft drinks. Pepsi now a day’s us a well known company that produces soft drinks. According to their mission statement they plan on being the premier consumer products company focused on convenient foods and beverages. They also strive for honesty, fairness and integrity (Our Mission and Values). I feel, from the shorten mission statement, that they have been able to accomplish everything they wanted to do. Even though they have been successful they plan on being the top producer in their business. In my opinion I feel like if they were to produce more advertisement containing more of Aristotle’s logo appeal there customer base should rise. Something inside of us makes us view things and analyze them to fall under certain categories that we find most interesting. Manufacturers and companies take it upon themselves to portray items in ways that they know will satisfy someone’s appeals. We subconsciously make decisions about the object being presented and if we like it, we choose to buy it. By doing this, we don’t realize that we are going off of the three appeals of logos, pathos, and ethos. Now we can think about these things before we pull out our wallet.
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